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Things I don't understand.


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The complex relationship women have with their sunglasses (for example, why they wear them on top of their heads).


My Wife does that!!! Once she spent several minutes looking for her sunglasses before realising where they were.


Also, why do Women keep Mobile Phones in handbags, where they can't hear them ring. I know this is true, from experience.

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womens logic when shopping,go in 20 shops looking for a item of clothing then go back to the first shop they went into and purchase said item,thats why you will never catch me shopping with the wife


Don't forget they seem to stroll at 1 Mile per day while shopping...

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believe or not but I once had in my possesion a brass sledge hammer and a brass road workers pick.......both acquired from a demolition job on an old ordnance depot.......mind you...the pick I could sort of understand....for gently excavating around a un-exploded bomb maybe?.....but I was proper confused by the sledgehammer...I wouldn't have thought you'd want to use a sledge hammer at all on or anywhere near explosives.... no matter what it was made of!....

.......I have to smile and echo the thinkings on the female shopping method though...

Now I don't know about you lot but my shopping method goes like this...go to town to purchase new boots......go into shop that sells boots...find boots I want in first shop (thats why I went in there, cos I knew they would have them)....ask for relevant size....pay for them.....return to car and go home. job done.....:D

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.......I have to smile and echo the thinkings on the female shopping method though...

Now I don't know about you lot but my shopping method goes like this...go to town to purchase new boots......go into shop that sells boots...find boots I want in first shop (thats why I went in there, cos I knew they would have them)....ask for relevant size....pay for them.....return to car and go home. job done.....:D

...but then the other shop down the road might have the same boots cheaper, or the shop round the corner might have them in a different colour which might match that outfit bought last time, or you might find some boots that look similar but feel much more comfortable when I try them on. Then what about the dress there, thats nice, it could be worn to the up coming wedding we're are invited to, oh but hang on I need some shoes to match..............................

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here's one I've always struggled with....

any survival manual/book will say something like..

"if ,when tasting a tiny bit of an unknown plant/berry/fruit etc it is found to be bitter or sharp... it is almost certainly poisonous and should be immediatley disgarded as a possible food source......."

so....when it was first found..... who the hell persevered with the onion then ?

did they give up on it until someone invented cheese....did some caveman say something like...

" hey dave...go and find me one of them horrible things... I'm gonna try it with a bit of this stuff"...........:cool2:

Edited by RattlesnakeBob
typos galore!
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believe or not but I once had in my possesion a brass sledge hammer and a brass road workers pick.......both acquired from a demolition job on an old ordnance depot.......mind you...the pick I could sort of understand....for gently excavating around a un-exploded bomb maybe?.....but I was proper confused by the sledgehammer...I wouldn't have thought you'd want to use a sledge hammer at all on or anywhere near explosives.... no matter what it was made of!....


Perhaps those Neanderthals weren't so backward using antler picks, to this day Time Team have never found evidence of an explosion in one of their flint mines......

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