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Everything posted by sirhc

  1. You guys have missed the point of owning a collection, you're supposed to have more than one!
  2. Option 4 - keep the GMC & buy the WLF.
  3. Looks like they've used it as a training aid, maybe for crane operators to practice with. I bet it's been dropped a few times! Chris
  4. Dave, Maybe they've changed the composition. Mine was nice, thick and red. Went on a treat with a small brush, and also looks good on the fuel cap of the Ferret. I also have yellow for the oil filler cap and blue for the radiator cap. Before anyone says anything, these items were painted these colours when I got it direct from the MoD! Chris
  5. Rick, You'll need to either strip it or run it to asses the condition. If it smokes alot when running and uses lots of oil, then you may need to do some work on it. If you take the head off and look down the bores, and see heavy scoring etc, then you'll need to rebore it. Otherwise you can give it a light hone, change the rings and it should be ok. Chris
  6. Mick, Check your Ferret is actually deep bronze green and not nato green, which is BS285. Try Crosbie Coatings for paint, look them up on google, I've used them and they're good. I also use the Hammerite smooth red for my wheel nuts. Chris
  7. If I write something about car park deals, do you think it'll turn up in another news letter? (I will be there :-))
  8. I think you need to apologise Mark, no auction results there?
  9. Rick, This book might interest you, and it's only a tenner. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/In-National-Service_W0QQitemZ140177593805QQihZ004QQcategoryZ274QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Chris
  10. Never tempted by US WW2 vehicles Jack... a Dingo or a Universal Carrier maybe! Chris
  11. I'm sure Neil or Simon will write a full report on this, but here's a few photos for now. We had a good turn out yesterday, with a number of Jeeps, the Stuart & White scout car, Ferret, Fox, Humber Pig etc. Chris
  12. sirhc

    Help wanted

    Chris, If you can't read the part numbers in your parts list it doesn't sound like there's much point in having it! Why not invest in a proper readable copy, it will make ordering spares much easier. Chris
  13. I think he needs to take a zero off the end.
  14. Replace where I wrote sand with Aluminium Oxide then?
  15. I would expect to pay around what NOS has suggested. I usually get my bits primed too, it makes life easier as I don't have to rush to get some paint on them as soon as I collect them. The guy I use is very good, and pretty cheap, it obviously helps that he's restoring an AEC Matator and reads CMV too Chris
  16. David, You can try using kiln dried sand. We use lots of different mesh sizes of grit at work, but obviously it would be overkill for blasting MV parts, and also quite expensive. Chris
  17. Mark, See if you can find someone local who can do the blasting for you. I use a local farmer who's always reasonable. There's bound to be someone out your way who can do these bits for you without costing too much. Chris
  18. Mark, It's all relative, they would have cost a fortune to make& then the MoD would have paid a large markup too. Take offs from scrap vehicles aren't too expensive, but then it all depends how much you need one doesn't it? Chris
  19. These are British parts, since CVRTs are British vehicles. Parts are fairly easy to find, they are still in service and lots of them have been broken for spares. Andy has already found replacement final drives. Chris
  20. The last one of these I saw was on Centurion running gear, is this one the same?
  21. I saw the advert in Military Machines a few weeks ago. £2000 is a low guide price, they always had the Mk 2s at £3500 or more. I suspect they'll be pretty horrible..
  22. All these 432s are Mk 1s. I think most of these vehicles have been sat around for quite a while somewhere.
  23. Jack, I use this http://www.fookes.com/ezthumbs/ Chris
  24. I walked right past some of those tins at £10 Beltring the other year, and found some new ones for £5. I've seen you selling them at £25 on ebay though, so someone must have thought they were a good deal, and I won't knock you for that! Chris
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