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MVT have over £60,000 to spend..MVT members Input Needed


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Discuss here if you wish & email your ideas to memsec@mvt.org.uk


Thanks to the members that have signed GiftAid mandates, membership subs

have not been raised this year. This has been achieved by allocation of

this year's income from GiftAid, which in effect has already saved each

and every membership up to £5:00. This is just one example whereby

GiftAid has been spent to the benefit of the membership. Another example

is next year's calendar which is not being funded by your subscriptions

but is being funded exclusively by GiftAid.


There remains a sum of money in excess of £60,000.

The CoM are now asking you, the membership, just how this GiftAid sum

should be spent in the future.


Recently a general request was included in an issue of the Greensheet

asking for suggestions.


As requested in the Greensheet article, suggestions are now invited from



The only conditions are that any scheme should be legal, and able to be

spent as far as possible, to the benefit of all the members equally. One

suggestion per member please.


All suggestions will be considered. These will be sorted and as many

ideas as possible will be adopted, depending on the cost of each scheme

and the limit of funds.


A number of ideas have already been submitted. We are actively

investigating the idea of an award of grants to Areas and or MVT Shows,

to assist in celebrating the 40th anniversary of the MVT in 2008.


Your idea need not be any of the above. You may think of something not

yet considered.


Make your voice heard. Send me your ideas.


Garry Anstee. Membership Secretary, Military Vehicle Trust

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Ok my idea... share the money out between the Area Branches... how much money each area receives depending on size of Area



I think Lee has a good idea there.

A litle bit of money would give all MVT areas the much needed funds to put on there own shows. One point I think is important is the show money should be used for the benefit of ALL the area members both WW1, WW2 & Post War owners so no one is left out, so no themed shows with the money.

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No no no, they are about to donate it to me, now for starters who's got a Diamond T and trailer that needs a good home? :whistle: :-D







Money cannot buy happiness :angel: so give it to me and I'll be back in a couple of months to tell you if it's true or not.
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This was my reply to Gary:


"I think the spare money should be channeled into the library service to make available more readily to members whatever stuff we have & are likely to have. With museums/libraries closing (eg Airborne forces next month & REME Arborfield at some stage) sources of reference for the ordinary member will get less & less. I can buy current MOD documents from DSDC Llangenach, they are closing at the end of the year, they have destroyed all their archives, bloody criminal. So maybe the MVT could gain credibility as a depository for useful documents, as that increases then that will encourage both private benefactors & well motivated service people to deposit stuff in perpetuity for the benefit of members knowing that it will be preserved & appreciated.


BTW under the terms of my will, my collection of British Army technical manuals & documents which is about 5,000 items, is bequeathed to the MVT. Seems a pity to lose the resource & at that stage I won't be needing them any more.


I wonder if members could be encouraged to bequeath their manuals & memorabilia as these are things likely to get lost or chucked out, whereas the vehicles are a more tangible asset & likely to be saved & sold on."



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This was my reply to Gary:


"I think the spare money should be channeled into the library service to make available more readily to members whatever stuff we have & are likely to have.


Very good, Clive :rtfm: :goodidea:


As the £60,000 spread out over the 5,000 members (thereabouts), it would amount to £12 each. But if it were used to create a technical library, it would be a great asset to the Trust.



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Very good, Clive :rtfm: :goodidea:


As the £60,000 spread out over the 5,000 members (thereabouts), it would amount to £12 each. But if it were used to create a technical library, it would be a great asset to the Trust.





A good technical library could benefit all members even those who are unable to access area groups or travel far to shows.


I think a scanning system to transfer more popular books to disc & then printed to order, like several companies do now at quite a price. These copies would not be free, to discourage frivolous ordering, but made available for a £5 or £10 sort of thing not the £50- £65 region commercially available. Although we are all here into PCs, pdfs & discs once you produce a disc, some toe rag will clone them sell them on ebay or do cheap copies for friends who may not be members.


Also a microfiche to PC scanner would unlock some useful stuff, my fiche collection is about 2 feet thick. But its too much of a fiddle getting the reader out & taking a digital pic. These machines are around I looked a few years ago then they were £6000 but I remember when a domestic scanner broke the price barrier at £199.99 now what are they £25 or so? Let's hope fiche scanners come down in price as well.

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Damn it Clive, your so smart! ( putting his Forest Gump head on)


What a good idea and a real benefit to the members.


Or the money could go to war and peace and we all have a 'free' entry :whistle: :whistle:


Joking aside a sensible and practical idea, which would enhance MVT's standing.




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BTW under the terms of my will, my collection of British Army technical manuals & documents which is about 5,000 items, is bequeathed to the MVT. Seems a pity to lose the resource & at that stage I won't be needing them any more.


I wonder if members could be encouraged to bequeath their manuals & memorabilia as these are things likely to get lost or chucked out, whereas the vehicles are a more tangible asset & likely to be saved & sold on."



What a fantastic gesture - most if us have much more modest collections, but amongst the run-of-the-mill stuff we all have the odd one or two unique items which are priceless (in terms of historical value if not monetary anyway).


We never know what is around the corner, and it's a shame to think stuff like this may well be lost. If I knew it would be a permanent available resource I'd be up for making the same arrangements.


A case in point - the post about Nellie the trenching machine, a very substantial leather-bound manual for this (probably the only technical information still in existence) was saved because of the following chain of events:


Widow of retired Ruston design engineer has a bonfire to dispose of her late husband's heaps of stuff > fire gets out of control > she asks neighbour to help > he rushes round and gets it under control > sees what is being burned and says this must be saved > phones his friend who is into Ruston history > result some totally unique items are saved for posterity.


Lucky or what? But what else was lost for ever?

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Whatever the MVT do with the money some people wont be happy. Splitting it between the clubs for their local use and a national objective is the best bet. However, you cant please all the people all the time, but pleasing a couple of people every now and again seems to be the best that we can hope for.


Ideally the MVT should have a significant library of MV manuals (as per the charitable objectives of the trust) which is readily available to members. I think that these should all be stored electronically and provided on disc or hard copy for a nominal fee, with items in the current library being professionally scanned. Any money left over should be used to acquire further manuals for the collection.


Fantasic idea to leave your manuals to the MVT in your will. I very much hope that that day is a long way away and that when that time arises that the MVT will have a system set up where by members will be able to gain easy access to them. The library could be a great selling point for membership to the MVT, but it needs to be set up correctly to achieve this. It is the best way that i can see that the money might be put to the benefit of all current and future members.


Tim (too)

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perhaps part of the monies could go to starting the library idea and a portion to be put into a investment fund to have an endowment to cover a portion of the costs of maintaining and expand the collection ? Not sure if the tax codes would allow such an idea?.

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