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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Just thinking the same thing myself Tony, that really is an outstanding contribution to the bonkers world of Beltring!:clap::clap:I saw it trundling around but never got near to it.
  2. Forceful and Rugged Robin both exempt.......:nut:
  3. Nice collection Harper, love the Impala too, was that the one at Beltring this year?
  4. It's working a treat here Joris, couldn't be any faster..:yay::yay: I'm sure we would all like to thank you for spending your time fixing this, it's not as if you didn't have other more important things to do! Merry Christmas to everyone!
  5. Never use IE prefer Firefox, forum has been very slow and buggy lately, so I tried Chrome, instantly it was faster...but only for a while then it went slow again, typing this using Safari, it is very slow using this browser as well. Tried it on a mates PC the other day, he has a slow connection and this forum had become almost unusable for him, installed Chrome for him and it then speeded up to as fast as he had ever had it, so he was pleased, don't know if it still is though. Other forums I visit using vBulletin are fine. This is my second try at posting this, waited 3 mins for it to appear, it never did, maybe you where tweeking things at the time Joris.. PS. counted and this post took around 40 seconds to appear here.
  6. I've noticed this as well, been looking for an engine recently and seen a couple in the same state, always thought that the last person to try to start it had given up when the @*****# plugs fowled up yet again! Then some one has suggested taking the head off for a looksee and that's done it, given up completely!
  7. I have always thought the Pioneer tank transporter looks very 'Hot rod' at the front, and would be much improved at the back with a Moxy/Volvo rear end and big tyres, propper Detroit V8 diesel with zoomies to finish it off! Hmm... I know someone with all the makings for a project like that lying around, I wonder....
  8. To expand on what croc said, there is no need to deal with the speed differences between the axles, as the front drive should not be engaged on hard surfaces and slippage on soft going takes out any windup in the prop shafts. Having said that the drive train is plenty strong enough to put up with any abuse thrown at it for short periods.
  9. Seems every inventor in the world had a go at it at some time, there was a tv prog about one attempting to cross the Bering Staits with one a few years ago. Didn't know this about the Weazel Alas, Pyke’s concept of a very small, very fast, attack machine got (ahem) shot down and his idea was eventually whittled down to the very-rarely known Weasel. Unfortunately, the Weasel was whittled down even more and the screw propulsion was dropped in favor of standard caterpillar tracks. Pic of it here http://www.worldsstrangest.com/drb/radical-screw-propelled-vehicles/
  10. Hundreds of strange and wonderful vehicles on this site to occupy your inquiring mind for hours..:nut: click pix to enlarge. http://steampunkvehicles.tumblr.com/archive
  11. :-) I was thinking that myself Jack, some things just won't work! So as I would feel very uncomfortable in a uniform, how about overalls and a US type helmet for me then, after all we will be in Dorset amongst the locals :-D Quote.. The military says it has good reasons for the beard ban for most American troops.........There is an exception, though, for special operations forces to enable them to better blend with locals. Senior military officials point out that special operations forces have more experience and maturity than other troops, so that lax grooming standards will not lead to a degeneration of other forms of discipline.
  12. Serious question, some of us have beards and our wives like them, we need to keep them, any way round this without shaving?
  13. Tony, that was going to be my next question, was just looking at it, looks a bit wacky racers too!
  14. There was one of these at Belring a while back, it was a nice thing to look at, very Wacky Racers, does anyone know the reason for the oddball design?
  15. Very different and interesting vehicle alright, wonder if it would float? :-D :-D
  16. Thats a nice one Andy, wonder where that was, and how it got there?
  17. That looks pretty good to me Edd, although the front hitch is a bit scary! Looking forward to your resto thread...:thumbsup::thumbsup:
  18. Any one recognize the music in this video? Signature tune to Music While You Work maybe?
  19. Nice work, great little machines, when I watched that video I swear I could smell that thing, they where so unwanted in the early 60s kids had them given to them, the big thing was to dare to ride the length of the village without getting caught..........nothing changes :-D
  20. Do any of these survive? If so I want a go in one.. Something went wrong... Edit..Oops just read there is one in The Tank Museum....
  21. don't give him ideas Chris......we don't want a dislike button :shake: :-D
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