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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. Paul, Since you've used another chassis, and another tub, what was the point of the donor jeep? Wouldn't it have worked out cheaper to sell that one and buy the bits to build the other one? Chris
  2. John, Have you checked all the linkages are correctly adjusted? When we rebuilt our box we spent a good few hours setting the linkages up properly in order to obtain all 5 gears. I would look at this before messing with the adjusters. When we did ours we slackened off the adjusters, pumped the pedal till they stopped adjusting and then left them. They will only move if there is some free play to take up. Unfortunatley the linkages you need to play with are not easy to get at, so you'll need to look at taking up the turret floor, some of the font panels and possibly the fuel tank. Chris
  3. You need a video capture device such as this http://www.ebuyer.com/product/82615 Chris
  4. If you read the articles, some of them are written by me
  5. The Ferrets were at Chris Muys in Belgium, I think they are now all in the UK or with collectors. Chris
  6. Looks like it might still be there from the satellite photo... http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_ENUK276&q=Wallingford,+Oxfordshire+OX10+6PZ,+UK&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&resnum=1&ct=title Chris
  7. That can't be a 'real' copy, it's about $16000 too cheap?!
  8. Try looking up the price for a copy of CATIA, not a cheap tool!! Chris
  9. Those vehicles have probably been repainted several times since use with the Berlin Brigade. I think they were used as OPFOR vehicles at one time, and have heard stories of some of them being used as hard targets too. Chris
  10. Sounds like you mean this place? http://www.armourgeddon.co.uk/ There were a number of 432s going through Withams with turrets fitted a few years ago, these ones were in the 2004-4 tender sale. Chris
  11. Mick, Anchor supplies have poles an baskets, and do mail order. Or you could just wait till Beltring and pick up the whole lot there. The 'tuning' ring is not required on all radios, get the manual for the radio installation you want and check that. If you're running 353s then yes you need those rings. Chris
  12. Don't worry Mark, you'll get it going again. I finally got a tax disc for my Wolf on Thursday, filled it up with fuel, went to the pub. Decided to drive it to work on Friday, I made it 39 out of 43 miles before it decided it had other ideas. Needless to say I now have the engine in bits and am waiting for parts Chris
  13. Val, Surely it can't be that hard? Jack up vehicle, undo nuts, remove wheel? I suggest you get some long poles or crow bars which will help you lift the wheel up off and back onto the hub. The wheels are heavy, don't drop one on your foot. Chris
  14. This one's a bit cheaper Neil... http://www.witham-sv.com/infopage.php?ID=1585&Overide=1 Chris
  15. Hi Mike,


    I saw your Antar go past today (Friday) as I was broken down in my Wolf on the side of the A46. It looked great, shame I won't get to the show to see it.





  16. Neil, You need some way of proving the year your vehicle was made. If you can't provide this I think you need someone from the MVT to verify the vehicle is what you say it is and also provide an approximate date. Chris
  17. Try Banisters, 01797 253211, quote the NSN for a quicker service. Chris
  18. Yes, it's at the former RAF bomber station at Wickenby near Lincoln. They are starting a bit of a museum up there, and have a collection of planes along with the original control tower. Chris
  19. Quite a lot of the Fox gearbox parts, certainly the rotating ones, are the same as Ferret. We stripped and repaired one and managed to get the bits we needed from Banisters. Chris
  20. I found one of these last year, still underground though! Chris
  21. Why is it called a Stanton shelter? I presume it's because these were made at Stanton Ironworks, which also made concrete? I only ask this because I live very near to Stanton Ironworks!
  22. John, I guess these are for the Fox? It will look a bit daft with bar grips, but a standard fitment tyre was the Michellin XL. Most restored Foxes have these fitted. Talk to Lee about changing them though!! Chris
  23. David, Me too, maybe next year I'll have a bit more spare time and cash! Chris
  24. Those viewing windows are the rear door vision blocks from FV432s. Chris
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