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Morris commercial C4

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41 minutes ago, 10FM68 said:

What a magnificent sound!  That really is a lovely restoration - you ought to be very proud, though embarrassed for making so many other people jealous - of your skills and of your vehicle!  Really great.  One thing, though - do you think the Belgian formation (is it the Piron Brigade?) and Signals AOS signs are a bit small?

Indeed,  surely the rear Signals AOS came out a bit  small , I cam live with the size of the Brigade Piron sign Pity but its painted and difficult to modify .

Thanks for the comment .


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3 hours ago, goanna said:

Very nice work !  

There is a manual available right now but I guess you have one


Hello goanna.

Thanks for the link , but I have the original maintenance and instruction book for the 4x2 truck 15 cwt. 

But I am looking for a original driver's handbook, have the copy one but a original one should be nice to fit in it's holder behind the driver seat.

Can swap for a instruction book of CS8 and PU four wheelers (see pictures).







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Thanks for your kind offer . I do have a few copies of the CS8 PU Instruction book, seems to be a fair number of these surviving.   I see you have one of Rob Van Meel's reprints, the Driver's Handbook. The PU parts book that Rob sells, I lent him my original for him to copy. 

I will keep an eye open for a original C4 Driver's Handbook for you. 

In 1940 MCC published a combined all in one manual for their range of military vehicles, the manual includes some stuff that isn't in the other publications. I uploaded this combined manual onto a Facebook group file section, think it was the CS8 PU CDSW group. 

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The epdm ( rubber) membrane is glued over the roof. And now leave to settle the canvas cover that the creases getting out of the canvas. Just fitted some wight on the edges of the canvas to get it real flat before I glue it on to the roof.




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We have glass in one of the window frames,  still two to go. Left side and rear next to fit the glass into the completely new made copy's of the remains of a very bad frame.

Hopefully we can mount these frames in to the radiobox this coming  weekend 




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Canvas glued over the roof and tidying the ridge between roof on side panels. 

Trying to find out what the dividing strip was between the roof and the side?    Was it a wood strip, are a metal strip that was used for this purpose,  on the pictures I have of these radioboxes it's difficult to make out .

On all  the junctions of the panels there where metal strips used that's  sûre.




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Some update on the project.  

Fitted the left window and now I also received the information from a nice follower of this thread that the dividing strip between the side panel and roof  is made out of wood.

So we started to make the side strip with the measurements I received.  The roof ventilator now have a fresh coat of wrinkle paint.                It's good possible that the ventilator is post war but looks the business for me.






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The two deviding strips between the roof and side panels are fitted,   we also have glass in the rear window and this last window is screwed on to the rear door. Now it's only the little front window that's next on the agenda. 

Repaired the 3 original rooftop ventilation units and made the grip that sits over the rear ventilation box.







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Hello, I am looking for information! if you have a good look at the picture there is some sort of wedge on the rear  to keep the spare wheel at its place.

Made the spare wheel carrier but missing this information , its good possible that this rear blocking devise is bolted on to the main spare wheel support ?

morris wt.jpg

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With some pictures and a few measurements from a connection here on the forum we made a copy of the spare wheel carrier.  this carrier is fitted on to the roof of this type of wireless body's. 

Still looking for some information about this type of carrier. ( see previous post)






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The spare wheel carrier is fitted on the roof, bolted on to the metal roof re -enforcements that are screwed on to the wooden cross beams of the roof.

While we where siting on the roof the 3 small ventilation units where replaced, just need to make the big extractor over the cabine fan.

And today I fitted the rear wheels back on to the rear axle ,it's amazing how high the rear radio box sits.  Hopefully with the wight off all the radio gear it will level a bit .

There where a pair of original rear mudguards with this Morris and one original stay. Didn't want to lose match time to reclaim the original ones as the deadline for 30 corps comes close so I made 4 new mudguards and replicate the front stays. Just have a vague idea what the rear stay looks like and need to replicate this two also.







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The painted mudguards in place with some original brackets and newly made ones,  found a picture here on the forum what the rear mudguard stay looks like.

Now fitted the last ceiling panel because I needed to bolt the spare wheel carrier on to the metal roof strengthening profile's. 

We are ready to apply the last coat of paint for the interior. 



morris c4 post war.jpg


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Maybe a lack of postings on here but we didn't get bored.

Started with the fabrication of the last of the four roof vents. This last one is fitted over the extractor ventilator in the corner of the radio box. With some measurements and pictures I tried to make a good copy of a original one. Now making the base for it.

If I want to pass the inspection to get the Morris on the road there are other priorities for the moment!

So started to fit rear lighs and fitted a well cancelled extra fuse box and  flasher unit next to the battery.

The wing mirror are fitted on to the made mounting arms and wipers motors installed .










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Tomorrow up to the technical control to get the Morris registered.

Was a bit of a challenge to get the clutch working , the culprit was a bad clutch pressure plate. Will need to investigate what's the problem is with this pressure plate, luckily I had a spare clutch kit and I am now running on this spare clutch kit.




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