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Scammells, somewhere!

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Hi All,


As a way of introduction I thought I would share some pictures I found in my late Fathers effects. He was in the REME (Captain) during the advance through Europe towards the end of WW2, the pictures are of his unit billeted somewhere in Europe.


Six of the pictures show the method of lifting the spare wheel from its location atop the vehicle using kit carried on board.


As for myself I don't own a vehicle, I love all things Scammell, Heavy Haulage and Big Cranes, I build models of trucks and cranes.


Hope the pictures are of interest.


Regards, John.

Europe 1, somewhere..jpg

Europe 2, somewhere.jpg

Pioneer 1.jpg

Pioneer 2.jpg

Pioneer 3.jpg

Pioneer 4.jpg

Pioneer 5.jpg

Pioneer 6.jpg

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What fantastic pictures - images like these are so valuable for what they can reveal - for example an improvised spare wheel crane (what a base - a gun plank outrigger tied on!), the vertical member of which looks like a towing pole??


I like the essential Ward laFrance at the end of the line-up - obviously there just to bring home any misbehaving Pioneers :D


Also of interest is the variety of front wheel tread patterns.


Thanks for posting.

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some brilliant pics there. I've never seen a spare wheel carrier of that pattern before. Might have to knock one of those up for our Scammell :)


Cheers, Richard


And you'll have every other Scammell expert telling you 'they never had those it's not original' :)


Love pics like these, so many little details, like the canvas that seems to have been stuck onto the locker tops, never seen that before either..more please :D


John, is it possible that your father was the inventor of the s/wheel carrier? He was obviously involved enough to take pictures of it.

Edited by gritineye
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And you'll have every other Scammell expert telling you 'they never had those it's not original' :)


Love pics like these, so many little details, like the canvas that seems to have been stuck onto the locker tops, never seen that before either..more please :D


John, is it possible that your father was the inventor of the s/wheel carrier? He was obviously involved enough to take pictures of it.


Yeah, exactly what i thought Bernard. At which point i'd pull out these pics, and ask the person in question if they fought in the war.

Don't people like that just piss you off.



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Hi All,


Glad you liked the pictures, and yes the spare wheel carrier was my Dads idea and the canvas tops to the lockers, a bit of early H&S, it gave a better grip for muddy boots!. The spare wheel rig was knocked up when and if materials and time where available, I think the two Scammells next to the Ward Le France have not had them fitted. I checked with Brian Baxter at the REME Museum and the late Mike Thomas of the Scammell Register and there is no official record of the rig.


I am in the process of sorting several interesting items out, they are all going to the REME Museum at Arborfield, one item in particular has been described as 'The most comprehensive record of any recovery unit in wartime, anywhere'. It is a list of movement of my Dads unit, from leaving Eastbourne 03-07-44 to 03-05-45, detailing where the unit was and where they stayed, by country and buildings. I attatch a re-written copy for you chaps, I'm sure Brian won't mind.


I have found a few other vehicle pictures, two show a mangled truck, it ran up a tree killing the driver, my Dads pal, the last one of a Citroen Saloon is marked our prize!


Regards, John R Hornsby.

Europe 3.jpg

Europe 4.jpg

Europe 5.jpg

Europe 6.jpg

Europe 7.jpg

Europe 8.jpg

Europe 9.jpg

Europe 10.jpg

Our Prize !!.jpg

Edited by texfit
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