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Everything posted by woa2

  1. Can anyone tell me if there still is a Barber's shop at 1 Governors Lane, Weymouth? I need a haircut for the Parade this weekend and I usually go to this place when I arrive as he is ex-Army and does a very good job. I want to call in on Friday on my way down, but I need to know if he is still there. Weymouth tourist centre weren't much help. If he's not there, can anyone recommend a good, old fashioned, Barber in Weymouth? Many thanks.
  2. I am 60 this year in April. I went to get my free Bus Pass only to be told that Gordon Brown changed the rules and I don't get one until May 2012. I get free prescriptions, though, and reduced admission to the Battle of Britain Flight at RAF Coningsby. My normal car is insured through Saga - good discounts for oldies.....
  3. You seem to have the same Dictionary as Jack.
  4. My Wife does that!!! Once she spent several minutes looking for her sunglasses before realising where they were. Also, why do Women keep Mobile Phones in handbags, where they can't hear them ring. I know this is true, from experience.
  5. I have just seen an item on the BBC Website stating that Guy Gibson's Dog, Nigger, is to be renamed 'Digger' in the film remake of the Dam Busters, as otherwise they cannot sell the film in America. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-13727908 The dog's grave at RAF Scampton still has the correct name.
  6. Are you sure it's BB-7215? Could it be BB-7213 as this is part of a WOT2 as well, and BB-7215 is a lever and BB-7213 is the ball.
  7. Ford BB is a pre-war truck. Some parts for my WOT2 have BB codes. For help try :- Belcher Engineering - 01379-898384 Philip Walford 01584-890430 or 01588-660606 Dave O'Neil 01530-563777 I STRONGLY advise you to join the Early Ford V8 club (contact Geoff Smith on 01296-381156) as they can give very useful help and advice.
  8. I know what you mean. A few years ago at W&P, when we had deep liquid mud, I saw women trying to push baby buggies while wearing high heeled sandals. Before anyone says anything, I have a Wife, Mother, Mother-in-Law, 2 Daughters and a Grandaughter. I still don't understand women, but I wouldn't be without them.
  9. I was helping to clear a shed last week and found quite a large solid Brass ring spanner with Whitworth sizes. Question - who uses Brass ring spanners?
  10. When they first came out, they used to be called Rats, because they were bigger than a mouse. Technology made them smaller.
  11. Yes, I have a spare. Phone me or PM me sometime. Oddly enough, I took my WOT2 out recently and it used 3 pints of oil in 150 miles. On mime I suspect an oil leak from the back of the engine, possibly by the petrol pump mounting.
  12. I learnt at an evening class at my local Tech College. A good investment.
  13. woa2

    Dettol advert

    Is the advert on 'Youtube'?
  14. I was just going to suggest there. There is a display area in the hanger, and they are very enthusiastic when RAF or Bomber Command is mentioned. I was very impressed on my visit in April.
  15. Keep me informed, PLEASE. Jack - will you be at Weymouth this year? I do not have a 'Mans Truck', but an 'Officers limousine'. That OK?
  16. As it's a map of where I live, I hope not!!!!! If it is, it makes the aiming point 'Boots the Chemist' in Broad Street - an attempt at Chemical Warfare??
  17. Mike I was going to ask if there was a map of Reading, and this is it!! However, the map must date about 1970 as it shows road works that were not constructed until then. Very interesting map, thanks. Robert Davey Reading, Berks.
  18. I used something called 'Bondaprimer'. It's good but still a bit porus for a matt paint finish after 15 years. The gloss paint barrier seems to fix things.
  19. By experience, I agree with the suggestion of Gloss first and then Matt on top. I painted my WOT2 in just matt finish, and the rust is starting to come through (I didn't know any better at the time). I painted my WOA2 in gloss black first before painting in matt and this has given a much better finish.
  20. I asked while I was there and the answer is Yes, it will be on TV, but they haven't sold the programme yet, so I don't know which channel or when it will be on. It might be a 'one-off' or it could be the start of a series. My guess is it could be sometime in the Autumn in the months before Christmas, but that is just a guess.
  21. Yes. It was 'Above & Beyond:The Craftsman'. I was there on Sunday with my WOT2.
  22. I once had a wartime 303 ammo box from a Bomber, and this was normal WD Kharki colour. I thought it was Army at first until I found out it's proper use.
  23. My vehicles have ID plates on them, and I would like to make some replacements. They are of 2 types :- 1. Aluminium with black printing, like civilian ID plates for chassis numbers. 2. Steel painted White with Black lettering and diagrams. Does anyone know how I can make some up (can I use T-Shirt printing paper on my PC??) or does anyone know anyone who can do repros? I have asked one supplier, but they didn't want to know about one-offs. Any help or advice is appreciated.
  24. Can you help with a replacement for a Champion 7 plug for a Ford V8? There was a Champion K17 suitable (now unavailable) and I beleive the NGK A6 will fit, but haven't tried it. Are there any other alternatives as I am getting problems getting Champion 7 plugs. Thanks for your help.
  25. I have a standard GS bicycle without the manufacturers plate (it's been removed), but it has 'Philips' marked where the pedals go. It's Gloss Green, so assume post-war, but it has the off-set carrier. Also, anyone know how to date a bicycle from its frame number? Also, anyone know where I can get a 'Philips' logo plate?
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