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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. I think its very difficult to attract members of the two local clubs to a new show (I had plans to go elsewhere on both days). The gentleman who visited both local MVT groups made a grand effort to attract military vehicle owners to the show in vain it would seem. In the most part that very same weekend had a show at Ponderosa which I have no doubt attracted some members to it. Some members budget for just for a few shows as they are retired and on limited funds and as its new its just not on there radar. Maybe next year £12 to park is an awful lot of money to park a car
  2. Tar for the pictures I went as well on Sunday and had intended to take some pictures after I had some grub. It started raining while I was eating met Rick aka eddy8men listened to his tales of woe. Say no more if he wants add anything I'm sure he will
  3. Funny enough its not for me its for a guy by the name of Paul H he wanted one for his Champ. Could you PM me you're mobile number and I will pass you're number onto him. I'll also send you a bit more about him as he isn't on the forum.
  4. Whats wring with thet loks prfctly corect to me lol
  5. Where can you buy the old style camouflage nets WW2 and into the 1950's?
  6. I think you have hit the nail on the head with that one. The financial implications of being sued by the victims relatives and having no insurance don't bare thinking about.
  7. http://www.airsalvage.co.uk/portfolio.asp
  8. Through another link on Ferrets (it had to be didn't it) I saw this thread on Iranian Chieftain Tanks http://www.ww2talk.com/forum/postwar/17569-iranian-chieftains.html If you look at the link below towards the end you will find a picture of a CVRT Scorpion [/url]http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?101976-Iran-Iraq-War-1980-88-(Pictures-Sites-Memorials) This is annoying if you use the icon for inserting a hyperlink and then hit return to start a new sentence it carries the hyperlink on!!
  9. I have seen this before on James Mays TV show but I think its worth putting a link on here as well http://www.wimp.com/breathtakingfootage/
  10. If you didn't have a go or didn't give yourself a target to aim for you would still be working on the carrier at xmas Will bring the missus along on Sunday with her camera so that we can see the beast running around
  11. My better half Janine has been looking forward to this upcoming episode.
  12. Clearing history, temp files and cookies is the first thing that I would do in internet explorer. As I use Chrome I would also clear my browsing history there as well. If you log on to HMVF via Chrome and then clear history, temp files and cookies in internet explorer you will find that you're no longer logged into HMVF its all interlinked.
  13. Take them to Normandy drop them in the sand have a friend find them you're onto a winner. Just don't mention when you come to sell them when you 'dropped' them.
  14. Read the first line of his post again he says the DVLA inspected the vehicle before they would register it. Once having inspected it they the DVLA deemed it to be registrable. Enough said really he hasn't done anything wrong he followed the correct procedure at the time to register a 432. Without wishing to condemn the DVLA this issue should have been sorted out when the first 432 was passed into civilian life. Its a bit late to be calling time on this when it should never have arisen in the first place. :mad: We in this country must be the only mugs following European rules to the letter, lets face it the French would shrug this off and get on with using and registering them. The civil servants in this country just can't away from those rule books. Which is half the problem in the UK we tie ourselves in knots trying to keep a minority happy rather than keeping the majority happy. This thread could do with being made sticky or whatever so that it stays at the top of the list for all newcomers to see.
  15. How much space is there in the engine bay gearbox area? If enough space would it be possible to add disc brakes on the output shafts? Somewhere along the way I used to be a printer on the rewind units the most efficient way of stopping a reel of paper four foot in diameter was to use an air applied disc brake. Many moons ago I had a Capri and the club used to market drum to disc brake conversions.
  16. Will it be on the I player on BBC? I watched it he did mention about owning a 'tank' aka an Abbot
  17. Didn't see the original thread not that bothered that I haven't seen it good health to you sir!
  18. If you were to loose both tracks on a tracked vehicle you would have the same situation no brakes. This topic is going round and round in circles covering and coming to the same conclusions as before.
  19. Re build the pump rebuild kits are available from the usual sources plus complete pumps. It might be a good idea to buy a new pump and rebuild the original. No chance that it could be sucking air in somewhere? http://www.ferret-fv701.co.uk/mnuls/david_pump.pdf
  20. Two morals to this story Don't tell porky pies and walk away with the money and don't say squat to anyone http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/Man-fined-returning-10-000-yahoofinanceuk-3328382006.html
  21. I have a CD somewhere off Pete XRH with a list of Ferrets that I haven't uploaded to the site yet. Don't get you're hopes up I can't find the CD at the moment and you're Ferret might not be amongst them. Jim (fugly) looked through the Tank Museums Ferret album (s) for a picture of his Ferret and sent me the list of what he had found and that could easily be identified by eye. 33BA64 isn't in those Ferret album (s) I may add. But it could be in view in some of the other AFV albums but it would mean going down and looking through those albums.
  22. Picture below this came from Brad [ATTACH=CONFIG]47447[/ATTACH]
  23. Many thanks for providing such a comprehensive answer.
  24. Why do you ask? I have a picture of the vehicle in question and also know the owner of the vehicle hes a member of this forum.
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