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Bucket advice please .


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Having dutifully renewed my sub to CMV I have , today , received my free(?) gift of a collapsable bucket . Now I know there was a bit of a thread going recently on this subject but I can't remember the conclusions : My question is : Which side of the truck should I hang it ? NB - at the moment I only have a hook in the centre rear but this is not indicative of any indecision on my part or indeed of any inclination to sway from one side to the other ........as it were......I'm just checking to make sure when I've got another hook I get it on the right........er.....I mean correct ....corner :-D :-D :whistle:

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Hi Dave.


Yes follow the link Mark has posted up :whistle:


To be honest, you need to liase with Great War Truck, I am not saying anything but Tim seems to know far to much about this subject :whistle:

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I didnt know that CMV were giving away free canvas buckets. Sounds a bit like they are adopting one of the MVT proposed motions and are trying to attract people to join from the diverse society we live in today.


If it is not a personal question, how big is your bucket and what colour is it? To what purpose do you intend to put it, purely decoration, or is it to be a functional bucket? What sort of vehicle do you intend to hang it from? Now, tell me about your childhood and when was the first time that you saw a canvas bucket? :rtfm:


Tim (too)

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If it is not a personal question, how big is your bucket and what colour is it? To what purpose do you intend to put it, purely decoration, or is it to be a functional bucket? What sort of vehicle do you intend to hang it from? Now, tell me about your childhood and when was the first time that you saw a canvas bucket? :rtfm:


Tim (too)


Well , um , I'd guess I'd say it's about average but I haven't seen anybody else's to compare .

It's ...erm....well...sorry but red.....very very red and quite possibly purely decorative . Functional ? I'm thinking that will probably depend on how desperate I get. I guess I'll be hanging it on the Unimog as it is a) the only greeny I have that's high enough off the ground for it to dangle and b) the towing point is one of the few bits that isn't rotten .

My childhood ? How long do you have...... I spent much of my formative years gazing through the school fence watching army trucks passing by on their way to & from Fingringhoe Ranges and when they weren't around yearning the affections of the unattainable Gillian *** (name witheld to protect the innocent) . Of course I've seen pictures of canvas buckets before - i mean we all have haven't we lads ? .......Lads ? But anyway , I haven't actually seen a real one before. .........


Do I need help ?




I do don't I .......




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That is a very interesting suggestion and something that should be considered.


I am advised that in certain communities, that the hanging of a different colour bandanna from different pockets will have the same effect. Just to be on the safe side, i gave up the use of bandannas a while back. In fact as soon as i heard this.


Tim (too)

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Your comment about it being black reminds me of a joke.


An Officer's wife is talking to another wife. "My husband's gone to Africa to command an African regiment. It has White Officers with Black Privates".

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