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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Many thanks Mike. My pouches look very good so they must have been sat somewhere for a time. If anyone wants the pouches in the pictures PM me and I will pass on the sellers email address to you. I am not selling them and the gentleman emailed me out of the blue, but he did contact me because he had read this page on the forum.
  2. Plenty of room to camp, mind you're own business if you want or participate in the road run on Saturday evening. I'm looking forward to it
  3. I just like Ferrets, but having had the fun of building one up and starting to build two others up you notice things. Probably not in a good way.... If you want a page on my site for you're Ferrets give me a shout I would be glad to have it.
  4. Quick question why does it have a three spoke steering wheel? Most Ferrets have a four spoke steering wheel. Sorry if it sounds like I'm being pedantic but I know modellers like accuracy to point of counting rivets. Cracking looking kit I might buy one
  5. I have been sent some pictures of what may or may not be Sterling pouches are they Sterling pouches? My pouches have a slight curve to them these seem to be straight could they be Sten pouches and 44 pattern webbing? Have a look see what you think D4296 AS 81 followed by the arrow symbol 136 - 1905 [ATTACH=CONFIG]49233[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]49234[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]49235[/ATTACH]
  6. The missus takes something very similar to work every day to keep her butties in. It has a little compartment beneath for one of those chiller / cooler bottles that come from the freezer.
  7. I was going to put a link to ebay then I remembered that you're in Belgium This is the type that we bought Brother DB2 B755 3B MK3 just to give you some idea of what is available. This machine has since been re-manufactured by companies other than Brother so the basic design must be good. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brother-industrial-Sewing-Machine-DB2-B755-3B-MK3-/160629705562?pt=UK_CraftsCollect_SewingMachines_RL&hash=item256646cb5a#ht_500wt_1156
  8. I'm not sure if thats good or bad, more time in work means more money and an increased purchase price.
  9. The million dollar question how much did it cost you pm if you don't want to put it on the forum
  10. Speaking to the West Lancs MVT they were planning on having film shows Mash style in the evenings whether it comes off.....
  11. Started an appropriate link http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?25651-Woodvale-Rally-on-August-6th-amp-7th-near-Southport&p=274062#post274062
  12. Its that time of the year again for the Woodvale Rally on August 6th & 7th at RAF Woodvale near Southport. Its in association with the West Lancs MVT. I went last year and had really good time. Good facilities toilets showers and the like but you can just slum it if you need too. Plenty to keep the kids happy carnival, remote control aeroplanes (big ones) plus other non military vehicles to look at. Video of one of last years runs onto the runway [video=youtube_share;HIxucbSG7cE] Link to application form http://www.westlancsmvt.com/woodvaleappform.htm its getting late but if you want to go try emailing one of the organisers in the picture above. The RB44 isn't going this year as it failed its MOT on a loose wheel bearing so theres one space that needs filling up.
  13. All quiet on the Western Front tumble weed blowing across the plains....... you get the picture
  14. You really want an industrial sewing machine to do the job properly I bought one to repair a couple of pieces of ripstop canvas. It really does a good job and has an added advantage that you can back the thread up over where you have already been making a nice tidy stitch that is unlikely to come undone. It works just as well on old style cotton canvas. You can use an old fashioned singer but its hard work
  15. Couldn't agree more have you thought about going to Woodvale in Southport? Bit far away I know.
  16. Very true but that should not spoil it for the majority
  17. Squirt some engine oil in the cylinders and change the oil in the engine. If you can clean the oil filter in petrol do so and refit. Rotate the engine on the handle until you feel it freeing up. Good luck you're very lucky that it wasn't cold seized it took more than 6months to free my engine off and I still have to pull a piston as its scraping muck on the cylinder liner when its rotated. :-(
  18. I think the marshals were very good and quite tolerant to some of the behaviour around the site. Do you really want the H&S brigade to go potty at the show I don't. I quite like the relaxed atmosphere where kids can be kids and adults can be trusted to behave themselves without the big stick being dropped upon them. Give it a few years and the H&S brigade will spoil the show you won't be able to move for them. Live with what you have it isn't great but it works. If you constantly complain about those little things that make the show you will not have it in the form that it is now. It will be so bad that you will be complaining that its nothing like how the show used to be. Remember it only a small minority that let the side down. Don't let the minority spoil it for the majority.
  19. Rick sorted that out, it had Fletchers on one of the stickers on the trailer.
  20. Depending on how you have registered you're RB44 if it has to go to a local VOSA station to be MOT'D don't forget to claim the Tacho exemption as a non working vehicle. Section 4 on the form I'm led to believe by VOSA.
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