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Humber PIG Pictures


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  • 1 month later...

No such thing as a 1954 Humber Pig, not been invented then :whistle:


Wrong steering wheel, stickers are inappropriate, seem to be missing all the rear seat belts & surely should tax disc not be on the nearside so that it can be scrutinised by traffic wardens from the the pavement? And just when was it restored? Are these actually recent pictures? I would have liked to have seen the engine bay & some of what's underneath to confirm that is not just a nice paint job.


All those points above are trivialities really. On the positive side looks pretty complete, still has fittings for EARP, the Trakmark upholstery looks complete & good, nice to read that it has DBG over the red oxide & then the top coat of OD which is entirely appropriate for the 1970s. Would be nice to know the "very interesting military history".


Would also be nice to know the price. I hate these adverts that invite a phone call which I assume is for the seller to judge the thickness of your wallet.


Having said that it knocks spots of the last two Mk 2 Pigs that have surfaced on the auction site. If you wanted a Mk 1 there is a very interesting one on there now.

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  • 1 month later...

As a recent member to the Forum I thought I would make contact with other Pig owners and pass on some of my (limited) knowledge. I previously owned 810 FUF which I have seen on the Forum and which I bought from John Marchant more years ago than I care to acknowledge. It is great to see it from time to time pictured at various shows. Subsequently I owned 05 BK 61 ( 105 UXL ) which was owned by Adam Elsdon though I understand from Croc that he has now sold it. Currently I have yet another Mk1 03 BK 22 which previously carried the wrong registration number 16 BK 41 and which has also featured in certain publications.

810 FUF was previously 04 BK 21 and was sold at Ruddington on 29Nov 67 to the Talbot Garage Much Wenlock from whom it was bought by John Marchant on 16 May 72 after which I bought it on 10 Nov 76.At the time I also had an old Rover 200 TC which was always breaking down but the good old Pig never let me down and I often used it as a runaround including taking my girlfriend home!! Those were the days - I don't think my wife would let me away with that.

John Marchant was a great proponent of military vehicle restoration from the early days though probably only the older members will remember him - is he still to the fore?

keep thinking 'piggy' thoughts

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Welcome Doug. Ah yes 810 FUF I used to see it a lot when it was owned by John Burford then at some stage I believe FG Dave on here owned it & has since sold it on. But not seen it recently.


"16 BK 41" yes I remember snapping it at Bovington in its "ambulance" guise. Story at the time was that it was to go to Eire to represent a UN role. But I gather it never went. Although I did find in Hansard that a Pig was donated for this purpose valued at £1,000.


Yes John Marchant quite a father figure for us. Seemed to have quite a few Humbers once including that one that had a car body mounted on it for banger racing. I saw that 2 years ago or rather it has been rebodied from another Humber. Not many vehicles would have survived banger racing to be restored again! I have seen John about in the last year I think. Not too long ago he was displaying some outrageous earth digging plant I think.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi,A friend as come across a Humber Pig in Texas and it still has FELIX(EOD) stickers on it.The vehicle no is YF O864 which is clearly incorrect.Does any body know that if we get the chasis number will we able to trace the vehicles history somehow.Many thanks,Tony.

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Ah so you got home ok. I am in the Pig at the moment exchanging texts to the radio station try to get request played for Pig, by Gorki Borchek. Signed by B.Sagadiev. He,s not twigged yet. Read out one semi illiterate text so far.:-D:-D

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At the other end of the road to my school in Monkseaton was a row of half a dozen Army houses. I presumed that they were occupied by regular soldiers posted to local TA depots. I often saw Army Land Rovers parked outside the houses, and on at least two occasions (in October 1971) saw Humber Pigs. In my schoolboy hand, I made notes... ('Olive Green' should of course have been Deep Bronze Green.) Have either 25BK85 or 28BK97 survived?



Pig 001.jpg

Pig 002.jpg

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John first of all I must congratulate on your powers of observation & recording skills. Wonderful stuff.


Well the 25 BK 85 still survives! It was converted to a Mk 2 ie up-armoured in Op Bracelet 1972-73. It was struck off census on 21/1/91 to 19 Field Ambulance RAMC. It now resides at the Army Medical Services Museum, Keogh Barracks.




There is no record of it having been converted actually to an ambulance. Normally a Mk 1 ambulance has a rear step on each side & on a Mk 2 it is a single step on the offside but doubled in width towards the nearside. So it may just be a paint job. When I viewed it a few years ago it was welded up I think. BTW that is a rare photo as you are not allowed to take pictures, but I obtained permission & took the picture under close supervision.


