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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. The manual omits the fact that you need a 'special spanner' to hold part of the pump. Fugly Jim rebuilt his pump you could do with asking him how he went about it http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/member.php?5007-Fugly I did say that it was a swine of a job, don't forget to make sure that the gauze is clear from obstructions at the carburettor elbow. Have a look inside you're tank as well for rust.
  2. Would the converted drop tank count as military? Hot rod 288 in the top picture sure looks like a drop tank from a Vought Corsair
  3. Stupid question is it worth putting a blob of oil on the threads before tightening? Would doing that have the potential to over tighten the plug? Haven't ever done it myself, the thought was to make easier to undo at the next service
  4. This link works http://ponderosa-war-weekend.co.uk/
  5. I had an email from Garry Anstee on the 26.10.11 membership secretary (I think) spelling of surname and his title may be incorrect but it is from the MVT. Garry's email You may have a problem accessing the MVT website at present, it is under cyber attack and it has been reported as containing malicious software, which is untrue of course, but the site has been blocked by some ISPs. I have just tried to get on the site and it seems to want to send you to a western union account not good. Pain in the proverbial for the MVT
  6. It was on ebay as a classified listing and was fitted with a crane
  7. Best thing you could have done moving it from the fort (shame really but thats life) have fun bide you're time the kama thing always happens to those who do that kind of thing. Trailer on front lawn done that... better half not pleased... managed to pacify her by saying that its was only going to be for a few days (two weeks). Now at the farm awaiting painting
  8. Looking good when I saw it on Monday a young man with an @ngle grinder was at work
  9. £££££ you can buy kits to protect these joints on a L R ?? Scammel Explorer superior spec to LR's?
  10. Hi Doug, I found quite a bit of info on the Ex Military Land*rover forum (emlra) have you joined? http://forum.emlra.org/index.php Relining the shoes might be you're best bet, have a look here http://forum.emlra.org/viewtopic.php?t=9371 Plus the section for trailers and tents http://forum.emlra.org/viewforum.php?f=14 A bit ott for info (my part but everything helps) but good info all the same and no I haven't touched the brakes yet its one for the winter.
  11. That was very good of someone to do that wasn't it. Keep it as a spare rather than binning it write a note on the box or tie a note to it reminding you why its a spare.
  12. Quick up date I picked up the trailer from the sand blasters today I'm hoping to paint it on Sunday, will post a few pictures at the weekend.
  13. Click on the picture (enlarge) and have a look at the chains
  14. Yes to both, straight 30 engine oil and its fine to wash out the filter in petrol (gas). A friend of mine steam washed his filter but I would stick with petrol
  15. I have no particular interest in watching re enactments / story telling its not my cup of tea, the only thing that I like at the shows is the MV's. I am uneasy seeing overweight and over age people wearing uniforms that in real life wouldn't still be in service in a front line unit. To me being overweight, over age and wearing a uniform is offensive and lacking in respect to those who have served in the military. And yes I am over age and completely unfit and I don't wear a British Army uniform never have never will (green t shirt from Matalan and camo pants from Morrisons is enough for me). When I can find my tank girls T shirt I wear that. My two pennies worth it really is a mountain out off a molehill this story
  16. I searched tinternet and it came up with the old thread. I had a feeling that I had seen that plug before on here (very sad).
  17. Listed here' it says that they have an 18mm thread http://www.gsparkplug.com/shop/catalogsearch/result/?q=lodge+sr2 See this old archive http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/archive/index.php/t-5719.html
  18. Bad taste maybe, common sense lacking maybe, full facts known from the owner of the vehicle unlikely. Were the owners re enacting something they had seen somewhere only they know... If I was the owner would I come on here and explain myself highly unlikely. A potential member to this forum has been lost not good
  19. Suspect that it is No1 well done with you're purchase pleased for you
  20. No worries will post up in just a sec just as soon as you send me some chocolate covered cookies, choc digestives or bourbons will do :angel:
  21. Change the email address that you log into paypal with and then change the password. It might be worth downloading a program that looks for spyware. Clear you're temp file and clear you're cookies, get into the habit of clearing both every week. I clear cookies and temp files in both internet explorer and chrome.
  22. Another waste of tax payers money if it does happen.
  23. After going to the viewing day at Withams last month we stopped off for a pint. We were some what perplexed at the offer for a large pie or half a pie. This was in Tintwistle now I'm not saying the height of the pub affected the Landlord.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]51504[/ATTACH]
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