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Everything posted by woa2

  1. On Christmas Day in my house there will be my Wife, Mother-in-law, 2 Daughters and Grandaughter. Also my Son-in-law and Youngest daughter's boy-friend. That's 5 Females to 3 Males. I think I'm taking the Dog for a very long walk via the local pub.
  2. Snag with a sponge pudding is boiling for 40 minutes. Nice thought though.
  3. I am looking at cooking for around 6 people. Some good suggestions so far. Jack - how about publishing a Cook Book for people going to MV Shows?
  4. This question is for those who cook when at MV Shows. What do you cook for your Evening Meal? Meals should be quick to prepare and create the minimum of washing up. I am trying to get some ideas for cooking at War & Peace next year, and avoiding just having take-aways (also, buying Sausages from a Burger van parked next to the Toilets is a bit off-putting). OK, any cooking suggestions from anyone?
  5. This came about while reading about WW2 Japanese Tanks recently. Now the question is, are there any Japanese WW2 Softskin Vehicles in the UK? I don't ever remember seeing any at any shows I have been to. I know that the Tank Museum has WW2 Japanese Tanks, but Softskin looks rather extinct. Can anybody help?
  6. I know the DVLA at Theale as I went there to sort out a problem on my WOA2, and the building doesn't look big enough to have anywhere to put your Pig. Do they have an inspection area? Are they proposing to inspect it in the car park? I can't help with a transporter, but as I am only a mile from J11 on the M4 and therefore on your doorstep, I can offer to help move it.
  7. You want one of those rails that clothing shops use. They are a bit bigger and take LOTS more weight. Try asking in a shop that is closing down, to see what you can get. The rail you are using looks like an Argos product - definitely not for heavy uniforms.
  8. I went to an Auction in Reading yesterday (Sat 13th Nov) and there was a Murcury Army Bike there. The Auction was for vintage bicycle bits and vintage lamps. The Bike went for £100 and it needed cleaning up and new tyres.
  9. Thank you all for your very quick replies, I knew I could rely on you. It's good to know the tank is in good hands.
  10. I was looking through a 2005 book about the Seaside, and found a picture of a Centurion Tank at the Redoubt in Eastbourne, East Sussex. The tank has 8th Hussars markings and is called 'Cameronian'. Anyone know if it is still there? The book is 'The English Seaside' by Peter Williams, and contains some photos of pillboxes and other Militaria, as well as loads of just seaside views.
  11. Is that CMP Ford truck in original German wartime paint or has it been repainted?
  12. Poppy collecting tins are being stolen again. I just saw this on the BBC Website http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-11734814 I will make no comment, I will just stay silent for 2 minutes.
  13. I'm sure the Mud wasn't as bad as this at Beltring last year. or But the BBC Weather assured me that there would be no rain and therefore no mud at Beltring this year.
  14. Oh yes, I forgot about the 'Conservation Area' bit. I had a lot of problems back in 1984 with this in my previous house.
  15. I agree, go and have a calm word with the local council and see what you can do. My garage is technically a shed, as it is just inside the size for a shed and therefore didn't need planning permission. My shed is 24 feet by 11 feet. Talk to the council calmly and see what you can do without planning permission and they should help you. Be open and explain what you are doing and why, and what benefits you are bringing attending shows locally and what help you have given the local community - have you helped with fund raising for any charities such as the British Legion or Help for Heroes, for example. I found my local council very helpful when I was having problems with planning permission with a neighbour about 10 years ago. Once the officials had found out that had helped the local museum with a WW2 display the previous year (and yes, they did check my story), they were sympathetic. Good luck.
  16. I know where the Paradise collection is, as I have been there (it's about 3 miles from my house). If you would like me to go with you, please contact me. The collection is not open to the public normally, so you will have to contact John Mould and make an appointment. Try Moulds Recycling in Reading as a start point for an enquiry - I suggest phoning them.
  17. It's on BBC iplayer at the moment, until 15th Nov.
  18. When I was Editing 'Windscreen' I checked out a story in the Daily Telegraph about the discovery of an Armoured Jeep and quantities of Ammunition in Windsor. The story gave the CID man's name and I contacted him to check out the details. The truth was a few bullets were found in a pond (site was a US camp in 1944) and a local resident "thought" there was a jeep buried there, but nothing was found. Moral - Never let the truth get in the way of a good story
  19. I heard a story of a Glider that force landed in the Reading area during WW2. It was loaded with Parabikes, and before the Army could recover the Glider, all the Parabikes disappeared. The story was told to me by a man who was a child at the time, and No, he didn't get one of the bikes.
  20. It's also in 'Heraldry in War' by Lt.Col Howard Cole, published in 1946/7. The description was :- 80th DIVISION "This was a war-formed Division. Under command of Home Forces it was located in Western Command, and had a training and draft-finding role. The latter function was said to be the reason for the Divisional badge, a liner steaming across the high seas. The ship was red; the sea and smoke from the funnel in light blue; the whole design on a yellow background within a light blue border."
  21. I once changed a clutch in a Ford WOT2 and went by the 1945 manual to make sure I did it right. It wasn't until I came to lift the engine out that I discovered that they failed to mention I needed to remove a bracket in the cab as the engine hits it when being raised.
  22. At least it left the Mouse alone!!!
  23. Can anyone help me with a Print Spooler problem? It keeps saying it can't find the file, spoolsv.exe and I've tried looking myself, and I think a virus may have deleted it - I have updated my virus software now. Microsoft want money for calling them for help. Can anyone help by sending me a copy of the file? I am running XP Home edition, and No I don't have the disk as the PC came with XP already loaded. Please PM me and I will send you my email address. Please help as the Wife wants to print some pages and I am getting trouble about this. Many thanks Robert Davey
  24. Anyone know Brian Seth? I would like to contact him but I don't know a phone number or address. Can anyone help, please? I think he may be able to help me with a vehicle part I need. Many thanks.
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