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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Thanks for taking the trouble to reply these kind of companies need r support or we won't have them in the future. Keep the pics coming, glad I'm not paying the bill either.
  2. Get out the bunting and the flags and put the dancing music on the duke box, all those tracked hints penetrated in the end. :-)
  3. They wouldn't be on the railways would they? Land, sea and airfreight but no railways listed
  4. I would have thought if anything thing was going to happen it would have happened on the drive home (clutching block of wood as I write this). The K5 is a cracking looking truck
  5. Thats a shame we went this year and really enjoyed it
  6. I used to remember the siren being tested in Ashton Village in Sale we lived about two miles away and we could hear it very clearly. I've just had a look on google maps/street view and the siren has gone when I don't know. Always sounded odd hearing it when I was a lad
  7. Have you thought of asking GMP's press office? I'm sure they will have one.
  8. One of the previous pictures of the Centurion has a story to tell
  9. A book is only as good as the information that was available at the time that it was written and printed. At the moment you have a Ferret with all the Canadian bits but no reg. If you think its a Canadian Ferret you need to do some more research on the vehicle plain as. The visual clues stand out antenna mounting, lights, alternator and the not so visual the hubs. Its all good fun as you know I like Ferrets (just a bit) so I for one would like to see more of you're restoration. Its a long cold winter in Canada at least you have covered accommodation.
  10. As a quick search on the internet this supplier came up. The top link looks the most promising and having the right description helps. Not much use to you as its in the UK http://www.rhnuttall.co.uk/Materials/Rubber/Nitrile_Rubber.html http://www.kirkfield.co.uk/products.htm
  11. Its not just pictures that can be added to the listing, the background can be altered as well to customise the page. Thats the reason that the feature still exists on ebay.
  12. Works a treat why pay extra for pictures on ebay when you can use photobucket for free. Ebay takes enough in charges as it is
  13. This may impinge on you do the occasional bit of volunteering at school or the like http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/This-blunder-void-car-yahoofinanceuk-442363539.html
  14. Ahem quite probably true but it was the easiest thing and the most simple thing that I could think to do plus I couldn't remember what the endoscope thing was called :blush:
  15. More taxpayers money going to waste :argh: absolute shame
  16. In the olden days in the way way back yonder this would be where the small child was inserted into said confined space with the inducement of chocolate or cash for finding the phone. Or a good beating for not finding the phone....I'm taking the p here just in case anyone gets on there charger Have you thought of taping a camera to a stick and use the video function or the flash to take single pictures of where you can't physically see. Just a thought In my experience its always when you need something that it goes missing or drops in the most awkward of place
  17. Bad luck been and done it myself so I know how it feels pain in the butt getting at it..... It didn't matter that I managed to retrieve the phone, it died the following week after
  18. born before 1946 were called The Silent and powerful generation. - People born between 1946 and 1964 are called The Baby Boomers. - People born between 1965 and 1979 are called Generation X, - And people born between 1980 and 2010 are called Generation Y, So why do we call the last group Generation Y? Y should I get a job? Y should I leave home and find my own place? Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours? Y should I clean my room? Y should I wash and iron my own clothes? Y should I buy any food?
  19. Paddy McCoy, an elderly Irish farmer, received a letter from the Department for Work & Pensions stating that they suspected he was not paying his employees the statutory minimum wage and they would send an inspector to interview them. On the appointed day, the inspector turned up. "Tell me about your staff," he asked Paddy. "Well," said Paddy, "there's the farm hand, I pay him £240 a week, and he has a free cottage. Then there's the housekeeper. She gets £190 a week, along with free board and lodging. There's also the half-wit.He works a 16 hour day, does 90% of the work, earns about £25 a week along with a bottle of whisky and, as a special treat, occasionally gets to sleep with my wife." "That's disgraceful" said the inspector, "I need to interview the half-wit." "That'll be me then," said Paddy.
  20. Just a thought how much oil is showing on the dipstick? You might still be better off degreasing the floor and engine to see where the oil is coming from
  21. Oil on the hull floor quick answer is to park it slightly uphill so that any oil drains to the rear of the vehicle.If you leave one of the bolts out in the hull access plates said oil will make its own way out. Another answer for oil on the hull floor is the breathers on the bevel boxes releasing oil when the bevel boxes get hot. I seem to remember that it was suggested on the old FH site that cleaning the oil from under the engine could be done with a degreaser or kerosene. Engine cold if using kerosene
  22. The rubber in the couplings doesn't come out. The bolts go through a metal sleeve with the rubber acting as flexible coupling. Each of those sleeves sits proud of the rubber and locates into the fan or the pully Thats the 'fun' of owning armoured vehicles
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