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Right chaps, my dad and I have given up and were back home.


I am going to try and be as fair and honest as I can be.


Traders=, the w+p facebook page have posted some positive comments from stall holders. A close friend of mine who is a trader spent 4 hours just getting through booking in and a further hour getting to his pitch. My dad and I walked the stalls yesterday and it was a nightmare. I spoke to about 6 long term stall holders who have been doing w+p for years and they were fuming, 1 was trying to organise agroup of stall holders to confront the w+p team to see whats going on.


Toilets=, up until this morning there were only 4 potraloos for the whole of the americas field!! And these were the type with no 'flap', so you could see into the bottom, which was disgusting, I kid you not, they are so bad I did number 2's in my tent! All the portaloo's I have seen on site are the same. When we left today, more toilets were ariving on americas field though.


My dad and I walked the whole site yesterday, and everywhere we went was a mudbath. Every roadway was a quagmire, with loads closed of. There are pools of standing water everywhere.

Today has been the best day for weather so far, hot and sunny, and the site is starting to dry out, but very very very slowly, if the site gets anymore rain, it will just become a mudbath again.


Whilst I was waiting in my landie for my dad to come out of the toilet by the showers, a lady who is a trader came over to me and was almost in tears, she needed a vehcile towed of site and had been to see some w+p officials for help, but they said they could not help her. I was happy to help her, however, the roadways in/out of the site are in chaos, so I could not even help her.


The entrance to the americas field has a mud pool of about 100 sq yards and is about 6-12 inches deep, we will need at least a week of hot weather for this to dry out.


People were still arriving as we were leaving, the queue to get into the site is a nightmare.

TBH, what w+p should do is let people get on site and set up, and then allow them to come back on foot and book in, but, they won't do that for fear of someone getting in free.


When you consider that it has been raining for 2 months, w+p should of had a plan in place to help sort out the problems, such as alumimium road ways and tons of gravel/woodchip.


I'm sure there will be some people who will say it's not as bad as i'm saying, but, I say this, w+p for me is my annual holiday, and it is with a heavy heart that I have left early, but I just could not face sitting in my tent not being able to do anything anymore.


I will post some pictures when ive un packed.

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Right chaps, my dad and I have given up and were back home.


I am going to try and be as fair and honest as I can be.


Traders=, the w+p facebook page have posted some positive comments from stall holders. A close friend of mine who is a trader spent 4 hours just getting through booking in and a further hour getting to his pitch. My dad and I walked the stalls yesterday and it was a nightmare. I spoke to about 6 long term stall holders who have been doing w+p for years and they were fuming, 1 was trying to organise agroup of stall holders to confront the w+p team to see whats going on.


Toilets=, up until this morning there were only 4 potraloos for the whole of the americas field!! And these were the type with no 'flap', so you could see into the bottom, which was disgusting, I kid you not, they are so bad I did number 2's in my tent! All the portaloo's I have seen on site are the same. When we left today, more toilets were ariving on americas field though.


My dad and I walked the whole site yesterday, and everywhere we went was a mudbath. Every roadway was a quagmire, with loads closed of. There are pools of standing water everywhere.

Today has been the best day for weather so far, hot and sunny, and the site is starting to dry out, but very very very slowly, if the site gets anymore rain, it will just become a mudbath again.


Whilst I was waiting in my landie for my dad to come out of the toilet by the showers, a lady who is a trader came over to me and was almost in tears, she needed a vehcile towed of site and had been to see some w+p officials for help, but they said they could not help her. I was happy to help her, however, the roadways in/out of the site are in chaos, so I could not even help her.


The entrance to the americas field has a mud pool of about 100 sq yards and is about 6-12 inches deep, we will need at least a week of hot weather for this to dry out.


People were still arriving as we were leaving, the queue to get into the site is a nightmare.

TBH, what w+p should do is let people get on site and set up, and then allow them to come back on foot and book in, but, they won't do that for fear of someone getting in free.


When you consider that it has been raining for 2 months, w+p should of had a plan in place to help sort out the problems, such as alumimium road ways and tons of gravel/woodchip.


I'm sure there will be some people who will say it's not as bad as i'm saying, but, I say this, w+p for me is my annual holiday, and it is with a heavy heart that I have left early, but I just could not face sitting in my tent not being able to do anything anymore.


I will post some pictures when ive un packed.


A friend of mine who is down there has just called me and basically clarified all of the above so i made my mind up to not bother going down, shame really!

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MUDDER FUDDER!!! I have noticed that the organisers have slowed up their postings on Facebook,could an announcement be due shortly? ...I reckon so


Im sure this show will be cancelled very shortly on Health and Safety grounds,I cannot see the public being allowed to enter the site considering the state of the site and rain on its way for another 2 days

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Im sure this show will be cancelled very shortly on Health and Safety grounds,I cannot see the public being allowed to enter the site considering the state of the site and rain on its way for another 2 days

It wont be cancelled. I did hear they are thinking of opening to the public on Thursday though (could be a rumour). Not over fussed anyway as I am onsite all week regardless of mud :D

Edited by hetsar
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Participants are there but if you cannot get emergency services vehicles to the majority of the site, can you open to the public?


Just as importantly, what is the state of the public car parks? That'll be the real decider.



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I was told that a fire engine must be able to get to anywhere on site within 5 minutes, true or not, I don't know.

I was also told that if the show is cancelled before it starts(weds), then people are entitled to a refund.


I hope the weather holds and it all goes ahead ok, but with rain forecast, I can't see it.

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Participants are there but if you cannot get emergency services vehicles to the majority of the site, can you open to the public?


would that mean that HSE would not be too interested and we could play properly? Sounds OK to me :) Thats decided it for me....SEE YOU THURSDAY!!!!

I am fairly sure the public car park will be ok, it seems higher up and very solid from what I remember......

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I cant see what all the fuss is about, we all know the conditions. Its down to everyone to make the decision to attend or not, it is not closing and that I can guarantee we know will be final. It would be hell on earth if it was cancelled one day before the public arrive. Everyone is settled in now and the teams are working hard to make sure its safe and up to standard. Give em a break.

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went to visit a mate on a stall and trade area was passable with care althoughth 1 bloke with a range rover was churning a area up loaded to the hilt:mad:

:mad:never got to the main fields as never got time but the ground is trying to dry

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Was just browsing the W&P official site and found this notice:


The south east is in a dought and a hosepipe ban came into force on 5 April. As you can imagine at The War and Peace Show we use a great deal of water so could all exhibitors please bring as much water with them as possible? http://www.hosepipeban.org.uk/2012/03/12/hosepipe-bans-due-on-april-5th/




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