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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Both were deactivated in 1990 in Birmingham. The gentleman that I bought them had been offered £900 for the pair by a dealer. He decided that he would prefer that they went to someone local. SLR pictures first [ATTACH=CONFIG]55778[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]55779[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]55780[/ATTACH] SMLE pictures see below http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?28109-SMLE-WW1-vintage/page2&highlight=smle
  2. I thought that I would add a few pictures off my SMLE [ATTACH=CONFIG]55775[/ATTACH] The worst bit was trying to obtain a good quality picture of the rifle not easy [ATTACH=CONFIG]55776[/ATTACH] Bayonet [ATTACH=CONFIG]55777[/ATTACH]
  3. You need to have the correct mounting lugs in the engine compartment to fit those two extinguisher brackets / mounts. If you have those lugs in you're Ferret worth buying
  4. When I log in I type my username and then my password but I can not log in due to the little box with the message below blocking or overlapping the log in box / button. It eventually disappears allowing me to log in, its just slightly annoying that its gets in the way. As my phone needs to be wound up to achieve calls or texts the software below ain't much use to it. Download Tapatalk Notifier for Chrome to keep notified of new Private Messages from this forum. I am running google chrome if that helps probably not
  5. Fronts 26174500 Nato Stock Number: 253099 0284581 Rears here http://eshop.lmslichfieldltd.com/epages/BT4011.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/BT4011/Products/lms0116 If you can't find the fronts consider having the cylinders rebuilt / re-sleeved
  6. Museums will be first in line for these vehicles and some of the vehicles seem to be on loan to the IWM so they will return in theory to the owners of the vehicles before being disposed of to the general public.
  7. I would have thought that the MBT's (Conqueror, Centurion and Chieftain) will be the hardest items to disperse to other museums. If they do manage to disperse them they could displace other MBT's in other collections allowing collectors to buy them. Very simplistic but could be good in the long term
  8. This would be the french owners website http://www.davidpotterconsulting.com/en
  9. 1st resolution. Buy a tracked vehicle, might have to sell the missus 2nd resolution. Avoid being built into the patio by the missus
  10. Could they be for operating with carriers?? Its being reported in Flypast that the blue Lynx in Royal Navy colours will join the RNHF (Royal Navy Historic Flight) in the near future and be kept airworthy.
  11. You candown load the movie as a preview and run it in quicktime player hope that helps Add a link to the video so that we can all see it
  12. I haven't a problem with anyone driving their vehicle I'm suggesting that owners of such vehicles use a bit of common sense.
  13. I must admit I only enjoy military vehicles the dressing up bit leaves me cold, if something was to happen (please let it not happen) at a demonstration involving an armoured vehicle do you think that the government in its knee jerk reaction would not only ban the vehicles... would they heck. Extremely short sighted its not in my back yard why should I not be interested bloody selfish.
  14. I haven't purchased a LR from Withams but I suspect newer vehicles will have replaced the ones being sold through W. Some might also have high mileages or require some kind of repair or been used for some type of training and are now surplus to requirements. You have done one thing right though you have at least visited Withams to see what is available and what might look to be beyond saving or be uneconomical to repair. Slightly of tangent a local TA centre has had a couple of Bedfords sat in the same place for a number of years, at some point they will be collected for W or scrapped.
  15. You're looking for this style plate of plate the vehicle number (01DC47) in this case should give you're British Army registration number. If this plate isn't in the vehicle you won't be able to find its history from Bovington Tank Museum. The hull number should also be under this plate (2840) in this case and should match the plate. All is not lost if the plate has gone missing as you can rub the area above the drivers hatch or in the areas listed below. Matt (Toolman) might also be able to help as well. Good luck and have fun with you're Ferret
  16. Not the cleverest thing to do, armoured vehicles are best left at home it only takes one instance and the media will jump all over us in the military vehicle world. I seem to remember that this Ferret was used in a road.sure advertisement on the back off CMV. I only remember because of the long legged lassie draped over the vehicle thats my excuse and I'm sticking with it.
  17. Parcel delivery FedEx style
  18. Hi Paul Nice to hear from you we have the weather from South Wales here at the moment can I pass it back to you, we want Wales to stay nice and green. :-D
  19. That shows a 19 set with a Clansman set up above for an intercom. Page 14 of the 1957 User manual shows a 19 set fitted and the further down the two hull mounted brackets for the aerials. Obviously this a British manual but both countries would still be using stocks of 19 radio sets at this time. http://www.ferret-fv701.co.uk/mnuls/ferret_user_manual_1957.pdf
  20. I presume you just want one truck not the whole lot.... greedy.... think of the work keeping them all going not to mention the fuel bill :-D Or have you just won the lottery
  21. I've watched MASH for as long as I can remember I still watch it evening every now and again. In fact I have appreciated it more as I have gotten older, excellent writing and direction. 96 is a good age RIP MASH wouldn't have been the same with out him http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2011/dec/08/harry-morgan?newsfeed=true
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