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Guy Gibson's Dog renamed


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I once went to a talk by George McDonald Fraser, he of most political correctness of characters Flashman. He was saying a scene he had written for a screenplay had been cut, where, 'Native' American indians were raving mad drunk after being sold whisky by traders. Apparently, in reality, traders would build themselves small wooden stockades with small hatchs to pass out the bottles and take the trades. They needed the stockades as the indians would get wild and truly unruly to get their drink. Therefore the scensors wouldn't allow this representation of their treatment of American Indians be seen in hollywood.


I would like to know how the Indian Wars are taught in the states?

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Sorry Andy, already looking for a Womble cart, just cant't find one in Camo!:-D

When you get to forty life feels at an end, then you get to Fifty , and end up on SAGA's mailing list, after that.. Ah Sod it!:-D


I am 60 this year in April. I went to get my free Bus Pass only to be told that Gordon Brown changed the rules and I don't get one until May 2012. I get free prescriptions, though, and reduced admission to the Battle of Britain Flight at RAF Coningsby.

My normal car is insured through Saga - good discounts for oldies.....

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the original film was on one of the BBC channels a while ago and the dogs name had been overdubbed as "Blackie" !!!


then it was on channel 5 unchanged.


which reminds me, i have not seen blazing saddles on recently! :nut:


I was only watching blazing saddles on one of the freeview channels last week, (can't remember which) no censoring on there, though it was on after 9 o'clock.

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Its annoying when they do strip things out its like saying you're not fit to make you're own mind up whether to use the off on/button if its racist, derogatory or offensive.


Do we know why Guy Gibson called his dog the n word.


Its part of history the rewriting of history can be worse because it overrides and becomes the official version of the story to the majority of the general public. Think back to the Hollywood version of U 571 and how it fictionalised the capture of the submarine by the US Navy in 1942 before the US had even entered the war.



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Gibson named his dog because it was a black Labrador. At that time Gay meant happy and carefree, Robertson's used a Golliwog trade mark, and the badges were much collected. As for American attitudes to black people at the time, just do some basic checking into US Armed forces history. Britian was the enlightened country at the time, unless you were Welsh or Irish.


It's called history and social change. Who knows what will be made of our comments in ten years, let alone fifty or sixty.

Think of the attitude to couloured shirts for men and long hair in the late 1960's.

(Not to mention the effect of Hot Pants and Mini skirts on impressionable youths of that era! )

Edited by Tony B
Geeting a bit hot, need a lie down
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I'd like to know why they felt the need to use a name at all if it was going to offend ( affect profit ) in the USA. A simple "Here Boy" would have done to call a dog over. For that matter, why even have the dog in the story; it's not a key part of the overall operation. If you are going to amend history, I'd rather things like that were left out than altered to suit profits.

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I'd like to know why they felt the need to use a name at all if it was going to offend ( affect profit ) in the USA. A simple "Here Boy" would have done to call a dog over. For that matter, why even have the dog in the story; it's not a key part of the overall operation. If you are going to amend history, I'd rather things like that were left out than altered to suit profits.


Because Nigger was the code word to be given by the Aircrews, to indicate a breach of a dam, so that those back in England knew the state of the raid. The Dog was seen as a squadron Mascot and hence a bit of a lucky charm, so Nigger getting run over and killed a few hours before the raid would have been very demoralising to all the crews, and the decision to bear his grief alone and not share his loss with anyone else was part of Gibson's character that is important to portraying him as a person....




The fact that the code word "Nigger" was sent by Morse code, not by plain voice was one of the mistakes in the first film. Had the original film been technically accurate then he name of the dog wouldn't have mattered......well not to many because percentage wise a very small number of viewers would have known morse, and thereby been offended.


I expect the re=make will also incorrectly use voice radio when it should be Morse code.....and this is the issue.

Edited by antarmike
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The fact that the code word "Nigger" was sent by Morse code, not by plain voice was one of the mistakes in the first film. Had the original film been technically accurate then he name of the dog wouldn't have mattered......well not to many because percentage wise a very small number of viewers would have known morse, and thereby been offended.


