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At last dad's grounded

bridie beckett

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This is Jacks daughter. Dad had an accident yesterday. A very innocent trip to Uppottery airfield on a mission to take photos for Donald Burgett quite literally ended in tears.


The day started cheerfully with dad packing tea making equipment etc. Plus a picnic beautifully made by mum. On arrival to the airfield, we found the gate locked so dad rang the number on the gate, it turned out to be a friend of hiswho owns some of the airfield he very kindly gave us the combination to the lock. Everything was going swimmingly. After unlocking the gate, dad went to get back in the car in excitment, when suddenly he yelled in agony. His back had gone!!!!


Me, mum and my brother and sister were given directions to go and take photographs in the control tower, with dad sat some distance away in the car stranded and actually unable to wave to us when we waved to him at the top of the platform!!


We all quickly jumped back in the car. Me and mum, had to carry dad from the drivers seat to the passenger seat. He was wailing with the pain. Mum drove us home with dad wincing at every bump clutching tightly to the door handle.


When we got home, we were trying very hard to think how to transport him to the house, which is a small distance from where we parked the car. My sister came up with the ingenius idea of getting the computer chair on wheels, getting him from the car straight in to the computer chair and all of us pushing him in.


Now picture this, me and my mum lift dad in to the computer chair, dad had no use of his legs so we had to take all of his weight. He then started to cry as we put him in to the chair shouting out "I'm gunna wet myself!" and also yelling, "If anyone takesa photo im gunna kill them!" We started wheeling him slowley in to the house , we couldnt help it, we all started laughing! But i held his feet out and my mum was pulling the chair. The journey seemed to take forever. If only we could have had taken a picture, it would of been well worth posting! But the moment was lost forever.


So this is why im here tonight, posting up for dad, mum is busy hand feeding him his dinner in the lounge with whisky and hot watr bottles to follow, tucked up watching Eastenders.


We will keep you posted with the progress! :-P :lol: :-D




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Oh dear - that is bad news - funny as the images conjured up might be!! Wish hime well from me too please. I know how painful back pain is - my lower vertebrae are all compressed from too many heavy landings in the past and my back tends to lock out/up at inopportune moments leaving me immobile in a cloud of blue air.

The wife is just waiting for it to go whilst I'm in little Mauds cab.... :schocked: :schocked: :schocked:

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ooh dear, i do feel sorry for the rest of the Beckett family, living with someone with a bad back can be frustrating but hilarious at the same time.

seriously though i hope it gets better Jack.

Russ also suffers & has a shortening of the 1st 5 vertabrea that they wanted to fuse, he wouldn't have it done and has learnt to know his limits.

not a very nice affliction but a physio / ospeopath can work wonders.

get better soon



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Ahh nothing quite like the searing agony of a slipped disk

Welcome to the club 'old horse'

soon you'll be creaking with the rest of us like an old galleon in a storm


I'll never forget coming to a complete stanstill in the middle of town thinking i was gonna die if i breathed out... or in... or moved my eyes


Badback sufferers of the world rise up...

slowly... then stand stock still for about 30 seconds... then think bu&&er it & sit down again :shake: :shake: :shake: :-D


Oh & get well soon BTW... or at least to your computer :wink:

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Beginning to sound like a bad back is a mandatory requirement for MV ownership!!!! :-o





You have not had the Stalwart very long, but from my experience working on them over the years, they kill my back and knees, climbing in and out and laying down across the engine to change a starter or something, not to mention dealing with the brake master cylinders. Ahhh.......I can feel my back aching now, just thinking about it :cry:


Anyway Jack, hope you get better soon, from one sufferer to another.




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Morning all.


Thank you to everyone for their best wishes :-D nice to be loved :hug:


Still in a great deal of pain and my god that hurt like hell on Sunday - I would say that it was worse than giving birth :schocked:.


I was so looking forward to getting into the control at Upottery as I was so pleased to give everyone the news that I had the combination to the gate but in the end I had to sit in the car staring at everyone else standing on the viewing platform :argh:


What had happened was my muscles went into spasm which in turn moved 4 vertabre which in turn made my hip drop :-o :schocked: and that is why I had an explosion of pain but I am told that this is mainly due to my high level of fitness :naughty:


I was sat in the middle of Upottery airfield visualising C-47's taking off for Normandy and having to use a golden marsh mellow packet to wave at the kids as I couldn't really move my hands :blush: They did manage to get me into the passenger sit and the ride home was painful and Anne to full of advantage of the situation by going around roundabouts at high speed swiftly followed by stunt driving - hand brake turns, over taking on bends, putting the car up on two wheels, jumping over other cars and this was just going through Dorchester :banghead:



Eliza really did save the day when we got home but wheeling out the computer chair. Bridie and Anne just about got me into the chair as I couldn't hold my weight and I was so close to peeing my pants - something I haven't done since I was about 2! I was trying my hardest to keep my dignity in front of the kiddies but had tears running down my face - my children have never seen a 21 year old grown man cry before :blush:.


Anne was pulling the chair backwards towards the house and Eliza was holding my legs up...until she couldn't them any longer and just dropped them a few words did indeed come to mind:argh: :yawn: but bless them they did get me to the house ok.


I did get the whisky out and drank half a bottle of that on Sunday night and did in actual fact work a treat as it relaxed my muscles, I did the same on Monday night as well and again, had a great effect on relaxing the muscles. Feel a lot better today and moving a lot easier. The problem is that I have a trade show to attend next week and I want to get my truck fixed :-(


I have indeed lived like a king and have got stuck into my readings and boy, aren't I good an XBox now :wink:


Best wishes to all.



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You have not had the Stalwart very long, but from my experience working on them over the years, they kill my back and knees, climbing in and out and laying down across the engine to change a starter or something, not to mention dealing with the brake master cylinders. Ahhh.......I can feel my back aching now, just thinking about it :cry:


Anyway Jack, hope you get better soon, from one sufferer to another.






This is true Richard - but I do have many years spent hanging over the wings of Saab type 96 and type 95's coupled with the (unfortunate) side effects of too many heavy parachute landings amongst other abuses when I was younger - so little Maud is just emphasising those aches for me :-)


On the plus side though - since I've had her and been working on her I've lost over half a stone in weight!!! Seriously considering selling tickets for the cab nextr summer as it makes one hell of a sauna!!! :-) :-o :-)

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Great that you're able to use the internet again! Perpaps you should work a little less, this was probably stress related...



Thank you and thank you for the text my friend. You are probably right as the pressure cranked up a fair bit last week, could be good pressure but pressure none the less :-D

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If you use that stuff, just have to remember to wash your hands before having a wee


:rofl: :rofl:russ has done that. i was hysterical for days, chuckling again now thinking about it :rofl: :rofl:


ps glad to hear you are on the mend Jack



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