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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. I do have more, but it might take some time to dig out one which is clearer. There are a lot of components in the TN15.. Chris
  2. No idea why I called you David before! Anyway, here's something that might help! I can explain basically how it works, but it is not simple.... Chris
  3. David, I think you might struggle to replicate the transmission in scale, it's bad enough repairing them when they are full size! Chris
  4. Obviously the Army have some, and Withams have had them for sale too. Why not try a local TA?
  5. If you can prove date of manufacture then yes, you can get an age related plate.
  6. Oh, the blue lines were rivers, not motorways....
  7. What about this lot? The guitar solo face off in the middle is amazing Chris
  8. Ok, we'll just eat with our hands?
  9. So they want to outlaw violence amongst young people..... Well I am truly stumped. I have been thinking about this for the past few minutes, and I still can't work out how you can stab someone to death with a deactivated gun. A kitchen knife, yes. A screw driver, yes. A broken bottle, yes. A deactivated gun? Surely this is no more harmful than a brick, and I can't see how anyone can be stabbed with a brick? Roll on the future, when we will have to eat with plastic knives, we won't be allowed to use screwdrivers without a permit and glass bottles will be outlawed. We'll also have to walk around in plastic bubbles, with air filtration, incase we catch bird flu or some other illness. No point going to a hospital, you'll come out more sick than you go in. Can't drive a car since cars kill tress and people.... Where does it stop? Chris
  10. I think the Sexton is based on the Ram tank, which was very similar to the Sherman. There's also the Priest which was Sherman based. Then there are Ram and Priest Kangaroos built on the same chassis.
  11. Mark, Nice EOD Land Rovers in the background. Do you have any more photos of these? I am looking for photos of Land Rovers in service with the following units at the following times: 33 Engineer Regiment (EOD)09/04/97 58 Field Squadron (EOD) 04/07/97 21 Field Squadron (EOD) 16/01/03 Specifically I am looking for HP 63 AA which is a Wolf 110 hard top Cheers, Chris
  12. David, I think the clever thinking probably ended with the head lamps. :roll: Incidently the later headlamps are actually the 1950s design fitted to Ferrets etc. Other things are annoying... why do you need to take the bulkhead out to change the oil filter on a CVRT? Surely a nice removable panel would have done, so you could lower the seat and reach in. There are examples of this on most vehicles, for example the Fox. Whos idea was it to put the distributor so far in the depths of the hull you can hardly see it, never mind change the points? Yet on the same vehicle they were clever with the brake servo and fitted just enough extra hose so that you can change it from the commanders seat without taking the engine out. Chris
  13. Mark, The weight of the vehicle sits on the axles, so I can't see why not? Chris
  14. Chris, I have road registered many vehicles, 2 x CVRTs, Ferret, Fox, 432, Land Rovers etc. It's fairly simple. I suggest you contact Footman James, http://www.footmanjames.co.uk/ , they should know what a 432 is as they insured ours. Insure it under the hull number, found on a small plate welded to the hull on the left hand side of the rear door, or use the army reg no. To drive it on the road you will need to register it with the DVLA. Hopefully you have the cast vehicle form, which makes this process dead easy. You will need to fill in the relevant form, I forget the number but V55 sounds about right, and take the cast vehicle form along with the insurance certificate to a local dvla office. They will take about £50 off you and in return give you a form allowing you to have number plates made, and a tax disc, which will be free for a 432. If you have any more questions or need help filling in the form let me know. Chris
  15. Mark, The Fox turret is rectangular, with curved sides. The Scorpion/Scimitar turret is octagonal and a bit taller. Chris
  16. Mark, There were no 432s with Scimitar turrets made, they are Fox turrets which are a different shape, easy mistake to make though. There were actually quite a few made, but I do not know exact numbers. A while ago while I was visiting British Military Vehicles, Bob Grundy had managed to find a new upgrade kit, which had never been fitted. He was installing it on a Mk 1 432 for an American client. I think there are quite a few turreted 432s in the USA. Chris
  17. Tony, I have a few ideas for a couple more articles, when I have a bit of time I'll let you know what I'm thinking. As for putting it on HMVF, I think it's ok where it is at the moment, thanks for the offer though. Chris
  18. I thought I'd point you in the direction of an article on Dougs Heavy Metal Gallery, about buying vehicles from Surplus Sales. The majority of the photos are taken from my website of vehicles in the Withams sales over the past few years. It gives a good idea of what to expect when viewing/buying at these sales. Link here: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/lsm/dhmg/surp001.html Chris
  19. A while ago I wrote an article for Classic Military Vehicle, which for one reason or another never got published. Doug recently published it on his Heavy Metal Gallery. Link here: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/lsm/dhmg/cvrt01.html Chris
  20. Thats the second time it's been on. Another Belgian Spartan didn't make much more than £4k the other week, they're just not that sought after! Chris
  21. It's not a font as such, it's what you get when you make them using a stencil cutter.
  22. John, I traced the history of our Spartan. I found out it was used in Kosovo by 26 Engineer Regiment, so posted an article on the 26 Engineer Regiment forum. A few days later I was sent photos of it out there by a former crew man. Chris
  23. You can already buy all the common ones here http://www.emlra.org/C&S%20Barrow%20index/stencils.htm Chris
  24. I agree with HF. A new carb worked wonders for my Lightweight. I rebuilt the old one twice, messed about with it etc. Fitted a new one from Craddocks and it's been fine since. http://www.johncraddockltd.co.uk - you need an ERC2886N, £68 + Vat Chris
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