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Everything posted by woa2

  1. OK. I agree it looks in very bad taste, but before we go any further, is the Jeep owner on this Forum or does anyone here know them so we can get their side of the story? Let's get all the facts before we jump to conclusions.
  2. Where's the photo? I can't see it on the BBC news site.
  3. I have a Grandaughter, Elizabeth, who is now 3 years old. These are some of her comments. 1. While staying at the War & Peace show this year. Me - "Lizzie, what is going past" Lizzie - "Oh, just a Tank" 2. When ordering a Pizza (She loves Fruit and Veg) Me - "What topping do you want on your Pizza" Lizzie - "Broccoli" 3. While visiting the Tank Museum, we picked up a sheet of Div signs and markings you have to find in the Museum. There was a 43rd Wessex sign to find (It's on a Universal Carrier). Wife - "Where is this Div sign Lizzie?" Lizzie - "On Grandads Car" Have any other HMVF members had similar comments from Children?
  4. I had to go to the DVLA office at Theale when I had problems with my WOA2 - the DVLA said it was taxed off-road but I knew nothing about this. They were very helpful and pleasant and quickly sorted it out.
  5. I have seen these sockets turn up at Autojumbles, such as Beaulieu Autojumble. Alternatively, how about Dallas Digout, as a suggestion.
  6. Similar point - my 1943 Ford WOT2H truck has holes in the fuel tank guards, which were for a spade bracket only used on 1940/1 model WOT2A vehicles.
  7. Bridge plates are the total weight of the vehicle plus total load in American tons (yes even for British Vehicles) rounded up to the nearest ton. The 3-2 weight would be the weight in tons (3) of a Jeep plus trailer plus load and the (2) is the weight of the Jeep plus load. The 3 would be above the 2 and all vehicles that normally towed a load, such as Field Artillery Tractor, would be thus marked. There was an official booklet issued to give the correct weight, but in practice it seems to be whatever the Officer said it should be. To give you some idea, a WOT2 is 4592 pounds plus 1680 pounds load, which is 6272 pounds total weight. In American tons this is 3 tons 272 pounds, which rounds up to 4 tons. Ford WOT2 trucks in WW2 had a Bridge plate of 3 or 5, according to original photos. This information is for Wartime vehicles. I don't know if this was changed post-war. Can anyone else help here?
  8. If it's any help, my WOT2 truck was fitted with a Bridge Plate by Ford before it left the factory in 1943. I have an IWM photo of a brand new WOT2 (same contract as mine) at Dagenham with a Bridge plate fitted. I also have photos of WOA2 cars and they all have bridge plates fitted. Please note that all the bridge plates are blank yellow and seemed to have had the number painted on by the unit it was issued to.
  9. I have spread the word around some Medal collectors I know. Hope something comes up.
  10. I have been invited to take my WOA2 car to the NEC in Birmingham in November for the Classic Car Show, to take part in a 100 years of Ford display by the Early Ford V8 club. It means getting there Thursday 10th November and leaving Sunday evening 13th November or Monday morning 14th November. It will be darkish then and also involve Motorway driving, so I'm not keen on driving it there. Can anyone help with transport on a trailer or transporter on those days, please? Car weighs about 1.5 tons and is 15 feet long and 6 foot 3 inches wide. I live in Reading, Berks about 1 mile from junction 11 of the M4. Many thanks for any help anyone can give me. Robert Davey
  11. I have just seen a bit on the BBC News Website that the Motoring Memories Museum in Colyford, Devon is to close and the contents will be sold at Auction next year. Anyone know if the Museum had anything Military in it, or Ford V8 related?
  12. Just a minor detail, but would the POW can be Petrol, Oil or Water? The cans are different, the water can has no writing on top. I know my WOT2 should have a 2 gall Water can on it.
  13. I had an idea recently and thought you knowledgeable people could help me. Could I tow a trailer with my Ford WOA2 on it behind a Camper van? WOA2 is about 1.5/1.75 tons plus a trailer 0.5 tons. No, I haven't got a trailer yet or a Camper van and this is just a question as to the viability of the idea. At present I drive to shows in a 1944 vehicle on dangerous roads, and sleep in a tent. My Wife dislikes tents and I am not getting any younger, hence the idea. What do you think of the idea, what does a camper cost and can it tow a trailer? What camper van would be best, a Ford based one? Any help and advice would be much appreciated.
  14. I was talking to an ex-Wartime REME Mechanic once and he said that most British vehicles only had a few of the tools they were supposed to carry. You were lucky if you had a third of the tools listed in the manual, but he was talking about soft-skin vehicles.
  15. I need to get a copy of a photograph that appeared in the 'News Chronicle' on Dec 19 1943. Does anyone know who to contact to get a copy, please? I was given a copy of a newspaper article last weekend and I would like to get a better copy of the photograph as it shows a WOA2. Many thanks.
  16. I am trying to find some 1 1/2 inch diameter copper washers. Anyone help?
  17. woa2

    Just seen Sally B

    If it's heading for Jersey going from Duxford, then that explains it flying over Reading. Thanks for the reply and I will look out for it returning next week.
  18. I was in my front garden today, heard a noise, looked up and saw a B17 flying over my house!! Must be 'Sally B' Never got a camera when you need one in a hurry........................
  19. I went through the Dartford Tunnel today and spotted 2 Jeeps and a wartime car stopped on the Essex side. I noticed that one of the people had a Flying Jacket on, but as I was driving, I had to keep my eyes on the road. Also seen today, a GAZ 69 on a trailer on the M25 heading clockwise. Also seen this evening, a 6 mile traffic jam on the M25. Luckily I was going in the other direction.
  20. I need to make up a cardboard box for a WW2 Civilian Gasmask for a display, and don't want to use an original. Does anyone know where I can download a template so I can print it out and make the box? Many thanks.
  21. I have had problems with original Ford V8 condensers failing and now only use modern Lucas ones (DCB121C). Clive Elliott is the Expert on Condensers, have you contacted him yet?
  22. Tony I don't think this is accurate, and I have seen another list which is also a bit doubtful. For Example, it makes my WOA2 a 1942 vehicle, but I know it was built late 43/early 44 under contract V5000. Sorry for the response. Robert Davey
  23. My best buy at a car boot fair was finding an ignition/light switch for my WOA2 and paying £1 for it. I found one later at an Autojumble for £35. Another find was buying a box of old rusty spanners for £1 and finding 3 Rolls-Royce Merlin spanners in it. However, I must point out that you have to go to 10 or 20 car boots in my area before you find anything good. Most of the stalls are stocked with baby items or household junk. However, I did pick up a copy of 'Aircraft of the Fighting Powers 1942' a couple of weeks ago for £4.
  24. How about descriptons and serial numbers of the 8 weapons stolen, so we can look out for them? Any photos of the weapons available?
  25. If it's any help, a Universal Carrier is a Ford product and all the grease nipples on my British Ford vehicles are UNF thread.
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