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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. I wouldn't mind ripping mine down that far but only have a 2 week window for paint. Any specific areas I should look for rot? Mine was painted around 8 years ago I think. The tray has some rot as had the box on it for a long time
  2. Well the saga of finding parts continues........ 1. - LHS fuel tank and guard (found & waiting for the courier to get organised) 2. - Tailgate (found & waiting for the courier to get organised) 3. - Rear roll bar (found & waiting for the courier to get organised) 4. - Front jerry can holder (found & waiting for the courier to get organised) 5. - Rear canvas & hoops (paid for and waiting for shipment from France) 6. - PSP mounts and PSP (paid for and waiting for shipment from France 7. - wheel rim x 1 (paid for and waiting for shipment from France) 8. - towing shackles x 4 (paid for and waiting for shipment from France) these were suprisingly expensive 9. - RHS fuel tank guard (paid for and waiting for shipment from France) 10. - Cab canvas (paid for and waiting for shipment from France) 11. - Tie rod ends (paid for and waiting for shipment from France) extemely expensive :wow: 12. - Numerous other bits and pieces (paid for and waiting for shipment from France) 2800.00eu 13. - front lights (Finalised a price from France, but still waiting on a shipping cost) 14. - Front bumper toolbox (Finalised a price from France, but still waiting on a shipping cost) 15. - external air filter and hoses (Finalised a price from France, but still waiting on a shipping cost) 16. - fuel sender (Finalised a price from France, but still waiting on a shipping cost) 17. - A few other bits that I can't recall what they are as it's all in French 2800.00eu Still negotiating a few other bits like an original heater, jack and these seats from a VLRA2 with integrated seatbelts that cost 800eu a piece :-(
  3. I seen the piccy before, but never noticed those beams. They look like planks down the side?
  4. Taste good bbq'd, every now and again :-D I hit a huge one up by the Wittenoom turn off a few years ago and just about wrote the car off, so I am not a fan of night driving anymore as spotlights don't work if the bugger is standing behind a tree or a big rock :wow:. On the insurance form it asked who was to blame, answer = the kangaroo and the sketch of the accident was amusing.
  5. Unfortunately the writer of that story seems to make a lot of stories without any facts. Most likely the rarest Land Rover I seen in Malaysia was an ex Army Series 2a forward control. Lot's of fire trucks and a few ex-Aussie 2a's. They are selling off the Perenties now, which I like also as they have a nice strong engine which can take a lot of punishment. Hopefully the Acmat will go to Australia in September :-D
  6. the mind boggles. Is there any other identification on it? Is there any mounting holes?
  7. Just tried to online Sorn the Acmat as this thread reminded me that I sent the updated V5 ownership to DVLA a few weeks back, but alas cannot as "V5 is being changed" Definately not user freindly. Seems you have to call for everything, so the online bit is a bit misleading. As my mechanic is an MOT guy I think his paperwork will suffice for the proof of chassis number.
  8. Welcome I might take you up on your offer as I am Australian, living in Malaysia, that bought an Acmat, which is in the UK and I can't speak French.
  9. You guys are depressing me :wow: I got the V5 for the Acmat and the chassis number is the same as the engine number. I would have thought DVLA would have picked this up and was hoping they would have previous correct records. But looking at you posts I doubt they will have anything. Aussie registration is very strict and I would think accurate but my V5 has something along the lines "its green" and very little of any other information. I may be better off getting an MVT check and use that as importation documentation.
