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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. I use a battery charger with a bulb in the live wire to reduce it a bit, not good with the technical stuff but it worked well for me!
  2. I can confirm this really does work a treat, it's one of the most satisfyingly simple things to do...makes you feel very clever too!
  3. You're welcome Tony, ain't HMVF a wonderful place... Here's a link, I'm sure they won't mind: http://www.thetoolbox.org.uk/about_the_toolbox.html
  4. Have a look in that second hand tool store for one of these, this one does up to 1/2", the flare on your pipe looks a bit longer than usually made with these tools, Im sure you could easily modify it to suit though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Is this what we're after Jack? What it is: Advanced Thanks/Like mod is designed to cut down on spam and increase useful content in your forum by using a peer encouragement system - users thank/like each others posts, which can give them access to attachements, post content etc, as well as encourage the thanked person to post more great content. http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=243510
  6. Stuart's strict off topic rules prevent me from discussing this further..............
  7. Been looking at the vbulletin forum to see how this could be done, some one has written some code to put a Facebook LIKE button on every post, but thats not what we want but it may be possible. Will keep looking.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. This one was air-dropped earlier...not too bad considering!
  9. Original sealed NOS engine would be top of the list I suspect Andy. Meanwhile hull repairs are going well.. Fuel tanks are being fabricated.. Random drive sprocket pic for no particular reason.. That's all for now folks!
  10. If it looks right, it is right.....but that's soooo wrong in every way!
  11. This was actually built for the planned German invasion, a British misinformation campaign had convinced them that fairground wall of death shows where actually disguised AA gun sites. The idea was to drive in through the little door, then wizz round causing havoc within! They where clearly built on one half of a very early BobCat loader frame, but due to an oversight by the designer, the skid steer did not work! Except for this prototype which kept falling over, they all disappeared into infinity during testing!!
  12. Lo and behold, here is one complete with the afore mentioned heating elements, perfect for warming your workshop and drowning out the sound of East Enders/Corrie from indoors.....:goodidea: :-D http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Castle-castings-air-raid-siren-/280805559930?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item416150ce7a
  13. Just out of interest, how long would this take to do? Nice to see such care over details, propper job!
  14. It certainly is, hope the film is as good.
  15. 6x6 knows all about these, look at his avatar pic...it was discussed a while ago but I can't find the thread.
  16. I had a problem with a program messing things up on my laptop, I found Revo Uninstaller and used the free version to get rid of it and clean out some other unused programs from my laptop and PC. Although not specifically aimed at malware/spyware it seems to dig deep and do a really thorough job of finding all the left behind bits and pieces that windows uninstaller often misses, and you can see what it has found. It has other cleanup tools that I find are easier to use than windows as well, http://download.cnet.com/Revo-Uninstaller/3000-2096_4-10687648.html http://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html
  17. Yeah, you could do without that mate, complain very loudly, they are not allowed to discharge water onto someone else's property, it will lift you slabs when it freezes for a start! Send them a bill for pumping out, you know where to get one from!
  18. Brilliant video Adrian, must have surprised a few folk seeing you all coming along the lanes! Good show!:bow:
  19. Well if they're good enough for Elton.....
  20. Yeah yeah, very funny, now put down the camera and open the stupid little door will ya...
  21. :goodidea:This is a great thread, keep 'em coming guys :thumbsup:
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