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What are the chances ?

mark m uk

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Went to France last week, and as is almost a duty when in Normandy, I stopped off at one of the D-Day landing beaches.......Omaha.


Here is the beautiful sculpture that sits on the beach to greet any visitors.





The beach these days is for the most part like any other beach, a tranquil happy place where kids run and shout, local people exercise their horses and gulls screech and squark.






This time of the year its a very pretty and peaceful place.





It is difficult to believe that this quiet and peacful stretch of golden sand was once one of the most dangerous places on the face of this planet. But, looking among the rocks, with the odd lengths of discarded fishing tackle, beer cans, and all the myriad of stuff that gets washed in with the tide and left behind.............there will always be 'evidence' of this beautiful beach having a dark past.





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Christian and NOS,


Thank you for the comments, I am glad you like the pictures, and troubled to pass comment. Interesting remark NOS, it seems we think the same.


As you know, its a lot of work taking pictures, selecting, uploading and posting. Specially if, like me you have a half-arsed broadband connection, and have fat old cracked bricklayers fingers that type at about twelve words an hour.


Nearly a hundred views and only 2 people have commented - on what is a descussion forum.........


.........have I got it wrong, is this boring to most ?


I have pictures of Collville-sur-mer, Arromache beach, the forest at St Sever where the 28/29th inf and US 2nd armored slugged it out with Das Reich SS.


I am not trying to be bothersome or rude, I am a new guy here and just finding my feet. It is your forum not mine, but if my threads along these lines are just regarded as unneccersary wear and tear on your mouse - please let me know one way or another, even if you post "boring" its better than silence. at least i'd know to shut up :-D


like I said (wrote) not looking for an argument, just enlightenment :)

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. Nearly a hundred views and only 2 people have commented - on what is a descussion forum.........


.........have I got it wrong, is this boring to most ?


me know one way or another, even if you post "boring" its better than silence. at least i'd know to shut up :-D


Not boring at all Mark, nice thought provoking thread, but it is often like this, I don't know why, there is a hardcore of frequent posters and hundreds of lurkers, this can be off putting but don't let it stop you.


That is not to say people don't like it, I know many are not confident enough to post, you have to allow for that, in conversation when you meet they will often mention enjoying your threads! I for one have periods when it seems I am a 'thread killer', I post a reply and instead of someone responding it ends the thread, very disconcerting. Or sometimes I comment and look at it later and realize it really was stooopid, and have to edit/delete it, I can't be alone in this.......can I? Easier and safer just to not post.


A lot of hits are by non members who just got to it by a searching for something else, it is a public forum after all.


A hit can be just a quick look at the first pic or few words then off to look at something else, it's not necessary to read the whole thread.


Like you I have started threads that have had only a couple of replies and felt stupid for wasting my time, but others have gone very well and been really satisfying and good fun as well, that's what it's all about.


Hope this helps, keep up the good work HMVF needs you. :clap:

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Just because we don't post dosen't mean we don't look and enjoy. The name HMVf is a bit deceptive, all sorts of stuff comes in. Your'e right the pictures of people enjoying the beach, is what the guy's fought and died for. Especiaslly at this time of year count your blessings.

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Mark, as someone who can type as fast as twelve words per hour, you probably don't understand what it's like for us lesser mortals who type even slower !


...if we all posted on every thread that we read, well, there just aren't enough hours in the day.


I suppose that I tend not to post if I don't think that I can 'add' anything to the discussion. Lots of back-slapping and 'nice truck / photos / kit' doesn't really help those who follow but its absence doesn't mean that the thread is not appreciated.


I 've come to realise that I 'm something of a thread killer. There probably won't be any more posts after this one. Sorry mate !

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Mark, exactly what gritineye said. But your comments reflect exactly what I still occasionally think. But gritineye has astutely hit the nail on the head. He might have a beard but he talks a lot of sense at times. Me, I mostly talk scribble.


I pulled what I thought was a fascinating photo a few weeks ago because nobody commented on it. Sometimes a bit of encouragement helps.

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God no, don't be disheartened. Like Tim said threads can touch you in a very profound way and sometimes when someone has already expressed the response you would have made, to say "yes what he said" seems lame (well in my opinion anyway). Like enigma said I too wandered away from the computer wondering how that little peice of history became separated from the man, then decided I'd probably not want to go through the same then thanked god I didn't know and probably wouldn't have to know what it was like. I then wondered how long (if ever) it would be before the last vestiges of the landings were gone from the land...

