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Everything posted by woa2

  1. I've seen this kind of thing before. The girl is in the 'Lead In' or 'Lead Out' where you also get the 10,9,8.... countdown. I think it was to check on the colour of the film in processing and is common on 16mm film. Not normally shown, as projectionists usually start the film after the 10,9,8.. countdown.
  2. woa2


    Just found a Garage selling Shell petrol at 122.9 a litre (5th Jan). It's on the north side of Junction 11 of the M4.
  3. Does anyone have a Digital Vernier Gauge for sale? It must be at least 300mm long, preferably 400mm. My Daughter wants one for a University Forensic course and its to measure peoples feet. Also, as she is a student, please keep prices low. Please PM me if you can help or suggest a possible supplier.
  4. Thank you very much for this advice. I have contacted the Petwood Hotel and booked up - got a good deal for 3 nights. Thanks again, you've solved my problem. Robert Davey
  5. woa2


    Cheapest petrol in Reading is 123.9 this morning (4th Jan).
  6. woa2


    ....and my local petrol station has replaced its free tyre pump with one you need 20p for.
  7. OK, here's mine 1. Get a job and pay off the Credit Card 2. Take Wife for a short Cunard Cruise 3. Finish the interior of my WOA2 4. Buy a winning lottery ticket 5. Have fun driving my WOA2 at as many shows as I can
  8. My lovely Lady, Sharon, at Beltring where she does most of the cooking for the week. She also makes Picnic lunches when we go to one-day shows and is now encouraging me to cut out paneling for my WOA2 car in the living room!! PS. We have just got back from Dallas Dig-out where she manned the stall in the cold and allowed me to walk around looking at the other stalls.
  9. Can anyone help with advice, please? I am booked on a Lancaster Taxi Run on 13th April (my 60th Birthday). I now need accomodation near East Kirkby from Monday afternoon 11th April to Thursday Morning 14th April. Can anyone suggest a Good and preferably Cheap accomodation close to the East Kirkby airfield? I need accomodation for 2 adults, myself and Wife, with Breakfast and somewhere to eat for Dinner. Anyone been to East Kirkby already and recommend anywhere? Many thanks. Robert Davey
  10. I have tried B&Q and got the same response. I wanted Green and it came out Brown!!!!!
  11. Just before Christmas I went for a 3 week Computer job locally, but didn't get short listed. Try again in the New Year. Anyone know a Company in the Reading area wanting someone who knows about Computer Housekeeping?
  12. I didn't get any Socks or Pants this year either. I did get the Haynes manual on the Military Jeep and 5 DVDs, one on the Lancaster.
  13. My Lancaster taxi trip is booked for April 13th. Are you going the same day?
  14. I'm getting a taxi ride in a Lancaster for my Birthday in April. Really looking forward to it.
  15. woa2

    Your fisrt MV?

    My first MV was an FFW Austin Champ. The engine went soon after I got it and I bought a new crated engine from Vass of Ampthill. Always had problems with the back axle and oil. I sold the Champ and later bought the Ford WOT2. I understand the Champ is now owned by an Englishman in France.
  16. That oil filter is identical to the one on my wartime British Ford vehicles, and the one in my WOT2 has the markings on it and it's in the original kharki finish. Sometime over Christmas I will photo it and you can see the decals. Also, anyone know where I can get a filter from? It's a Fram C30.
  17. Thanks for the advice, but I already tried this, hence my question about Windows7. I can't re-install XP as the PC came with it already loaded and I don't have a disc. As my PC is now about 5 or 6 years old, I think looking around in the January sales for a good deal might be my best way out as Mike65 has suggested. Many thanks to you all for your advice.
  18. I need some help with my PC. I have lost the Printer, and it looks like I had a Virus attack corrupting several files. It means if I try and re-install the printer, it can't be found, but the scan utility part of it works - the printer is one of those all-in-one printers. I have found that the Print Spooler is not running and nothing I do seems to fix this. Now the question is, I am running XP Home at present. If I upgrade to Windows 7 will this cure my printer problem and get the Print Spooler running again? Many thanks for any advice.
  19. Just been watching 'The Bridges at Toko-Ri' film. What are those Jeep based vehicles moving the Jets on the aircraft carrier? They look like a 1950 Jeep with smaller front wheels and just one wheel at the back. They were painted Yellow in the film. Anyone help with information?
  20. It is understood that Parking control is being enforced at the War & Peace show.
  21. Just thinking laterally, is it not Military but a Civilian Lord Leiutenants uniform? It's dated 1931 but doesn't have WW1 medal ribbons, suggesting whoevever had it was very elderly. Also, it's a Davy lamp after Sir Humphery Davy, the inventor.
  22. My Dad was at Middle Wallop in 1940. I wonder if he used the trailer? I can't ask him as he died in 1984.
  23. I've seen that photo on the front before. It is a well known faked photo taken by 'Chets Circus' in the desert. They were well known for staging photos during WW2 in the desert and the explosion is a hand grenade used for effect.
  24. My Daughter Emma works in A&E (Senior Staff Nurse). She says she will keep a look out for you and will try and not damage the ignition kit too much when she removes it from where it has been inserted.
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