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The Cold War Museum

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  • 3 weeks later...

So we have our filming day tomorrow.  Big Narstie is coming to drive a few toys and then he is taking a zil away for a few weeks to have a play with it...will hopefully put the museum on the map a bit.  Will be a lot of fun too.  i have to show him how to drive a zil a kraz a 432 a ferret if he can get in it and a ural...maybe  I am not letting him drive the OT90 the MTLB the Saracen or any of the other toys...it will be on the TV in June or july...will let you know when.....Gave the mig a bit of a spruce up for the first time today, she need s a damn good clean, as do a lot of the toys..its coming...we will be open this year of that I am now sure, we have coffee and canteen arrangements coming along staff ready, tents and canopys ready, access nearly sorted and the place is nearly tidied...we are getting there...

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So its the 3/4th July..tickets go on sale on the 1st May.  you have to buy tickets from partyace.com they are 11 pounds each for an adult, free for kids under 17, but you still need to get a ticket...it helps me with the admin and management.  I currently have no idea how to run this so I am using every trick I can to manage it properly and efficiently...so tickets sold mean I can plan on numbers which helps me plan so much else..  So bear with me...I am hoping to have a few surprises by then but thats for the day...not now...its going to be fairly low key to start with but we will get better at it and get more organised.  We will have coffee and tea and cakes and biscuits and maybe some hot food, we will likely ask a burger bar to attend for hot food...i have no idea how many will come hence the ticket sales but I don't expect to get more than 200 on the first weekend...but my limit is going to be 1000...so we should be okay...i cannot see 1000 people coming for a very long time..maybe when we get our TU95 bear in...we will have a small shop selling some smaller memorabilia and stuff and a load more besides but this is the start we have had covid and now I have to try and recover financially and work wise so its going to be much less than planned but it going to open...

Edited by paulob1
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  • 4 weeks later...

got our first of two camp bastion tents up these will be for simple indoor displays...no idea what we will display just yet as we have so much so maybe something historical chronology wise a few pictures soldiers in uniforms and such like...we also have a nice container cabin, we will use it for something needing desks and stuff...we are going to hopefully get a few more machines before opening day which is going to be the 11th July, or may slip into the week after just got a few things to tie up for this week and then we go firm...loads of volunteers helping but no one yet who has much mechanical skills...hoping that as we open and people hear about us more of the ex reme chaps around here will show up..Brad is massively capable at fixing almost every thing and will even tackle complex electrical faults but usually passes the manuals onto me to read them through and identify things to make sure we are on the right track...I hate vehicle electrics..but if you have time go check our the facebook page @theironcurtainmuseum

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i never knew it was going to be so difficult to pick an opening day...so its back to the 3/44.  Wife had booked a weekend away for the 11/12 July...its not easy but it has to be done...so opening day is now confirmed as the 3/4 july...

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HI Bryan, yes we do its a bit convoluted but when we decided to start the museum we wanted to call it The cold war museum.  However I contacted the Cold war Museum in the US to chat to them and exchange ideas and immediately got a cease and desist order from their solicitors.  In America the cold war museum is a load of flags, and a couple of newly acquired Nike Missiles.. Yes you have to believe they have trade marked the name the Cold war museum...what a load of tosh, how can anyone think they can trade mark the phrase the COld war Museum...ridiculous that it was allowed.  it wouldn't be allowed to day but it was then. ...so I changed the name to the Iron Curtain museum....but the web site is still the Cold War Museum...the owner of the museum Francis Gary Powers, yes Gary Powers was his dad.  He offered his services as a speaker but to be honest I do not know him or have any knowledge of his knowledge either but anyway...that is the problem...so the web site is still the coldwar museum...we are about to update it but it will take me a bit of time to do that...so search for the www.thecoldwar museum.com and the facebook page is the @theironcurtainmuseum and we are in ALton hants...

the dat is fully committed now to the 3/4 July this year...book tickets from Monday via the partyace.com web site...entry is by ticket only



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Paul, are you saying that "www.thecoldwar museum.com" is your website ?

