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Arrested for carrying a plastic knife to a fancy dress party


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I could have given this the title ' I told you so about the VCR Bill!


A STUDENT dressed as Rambo was arrested for carrying a plastic knife.

Anthony Radley was held in a police cell for four hours and had the toy confiscated. He was handcuffed by officers as he walked along Derby Road in Lenton after a fancy dress party.


Police confirmed the public order charge relates to the fact that his knife caused public alarm! Read the story here:




Take note it won't be long before you're all shopped for driving a green vehicle that's apparently caused alarm in your neighbourhood.

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Well its as i suspected,not all the natzis escaped to south america,some came here and bred.At least the judge had some sense,should of fined the police for wasting the courts time.

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I did contact my Conservative MP, Rob Wilson, earlier this year and he assured me that this type of thing wouldn't happen, and the Police would use common sense. Seems he was wrong.

Sorry for verging into Politics, but I think this type of thing will have an affect on our hobby and the re-enactment fraternity if ignored.

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I hate to be the one to argue the other side, but -


If you are stupid enough to walk down the street with a knife - plastic or not - what do you expect.


I have a wooden GPMG on the 432 - but I wouldn't walk down to the local night club with it.


I'm surprised it took so long before the Police took any action and I think he is lucky not to have been confronted by armed Police officers.


Common sense would dictate you have the thing hidden so not to cause any alarm.


It's easy to slag the Police off but I wouldn't want there job nowadays - especially with the number of weapons out on the street.


I would go so far as to say - the guy in question is a brainless muppet - (not too strong I hope).



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Maybe the police should have asked him to cover the piece of plastic and warned him of the worry he was causing instead of the fine but as none of us where there it is always easy to criticise ! From my experience I would say Rambo was just unlucky that a police officer turned up when they were called ! :-D

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I can't help but see the tie in between this event and the original film, perhaps he was going for the reenactment...



US : Rambo gets nicked walking in a town carrying a whopper of a knife, Police hold him in cells briefly until he has viscious flashbacks to 'Nam, breaks out of jail, breaks into armoury, breaks for the hills, police 'push him' too far and all hell ensues.



UK : 'Rambo' gets nicked walking in a town carrying a plastic knife, Police push him into the van and hold him in cells overnight, he probably has a bit of a lie down and leaves in the morning with a fine and a red face.


Sorry, I'll get my coat on the way out.

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I can't help but see the tie in between this event and the original film, perhaps he was going for the reenactment...



US : Rambo gets nicked walking in a town carrying a whopper of a knife, Police hold him in cells briefly until he has viscious flashbacks to 'Nam, breaks out of jail, breaks into armoury, breaks for the hills, police 'push him' too far and all hell ensues.



UK : 'Rambo' gets nicked walking in a town carrying a plastic knife, Police push him into the van and hold him in cells overnight, he probably has a bit of a lie down and leaves in the morning with a fine and a red face.


Sorry, I'll get my coat on the way out.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: very good !

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Trouble is as usual, we only get to hear the 'Headlines'. What was muppet doing to attract attention in the first place? One pice of advice given to me as kid by an old Copper, 'Never give them a chance to take you in early on a wet, cold night shift. Gives us a nice cosy canteen to spend the rest of the shift doing paperwork'. A Police 'Service' reflects the community around it'.

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
I hate to be the one to argue the other side, but - If you are stupid enough to walk down the street with a knife - plastic or not - what do you expect.



I Would expect to be aproached in a polite and civil manner by people with common sense,not brain washed morons which most of the civil servants seem to be nowadays including the fire service,And i dont see the streets as bad as the authouritys make out.it suits them to have us all scared s--tless it allows them in the name of terror to do what they like.

We may not know the whole story ,but the sensable thing to of done if the public was so worried was to take it of him kick up the a--e and send him home.I cant believe these T--ts.

I include the fire service( iam afraid i still view these people as public servants ,like the police)

Because one of my clients a fireperson (male)funny how the old fireman told you the gender now you have to ask.A normally likeable person having just undergone some training or other,realising there is some asbestos big 6 roofing went into an authoritive rant about it and felt that they would not enter the building if they knew of the danger,i assured him i would try and not set lite to the building untill his vehicle was locked safely inside.And wished him luck with his new servicing agent.:-D

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I called 999 the other night when I saw some people loitering in my drive. One was carrying a scythe, another was covered in blood and one was carrying a severed arm! I had them arrested for causing alarm. Still thats cut down on the amount of sweets I'll have to give out to the kids in my road next Halloween!

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I called 999 the other night when I saw some people loitering in my drive. One was carrying a scythe, another was covered in blood and one was carrying a severed arm! I had them arrested for causing alarm. Still thats cut down on the amount of sweets I'll have to give out to the kids in my road next Halloween!



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I called 999 the other night when I saw some people loitering in my drive. One was carrying a scythe, another was covered in blood and one was carrying a severed arm! I had them arrested for causing alarm. Still thats cut down on the amount of sweets I'll have to give out to the kids in my road next Halloween!

