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Everything posted by woa2

  1. woa2

    Petrol Price

    Monday 14th Dec 2009. My Shell petrol station is 106.9 I think they are waiting for the local Morrisons to lower their price before they do. Just a thought - How many Jerrycans do I have to fill to make the trip to Luton worthwhile??
  2. There was a classic car show in Reading that used to ask for a charity donation on entry. One year they asked for an £8 entry fee. The entry went from 1,000 cars to 76. Panic then set in and a letter was sent out saying there was no fee, but a donation would be appreciated. The show folded a couple of years after.
  3. I know that on WW2 British vehicles split rim nuts were Red (source is my 1941 and 1945 WOT2 manuals). Can't find a photo of an 'in service' vehicle in WW2 with white wheel nuts, only parade vehicles.
  4. How about one of these underage kids losing control and ending up under your Truck or Tank?
  5. Saturday 12th December 2009. Just been shopping to Asda in Reading and noticed that Petrol is now 103.9 a litre. Is this the start of a price war? Previous cheapest price locally was 106.9
  6. The reference number 6A/400 is an RAF part number. I suggest it's from a 2 engined aircraft - Wellington, perhaps? Or it could be an RAF boat?
  7. Today, Sunday 6th Dec, was the annual motorcycle Christmas Present run in Reading, Berks. As some went past me at a set of lights, I noticed a Wartime British motorcycle with 'chair' attached - looked about 1940 style. I couldn't tell what make the bike was. Anyone on here own it?
  8. A sad loss. I met him in 1984 during the D-Day tour, and he was very friendly, talking about his involvement in D-Day and Radios - he said most of them were lost or didn't work.
  9. Now then, you know the rules - the jokes must be MV related..... Got to be a joke about Land-Rovers somewhere, nothing derogatory as people like them.
  10. Just another bit of fun. What is the question you would like to ask the designer of your MV? Is there anything about your MV you don't understand the reason for and would love to ask the designer why it is so? To start, I would like to know why Ford put the distibutor on my Ford V8 in such an inaccessable place, just above the fan belt pulley. Cleaning/resetting the points is a major job on a V8.
  11. I used to take the view 'would this item give the MVT a bad image' as the magazine was read by people outside the MVT, before taking a decision. Having said that, I only had to leave out a few bits from a few reports in over 7 years.
  12. I was a little surprised by the 'rant' letter. When I was Editor of Windscreen, those letters and comments were "lost in the post" - I considered this my job as Editor, I was Editing. Contructive criticism is the only kind that is useful.
  13. Hang on a minute. The address is 10 Downing Street, the rep is in the USA (not called Bush, is he) and the email is badly written and mis-spelt. I think it's Mr. G Brown trying to raise funds.
  14. There is a very good book called 'Rolling Thunder' by Frank Lannamico which details the Thompson very well. I beleive the book is not available in the UK, only the USA. Also, if the Thompson is for British use, then you can use a standard Rifle sling, as it appears the guns supplied to the British didn't come with slings.
  15. I was watching 'Top Gear' this week, and noticed a C47 Dakota aircraft in the background of the track filming. Anyone know any details about it?
  16. Radio 4?? I was thought it was called the the Home Service.
  17. The Ford WOT2H does not have a Fuel Gauge. You use a dipstick to check the fuel level, part number WOT2-9280. If you need photos of a WOT2 dashboard, please PM me and I will do what I can.
  18. The British Army used the EE8B telephone, but called it the 'Telephone set R'.
  19. If you look at the T of the extinguisher handle, it should have the date stamped on. I don't think it is Military as it has a brass instruction plate - the Military ones I have found all have a transfer of instructions. DO NOT USE THE EXTINGUISHER as the fluid inside gives off a poisonous gas when put on a fire. Best to empty it.
  20. I am trying to make up some panels in my car, and they are made of Mill Board. The panels are the sound proofing under the dashboard. How do I get a good right angle bend in this stuff without it breaking? Anybody used Mill Board with any success?
  21. Anybody remember the 'Mineral Water' that was sold, I think by Coca-Cola, that was actually filtered tap water?? Can't remember what it was called.
  22. I heard a story some years ago that a Bank in London had a Bristol Olympus engine running the standby Generator for the Computer system. One day the engine exploded and they never found the Engineer who was working on it at the time. Anyone know if this is true?
  23. You all have too much time on your hands. Why aren't you all out there working on your MVs??
  24. It's what you get when a Media company make a Video, and not a MV Enthusiast.
  25. Just found the Instruction book. It's an 18kw Mobile Alternator model 30CP, manufactured by H.E.Nunn in Manchester. The book is not dated, so I have no indication of a manufactured date. Also, there are no Military references in the book, so I presume the alternator is Civilian, but it is suited for a WD towing hitch.
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