I cant get it to work and Facebook is a no go for me and others. We do not all live in Facebook world 

Its too far for me so I'm looking forward to the website.


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2 minutes ago, Mk3iain said:

Paul, are you saying that "www.thecoldwar museum.com" is your website ?

I cant get it to work and Facebook is a no go for me and others. We do not all live in Facebook world 

Its too far for me so I'm looking forward to the website.


HI Iain,




The Iron Curtain Museum. A History of Life during the Cold War

@theironcurtainmuseum  · History museum
on Face book
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6 minutes ago, SirLanceUK said:

HI Iain,




The Iron Curtain Museum. A History of Life during the Cold War

@theironcurtainmuseum  · History museum
on Face book

Thanks Lance, that works ok. The site is not complete and the home page is not up and running but now I can access the site.

I'm still not a Facebook zombie though  🙄

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the site is up and running but yes not complete and now we are looking at redoing it with the new name it likely wont change much until we do...but since I own thecoldwarmuseum.com i will be keeping it until I have enough time to bother to fight the trademark issue.

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I picked up a new museum display unit a Spartan, on loan to the museum from Lance Parsons.  thanks Lance, we need to pull the plugs and give them a clean running very rough...then check that everything else is running sweet...

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  • 1 month later...

well here we go again, the council have said that we cannot open on the 28 day rule because we are a multiuse site...another twist on the facts...we now are at lawyers level and seeking court orders to allow us to do what we have the rights to do...you would think we were opening a nuclear dump site, next door we have a container park full of two story high containers bright blue and other colours, yet in my field we can have nothing... its ludicrous and just shows how contemptuous the planning laws are in this country and how planners apply them to suit their whims or the whims of the local mafia...

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have been drawing up plans, I have four options, 

1. is continue fighting...i have done this all my life...

2 is find another location, i am looking hard and have a tie up already with another museum and 55 acres have just come available next door which may turn out to be a massive boost...

3. I have looked at Florida, and Georgia, places where I could make a very good living out of the museum and the costs of moving are not great...it may be the only answer.

4.  Buy in another country where people are not like those in Beech, my local village,  who think people from council houses should never be allowed to do well in life, and should always be treated as the scum of the earth even if they do, and believe me that is what they think....I have it in writing...

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Unfortunately, as I discovered in my abortive attempt to build a barn, if the planners don't want you to do something they will stop you, no matter how much logic or common sense you bring to bear.


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Hi yes it should have offered you a refund if you had bought tickets...its very frustrating at the moment...they have just announced another 1300 homes about half a mile away on high uality farm land...mine is just and acre of crap farm land and they dont want a museum...this country is screwed up completely...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So now we have lawyers on the case...they EHDC have just announced another old farm is going to be developed into 1500 homes...thats well over 50 acres and my little two acre museum cant go ahead because it will be harmful to the countryside even though the field has no agricultural value whatsoever and yet the 1500 homes less than a mile away on excellent pasture land is not harmful...its no wonder this country is stuffed...its full of people who literally control everything to their own plans and if your don't fit then bugger off...and this idiot government has given them the powers to do so...in ALton w have nothing but thousands of new homes...no business no leisure opportunities nothing, my museum would bring much need interest and leisure activities, a nice coffee shop and restaurant a place for mums to hang out a kiddies play area, it would help children with their GCSE exams where the cold war is now and official subject...the museum has many plusses and the negatives, its not in keeping with the countryside, a container park next door literally, 1500 homes less than a mile away, another 1000 homes 500 yards away...its just plain sick...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can I suggest a few ideas..

1 look at The motorist in sideburns in elmet .. This is a garage plus cafe plus private collection which is a destination location for drivers in Yorkshire ... Multiple meets each week

2 look at the yorkshire wartime weekend .. An annual event ran on a farm ..potentially you could host multiple events











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