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Bunker Bash 2009 Living History & MV Show


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We have a work party this Sunday 26th if anyone wants to join us, already a few forum members coming over to help out, the more help the better as we are a man down... I'm on crutches as I've broken my foot in several places & have a very bad crush injury... a 25kg lump of iron fell out my van & landed on my foot.. & I was only wearing socks at the time:nono::sweat:


Stop laughing at the back:argh:

ha ha lol,well you can still cook on the bbq!see you sunday
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Good point Tony - I hope those crutches and bandages are proper cammo ones Lee!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Seriously - sorry to hear what happened mate, If it's any consolation you've just joined the very exclusive "Knackered feet" club - so exclusive it comprises you and me at the moment - but not looking to recruit new members!!

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Sorry to hear about your injury Lee -


If it's any consolation - you're not the only one messing around on crutches at the moment. Nor are you the only unfortunate chap to drop some thing on his foot and have a breakage.

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So very Sorry to hear of your misfortune, Thank goodness it wasn't any worse. By the way what was this nasty piece of Iron ? a transfer case or other MV related part or ?? I ll have the good grace not to ask how it fared as if it happened to me I d have given the !!!!!! a massive thrashing with the nearest hammer provided I did it no lasting harm. It would be theraputic for pain control you see.

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We would like to say thank you to all those that helped us out on the Bunker Bash work weekend... these guys worked bloody hard helping us finish of laying the paths for our new "Woodland War Walk"


So thank you to:


AMVG: Saracenstump (Stuart), Fred, Artistsrifles (Neil), Phil & John...


Stane Capes (North Thames IMPS Area Sec.) & IMPS members Tony & Harry.


Mad George on the Dumper :shake:


Jonathan Catton (The Garrison) Chief hotdog cooker & burger burner:coffee:


The other two bods that turned up in the Tilley... who were they:confused:


& the girls for keeping the lads supplied with tea & cake..

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Sorry about your misfortune Lee

Got the BB paperwork today. Get some more teabags Jack :rofl: i'll bring my own mug



Got teas bags and coffee Chris and cups too! You bringing the biscuits again?

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NCO i/c CWP'll be there on Thursday as well, Dave, I'll bring the beer :)




We'll have beers on standby...


Lee - any joy on that other item yet?



The Cartography Department (Ian) is just finishing it off...

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