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Everything posted by woa2

  1. Friends I have been contacted by the BBC who need a Ford V8 vehicle for a regional programme in Kent in November. I got contacted as they ideally wanted a WOA2 car, but Kent is too far from my home and it's too dark that time of year to drive it. I could suggest a WOT2 truck as substitute. They need a vehicle and driver in British uniform. Filming is in the Chatham area. Petrol expenses and free food only, as it's a regional programme. If you have a WOT2 and are interested, please PM me and I will pass on the details. Robert Davey
  2. Clive I agree with Richard. In the 1970s I had Mk1 and Mk2 Escorts with 1300cc engines, and this carb looks the same.
  3. I am a member myself. They are primarily a Ford Pilot club, but cover all sidevalve V8 models. I am trying to start a Military side to the club, and there is already a Commercial interest as well. If you need names/addresses for the club, please PM me. Robert
  4. Jack I've got another Daughter and a Wife - I could try selling them first.
  5. Yes, I will be there. Look for a Green Ford Focus Estate. PLEASE stop and buy something - I've just got the bills in for my Daughter's Wedding in August!!!!!!!
  6. I went to an open day at REME at Arborfield in 1993 and I remember seeing some wooden vehicle models there, ready to be sent out. It included a very realistic full-size wooden model of an SA80.
  7. SP means Street Patrol. Unsure what the 7 refers to.
  8. "Are you sure this is the Official Limousine for the Commonwealth Games this year?"
  9. "Oi you, we drive on the other side of the road in this country, and go faster, I want to overtake."
  10. Can anyone advise me of a good reference book on the Italy campaign, especially the River Po battle in 1945 and the village of Tamara or Tamera (I seem to get 2 spellings from different sources). I am trying to find details for the relatives of a colleague of my Wife. The man I am trying to find details of was Herber Mitchell who was a British Army Soldier, but he was awarded the American Distinguished Service Cross in 1945. If anyone can direct me to a good reference source or help, please reply or send a PM. Many thanks.
  11. The REME find a flaw to European collaberation on Military Vehicles when the prototype was built in Millimetres instead of inches.
  12. I came upon these jokes while looking in some wartime dated magazines from Simonds Brewery. Fifty Nazi pilots knocked at the gates of heaven and sought admittance. St Peter waved them back. "I'm sorry" he said "but only six of you can come in" "But there are fifty of us!" the Nazis protested. "Maybe" replied St Peter "but Field-Marshal Goering's communique said that only six had been shot down!" Magazine dated October 1940 Moscow radio recently declared that the following story was being told among German prisoners of war. Hitler was inspecting the Eastern Front. "What" he asked a German Soldier "would be your last wish if a Russian bomb fell near you?" "I would wish" the soldier rejoined "that my beloved Fuhrer could be at my side" Magazine dated September 1942 Anybody else have any genuine wartime humour?
  13. Gentlemen Thank you all for your help, you are very knowledgeable. I will pass this information on to the man who gave me the photo. Robert Davey
  14. Yes, Capt Mainwaring wore a Canadian made BD with the rest of the platoon in British. The colour is slightly more green and the Buttons are a totally different design. Also, British BD had white calico label for size/manufacturer bit Canadian BD had this info just stamped on in ink.
  15. Have you tried the Nothe Fort in Weymouth? They sell repro ration books and ID packs in their shop.
  16. I have just received a Book catalogue from BUFO BOOKS who deal in second-hand military books. Item 215 in their 'Pinpoint' catalogue is the instructions for use with a Water tank truck and Water tank trailer dated 1939 price £7.50 plus carriage. It seems to cover cleaning and sterilizing mainly. You can contact them on 01794-517149 or email warbooks@bufobooks.demon.co.uk and their website is http://www.bufobooks.demon.co.uk Items seem to go quick, so I suggest you contact them soon if you are interested. I have no connection with them and just received their catalogue. Just thought you might be interested.
  17. I went to a Militaria show last Sunday and was given this photo. Can anyone identify the Motorcycles or location?
  18. Anyone remember Trigger's Broom on 'Only Fools and Horses'? He had been using it for 20 years with only 3 new heads and 2 new handles.
  19. My 2 Daughters grew up with my WOT2 truck. To them it was just 'Daddy's old truck', until they studied WW2 at school and the truck was seen as an Historic vehicle. They now very much enjoy the vehicles, and the eldest one is now old enough to drive one on the road and be included on the insurance.
  20. Water Jerrycans had WATER embossed on the sides, those for petrol didn't. The 2 gallon cans were completely plain for Water but painted White with a black stripe or Black with a White stripe - Those for petrol had 'Petroleum spirit' and a date on the top. Also, all 2 gallon cans are dated on the bottom.
  21. You've got the John Miller Band in a WW2 location? I can drive around Dorset in my Ford V8? I can watch WW2 Tanks drive around? Sounds like Heaven. Include me in.
  22. I don't know what they are, but they are NOT for the WS88. Any markings on the webbing?
  23. The Radio in the first picture is a British No 46 set.
  24. I managed to get a photo of Monty (the Dog) with Monty's Car at War & Peace this year.
  25. I was talking to an ex-Royal Artillery Sgt some years ago and he said that when in N Ireland, he carried 2 Browning hand guns so that he always could have his hand on one ready when searching a car at a road block.
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