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Moving house tomorrow...


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I know I havn't been online much the past few days / weeks. It's because I'm moving house tomorrow. The good news is I have internet at the new place connected already so I won't be cut off for any period of time. But it all takes up a lot of time..


Hope to be back like normal later this week.

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You just need to organise youself a bit more Joris!


Tell me about it Rick - we are just working on something pretty big and Joris, decides, that he will move house in the middle of it - he will be telling me next that he is going to start a new job :computerterror2:

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I know I havn't been online much the past few days / weeks. It's because I'm moving house tomorrow. The good news is I have internet at the new place connected already so I won't be cut off for any period of time. But it all takes up a lot of time..


Hope to be back like normal later this week.



N o excuse at all Joris. You really must learn to get your priorities right. :whistle: :-D

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Well I'm online at the new house now so that part of the move went according to plan!


Pleased to see that you have got your priorities straight.


What was the worse thing that got broken during the move :dunno: :?

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