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Need a new Name


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Dear Mike,


You expose one of my pet peaves about forums and that is how people are known.


I for one have registered and use my name, its always been good so far in life.


There are some here who like yourself have had long time association with a vehicle and that is admirable.


If you must have a "handle" you should be known in my humble opinion sir, as, wait for it, "Too Wide Mike" brrrrm tsh! (sound effect drum roll and crescendo stage right) or alternatively "Not Afraid To Call a Spade A Spade Mike" or "Relentless Mike" or "Chapter and Verse Mike":nut:



I could go on but Mike (whatever your last name is) would work fine for me.


Honest mate, keep the name and if asked explain to those who dont know you or let them figure it out.




(Aka "Robin 2 Ferrets" or "Parliament Hill Tours" or "Round Rover Robin")

Edited by robin craig
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There's another user on here (John Riley) known as Antar and I believe he no longer owns one, so don't let that put you off.


I think you're perfectly entitled to continue using the name, you deserve it for being both brave and fortunate enough to have owned such a magnificent vehicle.


If someone gets knighted only in exceptional circumstances is the title of Sir taken away.

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Mr Safariswing also know as Lee whats behind your name then?



My son gave me that one years ago... it's easier remembering people by their usernames, when you have hundreds of john's, mike's, george's etc on a forum... it's hard remembering who's who if you use first name when you have 1,000's of members... that's why we encourage members to make an intro post

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Use your own name and for a period put " the contibutor that used to be known as antarmike" after it. That will be such a pain that you will drop typing it just about the time people get used to your new (ie proper) name.

Never understood using anything but your own name anyway myself............

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Does it really matter? if you're still "Antarmike" then we'll know who you are


robin craig

......You expose one of my pet peaves about forums and that is how people are known.

I used to use my given name on sites but after receiving some abusive emails I was advised to use an AKA in future - a case of "my name is for my friends".
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Don't forget if you do change your name all the old posts change name at the same time so members coming on the forum after a while might not realise who wrote the posts... same with PM's someone coming on here after a while wanting to send you a pm won't be able too using your old name...

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Don't forget if you do change your name all the old posts change name at the same time so members coming on the forum after a while might not realise who wrote the posts... same with PM's someone coming on here after a while wanting to send you a pm won't be able too using your old name...


I remain Antarmike then, (still got the models, haven't I)

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If the Antar has sold, should |I change my user name and if so, what do you reckon it should be?


EagerBeaverMike sounds a bit perverted, and ExplorerMike is only any good until I sell the bl00dy thing.....


How about Ex-Antar mike, one time Antar mike, or usedtobeantarnowknownassomethingelsemike.

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Antar has definitely sold so I am now no longer an Antar Owner (13 happy years----mostly)

I am keeping the Douglas. My wife (who is a lot younger and a hell of a lot prettier than me reckons I should become Michael Douglas.) what do you think??

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