28 BK 97 was also converted to a Mk 2 it was struck off to Warminster Training Centre on 28/7/97 strangely enough! I'm not sure if that was the one that was outside their Small Arms Museum but that was sold of to a collector on the Isle of Wight & probably is still in the IOW Military Museum. I have some pictures somewhere.


Anyway well done on recording that bit of history so precisely.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just flicking through the tv channels as you do and found a Morecombe and Wise film "The magnificent two" 1967 at the very moment when a military convoy heads down the road ! A Dingo leading a few jeeps and then a Mk1 Pig and a G.S.:wow: ! Sadly the Pig was shot by Eric with a very old field gun :cry:! Wonder what happened to the vehicles after the filming ? :nut:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi,A friend as come across a Humber Pig in Texas and it still has FELIX(EOD) stickers on it.The vehicle no is YF O864 which is clearly incorrect.Does any body know that if we get the chasis number will we able to trace the vehicles history somehow.Many thanks,Tony.


Small world, I used to own that pig, YFO864 was its civilian reg, cant for the life of me remember or find the military reg.

Always regretted selling it off, it was a nice pig and there was history to it . Just after I sold it to Bob Grundy who exported it to the USA I was shown pics of that same vehicle in service with a bomb disposal 'wheelbarrow' loading/unloading in N I, so it was a Felix vehicle.

Ian Young, editor of Military Machines International, was a previous owner and I,m sure he did a lot of the work to it, drop him an email, I,m sure he,s got a good record of it and a photo would be nice, I hope she s being looked after.

If you look under the L h front wing on the front of the chassis you should find a data plate with the military reg etc.

Would love to know how you get on.

I do have another pig 30BK41 now so all is not lost:red:


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Small world, I used to own that pig, YFO864 was its civilian reg, cant for the life of me remember or find the military reg.

Always regretted selling it off, it was a nice pig and there was history to it . Just after I sold it to Bob Grundy who exported it to the USA I was shown pics of that same vehicle in service with a bomb disposal 'wheelbarrow' loading/unloading in N I, so it was a Felix vehicle.

Ian Young, editor of Military Machines International, was a previous owner and I,m sure he did a lot of the work to it, drop him an email, I,m sure he,s got a good record of it and a photo would be nice, I hope she s being looked after.

If you look under the L h front wing on the front of the chassis you should find a data plate with the military reg etc.

Would love to know how you get on.

I do have another pig 30BK41 now so all is not lost:red:



Hi Dave,thanks for your email and your reply.I found out from Clive Elliot that the registration was 23 BK 96.Me and a couple of other lads who served with 321 EOD are trying to find out where it was located in NI. Between us weve trawled through loads of EOD photos but to no avail.It is currently sat outside a gun club in Texas and is in a pretty bad way with lots of rust comig through.It was spotted by one of our lads whilst on his holidays.If I can I will get one of my kids to post a copy of the photo on here if I can find a copy of it.Once again thanks for your info,Jasper.

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Sorry Paul, yes I,ve still got the old girl here and she goes out for a run now and then.

I blame my age, and it aint just numbers I,m rubbish at remembering, and if you want some keys lost I,m your man:red::red:

Hows that landrover Paul


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Hi Dave,


Glad to hear that you still have the Pig, any chance of a picture of it on this forum thread?

The Landrover is going well and is still in use as a daily drive. It has been covering 50 miles a day most days for nearly, what has it been? three.. maybe four years now?


Oh, Hello Uncle Cliv! How are you? Drop me a PM, be nice to know how you are..


Sorry for hijacking the Pig thread, as you were Gentlemen.



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  • 6 months later...


Hi Dave,thanks for your email and your reply.I found out from Clive Elliot that the registration was 23 BK 96.Me and a couple of other lads who served with 321 EOD are trying to find out where it was located in NI. Between us weve trawled through loads of EOD photos but to no avail.It is currently sat outside a gun club in Texas and is in a pretty bad way with lots of rust comig through.It was spotted by one of our lads whilst on his holidays.If I can I will get one of my kids to post a copy of the photo on here if I can find a copy of it.Once again thanks for your info,Jasper.
Hi Dave,the pig was stationed at the Grand Central Hotel,Belfast in 1979.I have put a pic up of it now and then hopefuly you can see it clearly,Jasper.eod3.jpg

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