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Everything posted by woa2

  1. Which Matilda? Matilda 1 or Matilda 2? They are very different.
  2. Good Point, Clive. Next question is why is it an open air service and not an under cover service? There are facilities available. If it is an open air service, why is it held on an access route?
  3. At W&P on the Sunday is a Church Service, this year the Bishop of Rochester took the service. This is held in the roadway outside the Victory Marque. This year the service had to be stopped while an Ambulance needed to get through. My question is, why isn't the Sunday Church Service held in the Victory Marque, which is empty at this time, and not in a roadway? Can anyone from the W&P committee explain why?
  4. So that was why I got so many wasps in my tent! I made a wasp trap and got several.
  5. Yes, I get that problem. I am using Firefox and XP.
  6. I have come across a pair of 1944 boots with Rubber soles but not on the heels. Also, drivers tended to remove the rear buckles on the belts as they get caught in the seat backs.
  7. Just had a look at the website - what happened to issue 5, the Sunday issue. There was one as I have a copy.
  8. My funniest memory is from my Daughter Emma. She and my Grandaughter went to the booking in van. They wanted my Grandaughter to sign for her arm band - my Grandaughter is 2 years old! Emma, my Daughter sat Elizabeth, my Grandaughter on the booking in desk. They then asked if she was an IMPS member - my Daughter produced my Grandaughter's membership card. The girl at the booking in desk then let my daughter sign for my Grandaughter's arm band.
  9. I went looking for Ford V8 parts for my WOA2. I only found a set of track rod ends, and I have a spare set already. I did buy 4 signed books in the Victory marque for £15 (£4 each or £15 for 4) and 6 wartime deac rounds of 9mm for £3. Other than that, I bought a cake stand for the Wife for £9. That's it.
  10. Clive Looking at the Weather charts, It looks very iffy all week, so expect a wet week with the occasional dry spell. The High pressure in the Atlantic is still stationary with no signs of moving and it is sending the Low pressures with the rain over us. It will get better later in the week from Wednesday, but not much better. Take the Wolf and some good Boots with a waterproof coat. End of next week it may be better, but I cannot tell at the moment. Robert
  11. Where are you? I can bring Custard and a bowl. I arrive tomorrow - will there be any left?
  12. Weather This weekend looks BAD. Today, Friday 15th, will be a good day so make the most of it. Saturday and Sunday are not, especially tomorrow, Saturday 16th, so make sure you have Waterproofs and Boots ready as it will rain. My prediction for the show is still good weather, but I don't think this will start until Monday or Tuesday, maybe. Problem is a Low pressure over the North Sea that won't go away and a High Pressure that is still stationary in the Atlantic.
  13. Weather - Update Wednesday 13 July I have just checked the weather charts and Friday and Saturday look changeable and wet at times, especially Saturday Night. My guess for next week is still for good weather if the High pressure in the Atlantic comes our way, but keep an eye on the Barometer for dropping pressures as this will signify rain approaching. I have packed umberellas, boots and waterproofs, just in case.
  14. Good to see my plot is still there, and I will be arriving this Sunday about Lunchtime. I was hoping to get there Saturday, but too much is happening this week with my Mum's Funeral. Really looking forward to getting away for a rest. Anybody passing my plot, please stop for a chat. Look for a WOA2 in Monktons near the exit. Robert Davey
  15. Weather This is my guess, and is not from any official forecast. There is a High pressure building in the Atlantic and this should mean settled weather. It should head our way, so my prediction is good weather for W&P week, but this coming week might be a bit breezy. Hopefully not too hot, but dry. However, things might change, so I will keep an eye on it. Robert Davey
  16. woa2


    My very grateful thanks to all of you who have replied to my question. Your answers have been very helpful and just what I wanted. My Mother had left a Will, of which I have a copy, and the estate goes equally to my Brother and myself. She owned a house, had some money in a bank, some other savings and a few shares. I had already done an exercise a few years ago to check on inheritance tax and she wasn't liable for any. Therefore things look straightforward, I hope. Once again, my thanks for the advice and the messages of condolence. See you all at W&P.
  17. I seem to remember a 'Time Team' episode where this had happened. It was a few years ago, and I remember that they weren't very happy finding out it wasn't a real find, just planted.
  18. Just a quick question, looking for help or advice. Have any of you here applied for Probate after a death? If so, how do I go about it and is it difficult? Any tips on what to do? I have asked a Solicitor and he want £1200 plus VAT to do it. Seems a lot for just filling in forms. Reason for asking is that my Mother died last Saturday after an illness and I am trying to deal with everything. Sorry this isn't MV related, but it is to put my mind at rest ready for W&P at Beltring. If anyone is passing my WOA2 please say 'hello' and offer me a drink - I think I will need it! Many thanks Robert Davey
  19. I am going but I can only make the Sunday due to family problems. I will be driving a Ford WOA2.
  20. I agree. That is definitely a Ford truck axle.
  21. The rear gearbox support - I think I've seen one identical on a Canadian Ford V8 truck. There's a dealer who goes to W&P show from the Netherlands who might be able to help.
  22. My original thought was :- No Road Tax could mean No MoT which could mean an unsafe vehicle. I don't want to get anybody into trouble, I just don't want an unsafe vehicle on the roads. Road Tax is just money, I am more concerned about a potential accident and the aftermath for us all in the form of Government restrictions.
  23. I am trying to 'mind my own business', but how is this situation going to reflect on the MV movement as a whole and clubs like MVT and IMPS? Will we lose our benefits of free tax for the misbehavings of a minority? Also, the possibility of being involved in a accident with an un-insured, MoT'd or taxed vehicle IS my concern. I take my family to shows and I would be devestated if one of them was injured by one of these people.
  24. This problem originated a couple of years ago, when I found out that a Classic Car show near me had a visit from the Police who found that 6 entrants, who had driven on main roads to the event, did not have tax or insurance. Since then I have looked more closely at various vehicles at several shows, and I have noticed some with out-of-date tax discs and I know they drove there. Now my question is, would you report them to the show organiser or Police? If so, would you still do this if you know the driver? A sticky problem, but if a vehicle at a show has no road tax, does it have insurance and an MoT? What would be your view if one of these vehicles was involved in an incident with you, your vehicle or your family resulting in injury? What are your views?
  25. woa2

    more sad news

    Chris was a good man. When I was editing 'Windscreen' he organised a visit to the Royal Marines Magazine staff so I could get some advice. Chris also took over the Diary section for me, considerably reducing my workload. He will be sadly missed. Anybody know of the Funeral details. I would like to attend, if possible.
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