I expect the re=make will also incorrectly use voice radio when it should be Morse code.....and this is the issue.


Mike, the original film did use morse to send the signal and it can clearly be heard - the name however is called out by the morse operator at Grantham as he is relaying the message back to Wallis and Harris in the room.

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The original film wasn't completely accurate any way for at least one reason the 'bouncing bomb' was still a secret so all that was shown was a lump in the belly of the Lancaster.


Wow - a preggers Lanc!! Just think what the PC brigade would make of that these days!! :D :D

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..... A simple "Here Boy" would have done to call a dog over.

Unfortunately The P.C. Brigade might take offence at the term "boy"



From Wiki...Boy.....Race

Historically, in countries such as the U.S. and South Africa, "boy" was not only a 'neutral' term for domestics but also used as a disparaging racist insult towards men of colour (especially of African descent), recalling their subservient status even after the 20th century legal emancipation (from slavery, evolved to race segregation, viz. Apartheid) and alleged infantility, and many still consider it offensive in that context to this day since it denotes that men of colour (especially of African descent) are less than men or no better than an animal. For example a simple command for a dog would be, "Come here boy!"

Edited by antarmike
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... so Nigger getting run over and killed a few hours before the raid would have been very demoralising to all the crews, and the decision to bear his grief alone and not share his loss with anyone else was part of Gibson's character that is important to portraying him as a person.

Not shown in the film was Gibson's instruction to (I think) the Provost Sergeant to bury the dog at midnight "and we can both go into the ground together." Which illustrates how Gibson rated his chances.

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Its annoying when they do strip things out its like saying you're not fit to make you're own mind up whether to use the off on/button if its racist, derogatory or offensive.


Andy, I find the 'Politically Correct' Brigade Offensive!....................:mad:



Did you know that the PC brigade recently decreed that the term "pet" offends a home-living domesticated animal because it implies ownership, when the home-living domesticated animal is not something to be owned because it is its own entity?


Or some such bilge.

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Not shown in the film was Gibson's instruction to (I think) the Provost Sergeant to bury the dog at midnight "and we can both go into the ground together." Which illustrates how Gibson rated his chances.

He did however ask him to bury him at midnight as that would be about the time they were over the target, so i suppose it was more or less correct.

They really have made a massive thing out of the naming of Nigger though.

As Mike said, they could have just relay the morse signal and then I suppose they could just say "They did it ! Its gone !"

rather than change the dogs name and completely hash things around.

Any reference to the dog before the raid could just be a simple "Come here lad" or even use the name Nigsy which apparently people including Gibson actually did.


The bit that puzzles me (if we are going to be so PC and pedantic) is that people are so alarmed at the naming of a historical fact, i.e the naming of the dog yet find it acceptable to make a film concerning men getting shot out of the sky and civillians getting drowned....


Its a strange world.

Edited by Desert Rat
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Did you know that the PC brigade recently decreed that the term "pet" offends a home-living domesticated animal because it implies ownership, when the home-living domesticated animal is not something to be owned because it is its own entity?


Or some such bilge.


Well.....I supose I must be fair & have a word with my Two Siamese cats tonight. I had better take into consideration that their views on weather they like, or dislike to be called Pets. Simply MUST be impartially listend to and acted upon.

I feel this is only right & propper, & an honest & fair view aired by them. Will be carefully adhered to, when selecting a phrase that they will be reffered to as 'The Norm'. I really wouldnt want to offend them in any way whatsoever, & would be extremely courtious & keen to know thier points of view. After all, they are Animals & do have more rights than mere Human Beings in this glorious country that we are allowed to live in! :angel:


Now....where are those 'Cooking Fats'!!!....................................:laugh:

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the cats just leave instructions for me...


"Oi slave, open door / open food / clean litter tray / etc etc etc"



they're black & white - i know black's technically not a colour...but that's where this thread started, wasn't it?

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