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Bunker Bash 2009 Living History & MV Show


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I always find the biscuits don't travel well


never seem to get to destination :coffee:


Biscuits bought and swmbo might if( I behave) make some chocolate brownies


don't tell jack

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Well i must say iam really looking forward to this years show as it looks like theres going to be a good few members going along which will be nice. I'm hopefully going to be there by about 5.30ish as im coming straight from work so see you all there.


P.S.the weather for CM15 0LA on metcheck.com is light showers on saturday arfternoon and fair for the rest of the weekend!!

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Well i must say iam really looking forward to this years show as it looks like theres going to be a good few members going along which will be nice. I'm hopefully going to be there by about 5.30ish as im coming straight from work so see you all there.


P.S.the weather for CM15 0LA on metcheck.com is light showers on saturday arfternoon and fair for the rest of the weekend!!


weather channel says heavy rain sat, cloudy sunday!!!!! :confused:


Mark :cool:

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ok i will need some volunters for tommorow evening about 7.30-8pm as will be dropping the 12x12 off and then going round to pick up passengers from heathrow then returning about 2am with the landrover so do we have any willing volunters who want to earn a pint

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rain or shine i'll be there!!!!


Same here - probably because the vehicles are already there!! :rofl:


Should be arriving Friday afternoon - got a retirement "Do" to go to at Basildon first then will collect the caravan and head to the Bunker (Van storage is about a mile from the Bunker so a nice easy run!!)


OM-13 equivalent arrived this morning - good service there from Morris's! :) :)

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

It doesnt normally bother me ,but all your ruddy weather reports have convinced me to stay at home,i remember the weather there the first year:shake:

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ok i will need some volunters for tommorow evening about 7.30-8pm as will be dropping the 12x12 off and then going round to pick up passengers from heathrow then returning about 2am with the landrover so do we have any willing volunters who want to earn a pint


No problems Dave we should be able to find enough people to get it put up so you can go straight to bed at 2am when you get back.

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Weather today has been good.. no rain for 3 days now & not a cloaud in the sky tonight... just popped in to the Bunker to check my emails, just left Rambo & crew, Heliops & a few others enjoyig a BBQ... weather reports looking up for the weekend... Mv's ariving today & 13 traders set up already ... see you all there...



Oh yeah... Dave Ives turned up in a coach to drop off his tent :confused::rofl:

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Oh yeah... Dave Ives turned up in a coach to drop off his tent :confused::rofl:


Now now, Lee... don't be cruel :) It's a big tent :evil: He had to drop it offf before he got his SLAC* on board, or they'd never have been able to fit into his coach :-D














Mnemonic. Noun.

  1. Self-Loading Ambulatory Cargo
  2. Passengers

  3. Auto-positioning ballast for use on public service vehicles when there are high winds present.

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Good stuff and will be leaving around 11:00am so should the M25 at the right time then :sweat:


With regards to Once More Onto The Beach - can we have a group photo of us all around it? Would like to stick that up on my wall!



Looking to seeing you and everyone else for a cuip of tea tonight!!


Safe travels everyone!

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Just about ready to go....waiting for my ride.


Apparently we were supposed to be travelling up with the rest of EAFVG but those in the know don't seem to have shared with those not where to meet up & couldn't get hold of anybody so making our own way .


Been a crap day so looking forward to meeting up with everybody & sharing a beer or three .

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Well it looks like i will just be down for the Sunday now. Due to the unpredictability of the weather. It will be no fun to have to kids playing around on wet grass,and for the other half giving me daggers. I will still show my support,and be there sunday.:thumbsup:

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