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Organising the pefect MV show...


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Here is a question for you.


I may be involved in organising and event experience next year so instead of second guessing what people want, hate, like I thought it be prudent to get some feedback straight from the horses mouth.....


So, what makes or breaks a show for you?

What is the magic ingredient to a successful show?

Is the devil in the detail?

Not enough loos?

21st century tents/cars etc etc amongst the period mvs?

To expensive to get in?

Poor programme?

To restricted?

To many mvs?

To many reenactors?

........etc etc.


Here is the chance to get your ideas across and not only will I be listening but other show organisers from around the world too.





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Not enough loos?

21st century tents/cars etc etc amongst the period mvs?



Can never have enough Loos...



Civy tents/ cars... as an event organiser this is one we look at closely... cars easy... no cars on showground while open to public...


Tents/caravans.. bit harder... we request mil tents where possible.. those with civy tents/caravans we site where they will have less of an impact on the overall appearance of the site..


Went to a WW2 event this year (think you may of been there Jack) :whistle: where the organisers stated it was only for WW2 MV's & No PW as they wanted to keep it authentic... on arriving I found the majority of the authentic WW2 MV owners in Civy tents & caravans... even the organisers, not very authentic... that being said it was a great event... my point is when organising a show practice what you preach :-D


As well as MV's/Reenactors you need other attractions for the rest of the family.. not everyone is interested in MVs.. & plenty of arena events with big bangs :evil:


In my opinion civy tents cab spoil the ambiance of a show...

width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/Picture213.jpg[/img]


Not sure who these two civy tents belong to... spotted at Bolero :whistle:

width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/Picture001-9.jpg[/img]

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Just a few personal thoughts:


Exhibitors shouldn't be expected to pay to attend a show which is open to the public. Private events are a different matter and price should reflect the cost of hiring site, amenities etc. 'Compulsory donations to charity' are an absolute no-no. (I will choose how and when I donate to charities thank you.)


Showers and toilets can make or break a show from an exhibitor's point of view.


Commonsense interpretation of H&S and fair enforcement of any site rules eg. no unnecessary vehicle movement, no unnecessary noise after midnight etc.


I don't have a problem with civvy tentage as I'm interested in the vehicles, but you can request that brightly coloured tents should have a cam net draped over them.

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Just a few personal thoughts:


Exhibitors shouldn't be expected to pay to attend a show which is open to the public.


Totaly agree... would never think of charging....



Showers and toilets can make or break a show from an exhibitor's point of view.


Showers only really nessasary for a show longer than two days...


but you can request that brightly coloured tents should have a cam net draped over them.


That's what we have done in the past... even lending our own camo nets..


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i agree with the tents it does detract thats why this year we have a huge desert net that we threw over it.


also i seem to be noticing that all the shows i go to are only mainly interested in showing the public the WW2 vehicles i mean yes it lovely to see a convoy of jeeps/Jimmy's/dodges etc but what about the post war vehicles??? we really get shafted as sometimes i get the feeling no one cares about what happened after the war, anyway i would suggest that the post war vehicles get a fairer slice of the show.


i think what makes a good show is the relaxed nature not having people running around as officials saying you cant do that, put that down, stop that etc i think if its relaxed yet well enforced then that makes it.


other than that make it fun for everyone!

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Let's face it, everybody likes to camp with their friends. But it might be intresting to see different types of vehicles in groups. EG early jeeps at the start of the row, moving onto the post war ones, land rovers etc. And the same for other types (trucks, heavies, different types of armour etc) Sort of a vehicle evolution line. (to see how they have improved over the years :evil: )

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well yeah i understand but what i was saying is that make sure everyone wartime and post war gets a fair crack of the whip.


I'm in full agreement & I've got no problem with seeing a WW1 truck parked next to a GMC, next to an M35. For me they all have equal historical value and interest and if you happen to own all three you shouldn't have to put them in three separate fields.

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I think there is a danger of becoming elitist here chaps.


I do not have a brightly coloured civi tent because I like it that way - I have it because that's what I happen to have. :dunno:


Lee kindly lent me a 9 x 9 at this years W+P, otherwise it would have been a blue 2-man civi effort with civi gazebo.


I have spent thousands of pounds on my Ward La France and I think it does look the part. Are we seriously suggesting I should be stuck somewhere out of site because I don't happen to have a military tent. >:(


Surely all MV owners should be allowed to join in with this hobby of ours, regardless of what they drive and what they camp in.


If the movement is going down this path then surly we should park the vehicles in one area and camp somewhere completely different.


I am quite willing to dig fox holes and spend the week in one next to my vehicle if that's what people prefer. I do wonder however how many people would be willing to do the same.


A bit harsh some of you may feel but I am interested in seeing vehicles and displaying my vehicle. I'm not interested in what people think of my living quarters.


Having said the above I am searching for a mil spec tent because it does look better amongst the green machines but please lets not get into the realms of banishing people who do not have / can not afford a mil spec tent.


I once belonged to a military club who rarely gave PW MV owners a look in. Needless to say, I didn't stay in it very long.



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Are we seriously suggesting I should be stuck somewhere out of site because I don't happen to have a military tent. >:(


Surely all MV owners should be allowed to join in with this hobby of ours, regardless of what they drive and what they camp in.





We don't do that at our show, what we do is try to place civy tents & caravans where they will have a less visual impact on the show, backing on to trees, hedges etc.. instead of sitting in the middle of the field, this isn't always possible but as I said we have enough nets on the firm to lend where required... bottom line is it doesn't matter what you drive or what you camp in, everyones welcome at our show :-D

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Jack you beat me to this one, I was going to ask the same question as I too am involved in a show organisation next year.


I too think that civvy tents/caravans in amongst the green stuff can detract from the event and make the field look like some Pikies have turned up. A seperate camping area for any non mil tents, caravans/campers, can easily be set up away from the main show area (but still in the main field), and include extra toilets in that area for the campers. I believe if it is a military event then it should all look military. Steam rallies/village shows are different as you are allready in a mixed field to start with. I believe its all about the impression we give to attract people into the show ground to start with, and field full of military equipment, will surely attract more people than a field that looks like a Millets convension :whistle:

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I too think that civvy tents/caravans in amongst the green stuff can detract from the event and make the field look like some Pikies have turned up.:whistle:



I object to the above comment.


Does my Ward La France M1A1 - Best Heavy Vehicle at this years W+P - make the field look like "Pikies" have turned up.



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Its not so much down to individual tents beside vehicles, but when you start to get tents, gazebos and camper vans in the main field and in plain view of the public. Like if this is the site that greets you when you first see a military event, it doesn't look all that appealing!


width=640 height=480http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/3670/buckfast3jo7.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=480http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/909/buckfast4en5.jpg[/img]

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I see your point




Then again, maybe the people who own the civi tents and caravans just won't bother coming to the shows - hence making the show a lot less appealing with a noticeable drop in vehicles.


Welcome my truck - welcome me - whatever I happen to be sleeping in. :box:

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