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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Luckily you did most of the driving nough said [ATTACH=CONFIG]48893[/ATTACH]
  2. At the moment I would be in the drainpipe category but I would like to elevate myself to kitchen sink
  3. Might be interested in that next year if things go in the right direction
  4. Bob, I wouldn't mind seeing that pamphlet or being able to copy it I got enough stick of Rick for not knowing what to do. Something that was ingrained in him during his service days
  5. Couldn't have said the bottom part of you're message any better forums and word of mouth isn't the same as receiving the correct information from the company that provides you're insurance.
  6. The replica GPMG's were good all metal I just need to find the pennies to buy two of them now.
  7. Mutual Defence Aid Program (approx terminology) I believe that we in the UK benefited from this program too.
  8. You have to do the full show just to see it all, we took to touring the show ground in the RB44.
  9. Spot on right next to the showers and toilets. Er no the gears aren't meant to make those noises its still a work in progress and needs some fettling next year it should be better. Forgot to mention that we met some fellow hmvf's nice to put faces to forum members
  10. Really enjoyed the show I had no intention of attending this year but did as it helped another forum member Rick (eddy8men) get his carrier to the show. He was going anyway come what may even if he had to use his van as a tow vehicle. Six plus hours to get down to the show arrived at 04:30 Thursday morning tried to get my head down couldn't ended up staying awake for 24 hours which I'm still feeling the results of now. The four days that we attended just wasn't long enough it it passed so quickly had a ride round the arena in a Landrover 90 bouncy but fun. Also enjoyed the ride in the Turret of John Pearsons Valentine big smiles :D Also had a drive of Ricks Bren Carrier great fun managed to stall it on the entrance to the overflow field thanks to the guy with the Dingo who towed the carrier out of the way. Six plus hours to get back four of them kipping in the back of the RB44 as my night driving is terrible.
  11. Oh bugger wish that I had seen them could of done with a few. I bought a boxed distributor for a Ferret for £30 plus matched bevel gears in a box for £20. three No 80 replica smoke grenades for £10 each.
  12. Poor picture almost nose on and no side views. If the person wanted to sell it they should have coughed up a few more pennies or used html to upload pictures into the description. Its what I do
  13. New military vehicle on the horizon? How much does it weigh? I only ask as I seem to remember that some recovery agents have a vehicle weight limit worth finding out if you're vehicle is covered before buying cover.
  14. Ferrets at one point did have a drivers seat belt bolted to the hull floor. I only had the end on the floor with no remains of the other end where it clunked into. If it loops up from the floor over the shoulders in a crash it would compress the spine as it tightened and locked as the body moved forward. A lap belt would have held you to the seat but you might then have kissed the rim of the hatch with lots and lots of expensive dental work.
  15. As Mike says its plugs (spark), points (reset), condenser (spark) and fuel. Start at the distributor
  16. Yes and no the diaphragms do perish and feed petrol into the oil when they do go US. At the moment it doesn't really matter its something you can do / check when it runs and after you have changed the oil. Head gasket Banisters would probably have those http://www.milweb.net/go/banister/
  17. Do you have a Bren gun to fit in the beastie?
  18. If it has fuel in the oil you will need a rebuild kit for the petrol pump the diaphragm in the pump has expired
  19. Yes diesel is o.k. its a recognised way of unseizing engines I think well known brand of cola has been used before now. It just means that you have to change the oil almost straight away once you have it rotating. If it doesn't want to rotate it would mean that you will have to take the head off to have a look at what the problem is. That might not be a bad idea anyway.
  20. Poor some diesel into each of the spark plug holes, you will probably find that only two cylinders are seized. Refit the spark plugs and leave sealed up for two weeks and then remove the spark plugs and find out which of the cylinders are seized. Two of them should be still full up with diesel unless of course its seeped past the rings. A couple of squirts of oil down the other bores from an oil can won't hurt the engine. Spinning the engine presuming that the engine has its boss for inserting the starting handle you should be able to fit it and stand on it. If you can't do that the crankshaft pulley should have a nice big nut on it that you can do something similar with with a big set of stilisons or an adjustable spanner. I won't tell you how long it took me to turn my engine over but I wasn't in any hurry
  21. Write what ever you want to write and to insert a picture click the picture icon in you're message draft, go to you're photobucket album and hover over the picture that you want to upload to the site (direct link is fine) copy you're picture into the image URL and you should be able to upload pictures
  22. Its a piece of metal when it comes down to it a life is worth a lot more. Accidents happen it only takes a small error for it to go completely pear shaped and be unrecoverable. Every accident is pored over by the authorities and I would say that its more comprehensive than any land based accident. Luckily the authorities have learned from previous accidents / deaths and now have aircraft displays away from the crowd line.
  23. Seen tonight from the M60 motorway at the roundabout for Stockport / Tescos a FV432 that had been used for squashing cars. Sickly purple colour not my cup of tea but hey someone likes it!
  24. Its getting them to the table to at least talk isn't it, the will is there on one side the other wants to sit behind a mountain of paper and forget that its supposed to be there to help the public and not just serve its own interests.
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