  10. I can see both sides of the fence on this one also as like Adrian said a lot of tyre kickers out there and if he's had that type once too many before he isn't going to believe a buyer until the cash is in his hands. I got a couple of mates in the UK that sell stuff and the stories they tell me I wouldn't have the patience. On the buyers side of the issue the worst I seen is you have agreed on a price etc, you go back to bank the cash for them and they let out "oh well dicko offered me 50 quid more so I sold it to him..... do you want to offer me 100 quid extra!!!" It's much better dealing with the old gents with a handshake. Not saying you got to be old to have integrity, as there are also old buggers where after the handshake you have to count your fingers to make sure they haven't pinched one :-D
  11. Talking about welding before, plates etc. Looks like a few lengths of 20-30mm bar and cut the bits to length and weld in....maybe? At least they missed the casting number :-D
  12. Are the wingnuts on the top cover just for your assembly or is this how it was done?
  13. yes I have to say I thought "flying high" also :cool2:
  14. can we start what is Jack doing today thread?
  15. I don't think I have fit an exhaust since 1991...... After all the misery that time I always get someone else to do it but can definitely relate to repairing one thing and when you take it off find 10 more things to do
  16. Facebook is spiralling downhill and they are hoping the addiction will keep it running. Interacting with your mates and families and space to upload tons of photos with clever and easy interlinking capabilities was good. Why I think it is going down the tube is they keep trying to find new was to get cash, by changing privacy setting by stealth to allow more spam. Also loads of porn sites and hookers spamming everywhere, whilst I'm not a prude it supposed to be a family site. The gaming part people are ditching and it is being replaced by online gambling as they believe this will raise more revenue. Anyway you only getting old when you think rap is not music and that's something to be proud of :-D
  17. Found last weekend in one of our favourite junkyards :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: [ATTACH=CONFIG]76113[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]76114[/ATTACH]
  18. Actually curious what Adrian's answer is going to be as on one hand we would always think whack a piece of 3 inch thick plate in, with a huge bevel and I guess a lot of runs. But if you are not going to be getting shot at in the near future you could weld in a bit of 3/8 plate each side and grind it off. I suppose it depends what scrap you got laying around. PS if you do want to whack an exotic hard bit in I can most likely find some 3" thick off cuts. I don't think you will have any real drama welding it as long as you keep it warm as the thick material around it will suck the heat out. Is the delam on the inside or outside as I seen spalling like that? How you plan to remove that, by oxy to burn it off? I am going to a meeting next Tuesday regarding a new armour project, I would say mid level type of armour which is just basically the same concept of face hardened but with a bit of pixie dust inside as they have fancy names for it all now. Hence why I am so curious what's the difference between then and now. The welding on the stuff here has very critical parameters.
  19. yep I guess that was what I was curious about ie back in WW II was it a through process of thick and all hard or were they dabbling in face hardening, but you have said loads of different variations so they were trying loads of ideas so must of been a lot of research after WW I. Bisalloy is a term we use for wear plate in Australia and it is a face hardened plate on both sides. I made the mistake of making a roo bar mount out of it, all was good until tried to drill holes in it. Interesting about the White halftrack comment as hardening on one side I believe is done to have hard exterior for obvious reasons and a softer inside surface to reduce spalling. You can normally pick this concept as it is typically all welded from the inside. edit ... I forgot to ask, do you find much obvious cracking in the welds when you been rebuilding? Curious as it was all new tech and a mad rush in them days. Most likely shouldn't remind Rick as I think he had to bondo a few of them already
  20. I'll have to grab that, need a new book....... Funny enough a lot of documentation suggests that the fracture on the Titanic was brittle after the impact, but I have not seen any conclusive document stating that. Given they recovered that piece of metal it would be fairly evident either way. I suppose my fascination is that the same mistakes occur over and over again yet welding has been around a long time now.
  21. I used to have that problem quite a lot but in recent months its been good. But depended if I was on laptop or pc. Never found out why, but I suspect different windows or explorer versions, or some other IT BS I say BS as I really think some of this is created by the software companies as I have some sites that will crash all the time in explorer and work fine in chrome. That in itself is not new, but the bugs and hanging are I feel often deliberately created so you are forced into an update. This again would be ok. What really annoys me though now is: 1. typically you don't need the update, even when it says critical blah blah as if you close and reopen, no problem. 2. The main purpose is to install crap on your computer you don't want by stealth, very fine print or other skulduggery.
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