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We'll meet again -


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Hi all.


Thought I would enlighten the forum members as I have received a couple of PM's in relation to my kit up for sale.


I have put the Ward La France M1A1, the love trailer, Ben Hur and other bits up for sale as I am currently searching for a property with the lovely Naughty Nurse.


Unfortunately, house buying is a ridiculously expensive undertaking and my military kit makes a sizeable chunk of the deposit.


It is with a heavy heart I am advertising my pride and joys.


I shall still be around the MV scene - all be it from the sidelines and without a vehicle. I shall still bug people on here and see most of you next year around the show circuit and shall pester you for tea and biscuits.


Maybe when I am in a better position I will dip my toes in the water again and look for another MV. God knows what, as I am do not think I am going to better the “Rugged Boys.”


Anyways - adverts on here, Milweb and the War and Peace web site.





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Hi all.


Thought I would enlighten the forum members as I have received a couple of PM's in relation to my kit up for sale.


I have put the Ward La France M1A1, the love trailer, Ben Hur and other bits up for sale as I am currently searching for a property with the lovely Naughty Nurse.


Unfortunately, house buying is a ridiculously expensive undertaking and my military kit makes a sizeable chunk of the deposit.


It is with a heavy heart I am advertising my pride and joys.


I shall still be around the MV scene - all be it from the sidelines and without a vehicle. I shall still bug people on here and see most of you next year around the show circuit and shall pester you for tea and biscuits.


Maybe when I am in a better position I will dip my toes in the water again and look for another MV. God knows what, as I am do not think I am going to better the “Rugged Boys.”


Anyways - adverts on here, Milweb and the War and Peace web site.








Mark that is both good news and sad news. The sad news is on my own selfish level as there will be a void in the mv world :(


But great news for you as it is exciting times for you guys! But in all all honesty you need to he looking here www.debeers.com........... :whistle:

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Sad & glad to read your news Mark - you are a true gentleman , a character and a great ambassador for the hobby so from that point of view your presence will be very much missed however temporary that absence may be . Obviously from the other viewpoint I am happy for your good news and wish you the very best in your search for a new home with your lovely lady .

My very best wishes to you both .



Edited by snowtracdave
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Wow - thankyou for all the kind words - I'm getting all emotional.


We are only looking for a house guys - no hat buying yet.


I will still be on the forum - so no fears - not letting you all off that easily.


We haven't found a pad yet but are looking in Leigh on Sea and crikey - they are expensive.


Just want to say I've met some great chaps and chapettes on the forum and made some real friendships which will last longer than our vehicles.


It's what this forum is all about - similar people, similar hobby.


I will be popping in to the shows during next year and saying hi - may even bring naughty nurse with me.


I am of course counting the fact the Ward will sell - strange place to be as don't really want to sell it - but common sense must prevail - for once.



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Sorry to hear you are "settling down" :-D Mark ! Have you arranged for a standby to cover your patch at W+P ! Won't be the same without you up to your eyeballs in oil and muck on that corner ! Seriously though mate hope you get all you want for your kit and enjoy your nest building ! Good luck mate !:-D

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Good luck mate. We haven't met, but love the Ward.


I had my Defender up for sale last year and got a buyer that was willing to pay what I wanted, but a week before It was due to go I just couldn't part with it. She has been part of my life for 11 years and it felt like I was loosing part of me, so I called it off and kept her. I know how hard it is to part with these vehicles. Good luck for the future.



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