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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. Nigel, This is the manual... http://www.ekmpowershop5.com/ekmps/shops/greenmachines/cvrtroyal-armoured-corps-trainingvolume-2d-and-m-486-p.asp Chris
  2. Nigel, I will see what I have lying about, definitley have some of the bits spare! Chris
  3. Nigel, Pump shouldn't be a problem, it looks like this: http://www.thexmod.com/item_detail.asp?id=258 Don't pay that much for one though! Chris
  4. Most were converted to GPMG, infact the .30 mount for a Ferret turret is a hard to find item these days because there are lots more Ferrets than mounts.
  5. I think in the 80's Ferrets would have carried a GPMG rather than a Browning. Chris
  6. Thought this might be useful! Chris
  7. They didn't. Nigel has a Spartan with the rest of the swimming gear attached. When we were talking at Beltring I mentioned the propeller and he said he'd like to see it so he can try and find one.
  8. Phil, Those track pads are the wrong shape, 432 ones should be square. Those look like CET. You might want to check them all! Chris
  9. Nigel, I don't think I've seen one either. I do have the manual for swimming a CVRT though. You'll need this for your CES kit.... Chris
  10. Nice one Phil, a nice toy you've got there! Good luck with the restoration, but from the videos it sounds like it just needs a good tidy up and some paint. Chris
  11. Clive, It's 14693, reprinted in October 1979 with ammendments 1 to 21. Chris
  12. Clive, I am sure I posted those diagrams before, the numbers match the ones in my book, the 1965 user handbook for FV432 Mk 2 and 2/1. Chris
  13. Dougy, You will need to find the CES list for a 432 variant which was issued with the tent and check the NSN against that. The same goes for the Comms trailer. I don't think I have the CES for either. Chris
  14. They will need to be big levers. I use some approx 1m long to get them out of Ferret rims. Chris
  15. It's an incorrectly marked BV202, probably from the early 70s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bv202 Chris
  16. We've been burgled a few times this year at work, some scum bags have broken into our factory and stolen customer property. The parts they have stolen are out of gas turbines and made of special materials, but they're still worth nothing scrap compared to what they're worth to the customers. We've had them turn up at night and get chased out the factory by the night shift, but it doesn't stop them coming back and cutting holes in the doors! :argh:
  17. Halfords if you're desperate!
  18. Mark, When I was looking at CVRTs in a scrap yard I asked the guys about values. They said they were worth twice as much as stripped hulls as they are complete vehicles, due to the effort involved with stripping them down. I would expect it to be the same with this Cent, there may be £270/tonne of metal in it, but you might spent £150/tonne getting that metal into a condition which it can be sold. At £270/tonne it's getting on for what it's worth as a complete, restored and roadable vehicle. I wouldn't want to pay more than £4000 for it! Chris
  19. Ok, fair enough. He is not alone though, no doubt we can find some more..
  20. This is going a bit off topic... but nope, no big garden and no shed either. We do have a couple stored on a farm now, going to put the Sabre there too. Most of our restorations are done on the drive, you just need to be creative with the parking arrangements! Chris
  21. There's always a good selection on ebay, I thought I'd start a thread for them! How these people think they'll sell the item is beyond me. Lets start with this gem! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/4x4-wheels_W0QQitemZ260276142078QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item260276142078&_trkparms=39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A10%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&timeout=1218997841905 Chris
  22. Dave, You might see it in some of these photos: http://www.sirhc.co.uk/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=6 This one maybe? Chris
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