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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. 14 mm I have the bolts in front off me but I can't find a single ruler or tape measure to confirm the length and diameter
  2. Had a good wander through the film this morning thanks for posting it up.
  3. Clarkson in charge of a gun http://youtu.be/rHvgzhnqsr0
  4. I was thinking more on the lines that once it has been confirmed as deactivated it isn't considered to be a firearm just a lump of metal
  5. Its not making the Fort look good is it, its sounding like a right thieves den. Pity you can't move elsewhere
  6. Could one be selfish and ask for a picture I wouldn't mind seeing that butty box
  7. Silly question but when a weapon has been deactivated is it still classed as a weapon in the eyes of the law. I only make that point because its not the kind of headline that you want to see in the national press.
  8. Very ironic and to still have its lot number on it, it would almost be a shame to over restore it. But hey its you're vehicle have fun with it and if you have the time post up some pics of the restoration.
  9. No problem I like Champs I just haven't the time or space to have one, now if I won the lottery and could afford to own the garage of my dreams the Champ would be one of my first buys. Along with a Ford Mustang the type that Steve Mcqueen drove in Bullitt.
  10. Sign up to the Austin Champ register http://www.austinchamp.com/ one chap in particular (John Mastrangelo) should be able to help with its history. He also sorted out the history of one of my Ferrets. Keith Nicholson also does a monthly news letter as well which can be very informative http://www.austin-champ.co.uk/
  11. Some people have no shame I have lost count of the people that will openly admit they have just been released from prison. I can not see why you would want to admit that to anyone. :nut: Is there something wrong with me for thinking that I hope not. Without wishing to have my post moderated you only have to look to recent events to see why some people think its allright to steal. :argh: If I carry on much further I'll be touching on the P word which is almost as bad as the R word. I hope you get you're deacts back
  12. Ask at you're local garage which company supplies there oil, they won't be using tesco style refills they will buy in bulk. I use this supplier in Bury http://www.crownoil.co.uk/index.php just an example
  13. I have to sort out a new bearing for the front wheel and then sort out a trip to Vosa for its MOT. So the answer should be yes if I shift my backside and it stops raining! I partially stripped the front hub down the weekend before Woodvale and found that the bearing had no grease in it so I suspect that its U/S. So rather than mess about I'll go looking for a new bearing in Macclesfield or Duckinfield. Must remember to ring Mr Lock
  14. Hi Tony, Why not ring the DVLA and ask them they will give you the correct information. That is presuming that you speak to someone who knows what they are talking about.
  15. Cracking idea Jeep prices seem to be heading into the stratosphere. As a cheap way of owning a Jeep or a Jeep lookalike its a goer. The majority of the public won't know any difference the chug chug noises should make it plain to other MV owners, if you can live with that go for it.
  16. Any excuse! You missed a great show but you also missed the rain as well. Shotton towards the end of August might be an excuse to get you're carrier running around.
  17. I missed the first runway run on Saturday we were wandering about the stalls. Ditto on the West Lancs MVT they did a great job.
  18. It was a good do well worth going too next year The road run on Saturday evening [video=youtube_share;Rq1GDMsoaAE]
  19. Might as well add a few as well, the best weather was on Sunday it rained on and off on Saturday and positivity peeded it down Saturday and Sunday night. [ATTACH=CONFIG]49589[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]49590[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]49591[/ATTACH] Four Ferrets at the show almost as common as Jeeps! The worst looking one was mine (blue and white flags), Its displaying the lived in look at the moment :undecided: thats what I am calling it anyway. [ATTACH=CONFIG]49595[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]49592[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]49593[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]49594[/ATTACH]
  20. Yep its a big wheeled Ferret I have pictures of it somewhere :-X
  21. How much were they as a matter of interest? I saw a seller at W&P selling them for £10 each forgot to go back for them.
  22. You are just seeing the stockings..... oh sorry thats me :red: :cool2:
  23. Did this paperback have pictures in it with stories from the readers wives by any chance? :cool2:
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