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Everything posted by woa2

  1. One essential that hasn't been mentioned yet, is a Mobile Phone with charger lead so that you can phone up the Wife to bring over all the bits you've forgotton.
  2. woa2


    Other things to do :- 1. In Weymouth, try the Rodwell Trail. You walk past the site of a 40mm Bofors gun. Pick up a leaflet at the Tourist centre at the Pavillion which gives details. 2. Nothe Fort. No vehicles, but worth a visit. Several WW2 exhibits. 3. Portland Museum. They have one of the prototype Bouncing Bombs there. 4. If you walk from Greenhill Gardens to the Pavillion in Weymouth, you walk the same route as the American Rangers who took Pont-Du-Hoc on D-Day, when they went to their Landing craft. Don't know which direction you will be travelling, but if you are near Andover/Salisbury, try stopping at the Museum of Army Flying at Middle Wallop. Food is good there, you see Aircraft flying and you can visit the museum. I tend to stop there for a cup of tea when passing as you don't have to visit the museum to go in the cafe.
  3. I saw him at a Book Signing event in Reading about 10 years ago. He was taking questions from the floor after his talk and was answering very obscure questions about WW1 and his knowledge and presentation were perfect. A very sad loss to Military History.
  4. Wife to cook food, make tea, do washing up..........
  5. I'm being dragged along to my Mother-in-Law's sheltered housing place by my Wife for a BBQ in the afternoon.
  6. If he's German, how about 'The Stug'. Then again, how about 'The Squaddie'?
  7. I have just found out that the Battle of Britain flypast is at 13:30 on Friday in London.
  8. Personal experience on a Ford V8 says that the grey head gaskets tend to 'glue' the head on and make is virtually impossible to remove. Copper gaskets at least allow you to dismantle the engine again.
  9. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't one of the King Tigers in Bovingdon the first King Tiger encountered and was sent back for evaluation from Normandy?
  10. Lots of information in a 1946 book called 'Ford at War' which was produced by Ford UK for distribution to Employees and Agents. It does crop up for sale sometimes - try ebay or Google it in second hand books. Production of Ford WOT2 was 56,616. WOT2 chassis made by GKN, bodies by Briggs. Ford don't have any records of their Wartime production. It's only enthusiasts who have anything, but Motor museum Beaulieu do have some info. Are you just interested in Dagenham production? Robert Davey
  11. Only advice I can give is DO NOT go to a Lucas dealer for help unless you have LOTS of money. This is from personal experience with a problem on my WOT2.
  12. I've just got back from Lincolnshire after having a Taxi Run in the Lancaster 'Just Jane' at East Kirkby. A fantastic experience!!!
  13. I have noticed that Civilian 2 gallon petrol cans are marked with a price, which is the deposit on the can. I have one marked 3/- and I have seen one marked 8/-. Does anyone know the exact date the price was increased? Also, are there other prices and when were these implemented?
  14. I remember reading about a German A7V tank being broken up for scrap in 1940 in this country, bit of a propaganda item as well as the scrap drive. Anyone help with details of this? I think it was in an 'Illustrated London News' but I can't be sure.
  15. How about some 'mock-up' or fake aircraft or tanks on the airfield to fool the Germans. Also, don't forget the Camouflage nets over the Genuine stores and vehicles.
  16. Last week I watched 'South Today' on BBC about an Air Raid shelter being restored near Bournemouth. Some Jeeps, GMCs and Motorcyces were there - anyone here own any of the vehicles?
  17. In a line-up of Red, blue and Black cars, a camouflaged one tends to stick out. Also, at that show, I am usually the only Military Vehicle there.
  18. See you at Woodley Shopping Centre on Good Friday 22nd April for the Classic Car show? Look for a large Camouflaged car.
  19. In an East London Hospital A&E recently, a Patient became violent and attacked a Doctor. The Nurse there dealt with the situation - she was an ex-South African Army soldier, as the Patient soon found out.
  20. There are actually 2 drifts, both do the same job. The one you mention is the older version, as in the workshop manual. Post war there was another that looked like a mushroom, but take care as there were 2 versions of the mushroom one - you want the bigger one for a V8, as the other is for the 8/10hp engine. They are not that rare and you should find one from Belcher Engineering or O'Neils parts.
  21. Welcome to the Forum. Where abouts in Berkshire are you? We must be local.
  22. As well as the normal Army Pickaxe, the Civilian Pickaxe was used by the Army in WW2. For Example, a Ford WOT2 will only accept a Civilian Pickaxe head in the holder. Also, I have also seen a photograph of a Paratroop in Germany in WW2 using a Civilian Pickaxe. Qurstion is, does anyone have any details about these Pickaxes and did they have any markings? Is the wooden shaft special in any way, or is it just a standard wooden shaft? I have a Pickaxe head with 'Parker' on it, which I bought from a Surplus sale about 40 years ago with several wartime dated Army pickaxe heads. Does anyone know about the company 'Parker'?
  23. I believe that a Skoda car jack is identical, and that is what the repros are. Can anyone help with this?
  24. Not really a tool, but my local ASDA is selling Redex half price at the moment. £4 down to £2 a bottle. They sell the one for Petrol Carbs as well as the ones for Petrol and Diesel injectors. Useful for our vehicles.
  25. I once talked with David Fletcher of the Tank Museum about this and he said that being a Juggler was a benefit as a driver.
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