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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Why does the 432 have to comply with todays licensing laws? Shouldn't they have to comply with the laws as they stood when the vehicles were built?
  2. What about Flickr I haven't used them myself but I have searched through them fairly regularly http://www.flickr.com/
  3. Pictures please I wouldn't mind knowing what you're mortar looks like
  4. An IB2 or an IB3 in conjunction with Radio Junction Box (as in a Ferret) and a CB2 (drivers box). Plus lots of cables. Not knowing the circumstances for radio operation in Canada the PRC 351 Manpack radio has an intercom function as well. An IB2 box has an additional headphone plug as well which makes it more convenient for the operators IB2 IB3 Radio Junction Box CB2 (drivers box) A basic intercom 1. IB3 Box. 2. Drivers Box. 3. Power Cable 2 pin female with ring connectors. 4. 12 pin IB3 – Drivers Box connecting cable. 5. Ptt (Press to talk) x 2. 6. Headsets x 2 (Prc351 radio type easy to clean). By rights you should stick with either yellow faced boxes (ANR) and green PTT's or Black faced boxes with black PTT's and appropriate headsets for ANR or non ANR
  5. Great without wishing to curse myself it going o.k. 2nd MOT at the local VOSA testing station is coming up in July. It was a quick run around at the end of the show taking pictures so no I didn't get chance to look at registrations
  6. Clip in for a 351 in a Landrover I think most of the plug connections r correct
  7. It doesn't take much I indirectly pointed him in the direction of a Churchill turret on ebay he then went out and bought the whole vehicle plus a few others to make the numbers up.
  8. If you have the equipment and the time it might be worth it but its having the spare equipment and time when you could be earning more elsewhere.
  9. Nice one its of no use to me so I'll see if I can sell it on to someone who wants it
  10. I have a Browning NOS 50 Cal canvas cover that I would like to sell but I have never seen one for sale before now, what do they go for? It hasn't got any markings on it but the smell mmmm
  11. Three links below you should be able to have the colours made up at a local paint shop as the colours have BS (British Standard) number. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?1136-Paint-British-post-war-vehicles. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?1328-Paint-2! http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?1715-Paint-3
  12. I don't think that I would want do to that with anything other than the right type of vehicle for the job which isn't a 432. I bet it was good fun but its the kind of thing that has you're local governments and driving authorities worried about MV's in public ownership. For the most armoured MV's only come out to play in the summer and most owners spend lots of money restoring there vehicle.
  13. They look to have been dumped looking at the immediate area around the tanks. If they have munitions in the vicinity they might be impossible to salvage. The area seems to be a dumping ground U 155 U 861 H
  14. True Its only a test fitting Next picture in the sequence shows a disconsolate uniform cast aside whilst the owner avails himself Glug Glug Glug Ahaaaa! Next
  15. Beer cooler what more could someone want
  16. I take enough barbiturates as its for a condition that I have so the drugs bit I've done and have the T shirt. The prostitutes bit the missus wouldn't be happy and I'm to old and not pretty enough for the porn industry (bobbit). Tank now that I could do :-D I'm part way there with my Ferrets but I would like a Tank at some point, but I certainly wouldn't want to spoil anyone else's fun if something went wrong with me.
  17. Its been a good day two meals out with the family and one to come on Sunday. Have fun with the tent (glad to be of help) having bought a 9 by 9 recently I really rate the original army ones top quality.
  18. A few more pictures can be found here as well plus two sneaky photos of me http://www.westlancsmvt.com/apps/photos/album?albumid=11789079
  19. Its interesting underfoot if I can manage it anyone can.
  20. Time yet but no I spend enough on MV stuff in the year so my better half Janine is very forgiving of my misdeeds I did in on my birthday card, off for some grub now and I am hoping for nice easy day doing as little as possible... advancing years and all that. Pricing up a zimmer frame in camo colours. Thanks
  21. I knew that I had a picture off one of r daft cats on the Ferret [ATTACH=CONFIG]46876[/ATTACH]
  22. I saw a classic one last week in Bury three lads in a pick up truck looking for scrap two were riding on the roof of the vehicle looking into residents back yards for metal. Couldn't believe it i couldn't get my camera phone out of my pocket quick enough to photograph them. Talk about cheek
  23. I can't block it the spam program in the firewall / virus scan says no or words to that affect
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