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Very good mate , I did like that !

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I Would expect to be aproached in a polite and civil manner by people with common sense,not brain washed morons which most of the civil servants seem to be nowadays including the fire service,And i dont see the streets as bad as the authouritys make out.it suits them to have us all scared s--tless it allows them in the name of terror to do what they like.

We may not know the whole story ,but the sensable thing to of done if the public was so worried was to take it of him kick up the a--e and send him home.I cant believe these T--ts.

I include the fire service( iam afraid i still view these people as public servants ,like the police)

Because one of my clients a fireperson (male)funny how the old fireman told you the gender now you have to ask.A normally likeable person having just undergone some training or other,realising there is some asbestos big 6 roofing went into an authoritive rant about it and felt that they would not enter the building if they knew of the danger,i assured him i would try and not set lite to the building untill his vehicle was locked safely inside.And wished him luck with his new servicing agent.:-D

I know what you mean mate ! These types are normally fine till they attend a course and have "the chip fitted " then they still look the same but behave in some very odd ways indeed ! :-D
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Gents - just note please that some of the comments aimed at the emergency services are bordering on the offence. You may not be aware but we have many valued and respected members of HMVF who are part of the emergency services. Mark H being one of them and some good manners should be adhered too.



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I'm glad you said something Jack - because I did take offence at the emergency services being classed as "brain washed morons" -


I would like to say this to all the persons who do to much thinking and not enough doing-

If it was YOU who were in the position of the Police - would you approach the guy politely and in a civil manor whilst he is in possession of a knife - and just hope it is plastic and he won't stick it in you.


I though not.

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I think enough has been said on this subject.


I like the people on here and have respect for all - but honestly, some of the coments made by some members in the direction of people who put their safety aside for others - regardless of colour, sex or religion beggers belief.


I am in sympathy for some of those who have been on the wrong end of red tape, etc - and yes there are muppets out there but it is not right to tar all with the same brush.


Catweazle - I would never make a statement that all self employed car mechanics are out to rip of those who know no better. If I did, you would quite rightly have the hump and I would aplogise -


I am quite happy to have a face to face conversation with those who seem to think I am a brainless moron as this isn't the place to do it.


It is however the place to say I have taken offence at the comments and am not best happy.


Of course - If you can justify your comments - I will except them with good grace -


If you can't - I suggest you keep them to yourself.


And for anyone else who wants to give the emergency services a good kicking, I would ask you to refrain from talking about matters you do not know about and do not have the desire or the guts to undertake yourself.



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I think the point that CW is making is that due to our country going down the compensation for everything route public servants are not taught to use common sense but to become robots who don't think for themselves or look at the bigger picture in case of legal action ! I can sympathise with Mark H as the phrases used by CW where a little inflammatory but I would hope that as grown men with quite a lot in common we could understand that as a self employed person he must get fed up trying to comply with all the bureaucracy that constantly falls on any business ! Plus we do seem to have quite a lot of grumpy people about on this forum and thats what makes it interesting in my opinion ! I am SURE the rant was not aimed at insulting any member ! Oh Happy Christmas next month by the way ! :-D

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Could i point out that i am not a self employed person .

I am the managing director of an independent Garage.

Mark and Jack i am thinking about my replies so as not to cause any upset.

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Hi Mark, i will pm you.

meanwhile its a shame you have taken the remarks personaly as i think your emotion has clouded the larger issue here.

However if it has caused you personal upset then i apologise to you.

There is however a huge amount of evidence to support my rants about the civil service and others easilly justified,Therefore i stand by my feelings about individuals of many of the sevices who i have had reason to

lets say not agree with there new found ideas.

Contrary to you not envying the police there job,may i inform you that the local lads who come into me for tea,love it.They do of course complain bitterly about all the new crap they have to deal with which prevents them doing there job.

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)
Apologies CW ! Just like me to get the wrong end of the stick ! :-D

You havnt Andy,it is for an individual,not for the Overpaid, underworked,money waisting,Higher archy in charge of these departments.:argh:

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Guest catweazle (Banned Member)

Gents - just note please that some of the comments aimed at the emergency services are bordering on the offence. You may not be aware but we have many valued and respected members of HMVF who are part of the emergency services. Mark H being one of them and some good manners should be adhered too.




Jack you are of course correct,i have PMd mark.

I would like to say though the emergency services of course do a fantastic job,But i sometimes feel we are being led to believe that

no one wants the job and we should be very humble .

The job is done by people who want to make a difference and feel there life has some worth to it.Along with this goes an element of danger and risk,which by the way they enjoy.i dont wish to put any of the services down but it is a job,one they chose.

There are of course lots of more dangerous jobs that we dont sing the praises of because they arnt in the public eye.Did you think of the poor old fisherman last time you had cod and chips,I bet they wouldnt have it any other way.

So yes there great ,and one or the other has saved your life,fantastic.but there not there by accident,well they might be i supose.

Anyway i am boring my self now ,think i will go back to Africa,i know good riddance.

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