So yes it did make an impact and thanks for posting

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Mark you lucky b***er - I was there at exactly the same time as you as I took the family during half term and spent ages looking up and down the beach for any signs of what went on. I last went there in 1979 and then you could put your hand in the sand and pull out loads of relics. I remember lads finding 20mm shells, spades, face camo tins, toothpaste, etc but after 30 years of metal detectors its all gone (well nearly).


BTW - I went down to the beach via the steps behind the memorial with the family and it looks like my wife in her pink coat in the distance! Shame I did not have an HMVF t-shirt on as I would have said Hi!

Edited by LarryH57
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I 've come to realise that I 'm something of a thread killer. There probably won't be any more posts after this one. Sorry mate !


Please keep posting, that quote below every post always makes me grin...:-D thread killing is all in the mind anyway, someone has to come last, perhaps we could have a buddy system where we could take it in turns to 'cover' each others last posts, say when a thread appears to have been dead for a few days. Just to ease the torment..


Tim, sorry if you spotted my now disappeared comment to your thread today, just another stoooopid one I'm afraid.....

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Please keep posting, that quote below every post always makes me grin...:-D thread killing is all in the mind anyway, someone has to come last, perhaps we could have a buddy system where we could take it in turns to 'cover' each others last posts, say when a thread appears to have been dead for a few days. Just to ease the torment..


Many a true word spoken through false teeth. And a beard?:-D

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No false teeth here Mike, a couple of gaps though, the stooopid bits must get out through there......


I know some members who can't yet get broadband yet, so they just can't spare the time to post if they want to see pix as well.

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A bit when I went through a lot of trouble to post original German pics of vehicles in the German vehicle part. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=6743&page=4

No response after I published these unique photo's (although not spectacular) so I didn't publish anymore.


I needed to scan, crop, watermark the pics, upload to Photobucket and then to the forum. A lot of work...

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A bit when I went through a lot of trouble to post original German pics of vehicles in the German vehicle part. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=6743&page=4

No response after I published these unique photo's (although not spectacular) so I didn't publish anymore.


I needed to scan, crop, watermark the pics, upload to Photobucket and then to the forum. A lot of work...


I didn't see those. You didn't post them just before a forum crash, did you ? (We used to have crashes, you know !)


Keep posting, I love piccies !

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Has everyone got PMT today or something???


Mark you have to be concerned when your thread only has 2 views! In my opinnion it is the content not the answers that is the most important. I have many threads that I have started and have had no replies and no answers - but that is life - my ego can handle it.


Have a look at GWT thread on WWI trucks - most be in the millions by now! And you would not believe how many comments and emails (in fact had another one Wednesday) I get from people saying what a wonderful thread but have never posted in it and many aren't members. So just keep posting - it works.



I often wonder how many relics are on the sea bed 200yds from the tide line..........

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Seriously Wow!


Thanks to everyone for the absolute barrage of replies. I certainly have a different view of things having read all the posative comments.


It would seem the reasons for not posting replies to threads are very reasonable and valid, However, one thing that shines through is that I am not the only one to wonder why there are not many/any replies to threads. I am, not the only one to be dissapointed, and as one member pointed out stopped posting because of it.


May I respectfully suggest that a lesson has been learned, or not so much learned as restated. - "Nothing is for nothing"


If we cannot find the time for even the most brief "thanks for posting", then we should not be too suprised if there is little of interest on the forum when we log on.


Its like a snowball - more stuff will lead to more stuff, but those that (as Enigma) stated, take the trouble to source, buy, scan, watermark, upload and share pictures - should be encouraged.


I think we can all agree on that, can't we ?


Thanks again for the comments chaps, Regards Mark.


P.s. Thanks Jack, I was typeing a reply as you posted that up so didn't see it right away. Good reply, but I must take issue with you on one very important point.................I believe that PMT, is now refered to as PMS. LOL,


And where did you get that EGO ? are they available on ebay ? mines a little fragile, so maybe I need a tougher

one..........Lol, Thanks again,

Edited by mark m uk
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