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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. John, If you get the history card from the EMLRA then that will hopefully show you where it was when. It wouldn't have been painted brown, but may have been out in the Gulf in 1991 so may have been sand then. Chris
  2. John, Your Land Rover would have left the factory and spent most of, if not all, of its life painted Nato green, so that would be a good start. No idea if it would have had a black or sand disruptive pattern on top, but I would get it rubbed down and painted matt nato green before worrying too much about markings etc. Chris
  3. Do NOT try to tow a Sankey widetrack with one of these! You need to have a hitch which is able to rotate, otherwise your trailer may end up throwing you off the road. For the extra money you are best of with a proper one. Chris
  4. Tony, I've never heard of later ones having a stronger bonnet, and I've never seen a Wolf on the roads or in a photo with the wheel mounted on the bonnet, even though there is a mount there. The generator pulley isn't the tallest thing under the bonnet, so can't see why that would be a problem? I thought they moved it to the side to aid visibility from the windscreen and make the bonnet lighter to lift when you need to get under there. Chris
  5. Those are Jerry can lockers. The RH side is for 2 fuel cans, the LH side is for 2 water cans. Chris
  6. The weather was nice last weekend, so I got a chance to put some paint on the Wolf. Just fitted a new set of wheel arches on tonight, so I'm almost at the end of the jobs list. Just some number plates to buy and fit now really Here are some photos... Chris
  7. Marine Clean from Frosts is great stuff, we've been using it for years to clean dirt, oil and grease from vehicles and parts. It cleans up CVRT engine bays a treat! Not tried the tank sealant, but I have used the Metal Ready primer which comes in the sealing kit. Also great stuff. Mix it up in the right ratio with water and put rusty parts in it overnight and they come out looking like new. Chris
  8. Degsy, I actually made a list of local plant and recovery companies the other day. First plant hire place I called offered me next day service at about half what it cost me to deliver the Sabre to the farm in the first place! Needless to say I booked the load, and will have the Sabre here in a couple of days Chris
  9. My TUM (HS) (otherwise known as Defender Wolf) this morning after yesterdays attack with a spray gun Chris
  10. Doesn't work on my CVRTs! Chris
  11. I am looking to move my Sabre from the farm near Nantwich to my house near Nottingham in the next couple of weeks. Can anyone on the forum help, or suggest someone who might be able to? Thanks, Chris
  12. We call that particular type of rain 'Sharp Rain' after several similar trips in the Fox. It seems to rain whenever we decide to drive the Fox any further than round the block, and it seems to stop when we get where we are going! Chris
  13. Neil, It doesn't take that long to register a vehicle. Find your local office and take EVERYTHING down there, proof of age, insurance certs etc. Wait in the (long) line and fill out the form while there. You will need dimensions etc. You should be able to hand over the cash, and the docs, and go back the next day and collect the form which enables you to buy some plates. I've done this 4 or 5 times. They have only asked to inspect the Wolf, which is arranged for next week, if you are lucky they'll even give you a tax disc while you wait. Chris
  14. Neil, I think you need to be very careful here, if it's not registered then technially it isn't fully road leagal. What year was it built? If after 1972 then tax will be required and if you drive it on public roads (or public rights of way) without paying the tax you are comitting a crime. I have only driven unregistered vehicles on the roads to and from the MoT test station, literally 2 miles away. I think anything more is pushing your luck, especially when it isn't difficult and doesn't take long to register the vehicle. Chris
  15. Mark, Those vehicles, a couple of pigs and a piglet? I think they would sell a bit easier if he dropped the price, especially on the ones he'd butchered to put diesels in. Chris
  16. sirhc

    How Much....

    I bought mine on ebay a couple of years back for about £2! It's a very thin book, with very few unique photos and some mistakes. £80 is far too much. Chris
  17. Quick update, I now have an MoT certificate! The tester was very impressed with the Wolf, he was expecting another rough old Land Rover as I didn't tell him what I'd done to it. He said it was awsome! Chris
  18. If you need to pump the pedal then there's air in the system. I guess when driving on the road there is enough time between pressing the pedal for any pressure you've built up to dissipate, hence why you need to pump it again to stop. Check everything you've disturbed for leaks, then bleed the system using a pressure bleeder such as the Easybleed or similar. If it's still no good, check the master cylinder. I've had a problem in the past where I changed all the wheel cylinders and had to rebuild the master cylinder (which was working fine) because it wasn't good enough to cope with the new wheel cylinders. Chris
  19. Jack, I always do them by winding the adjusters on untill you can't turn the wheel anymore, then backing them off a bit at a time untill it spins freely. Do them all like this, take it for a drive, if it pulls to one side then go back and adjust them. Chris
  20. Yes, the one in the jaws and the one on the ground are both Land Rovers.
  21. 35mph? Yours must have been going well, I could only get 32mph out of ours! Chris
  22. The DC3 going up to Doncaster flew over our house this morning, I wondered where it was going.
  23. sirhc

    CMV May 2008

    My Spartan is in there too
  24. Do you really think there's that much money to be made selling copies of manuals?! Chris
  25. No, they are Clansman. Your best bet is to get the installation manual, and keep an eye out for everything you need at Beltring. Chris
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