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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Unless you've been crafty with the tippex, there is space for cornflower, see how I resisted the temptation to list every known food stuff beginning with C too late, well done Richard
  2. does the stencil read 'contents 60 tins' ?
  3. Don't know too much about them, but the round tank was loosely fixed with wire onto a square type mounting by the pro sea fisherman who last owned it, now fixed with Jubilee clips!
  4. Thanks everyone for all your encouragement, Rugged Robin now has 14hrs showing on the hours counter, 10 of them with many different crews on board at Beltring, he proved to be such a popular crowd pleaser, that I feel his obvious future role is as a charity fund raiser. I have been giving some thought to this and suggestions as to how best results could be achieved would be very welcome. As to armament, he has a forward gun mount fitted (forgot to take the 50cal to Beltring :rolleyes:) but perhaps this does not fit his cuddly new image! Bernard
  5. :thumbsup:..Very impressive...and useful too!
  6. Polish a few times, you know you want to........................then paint.
  7. My wife met a woman and a lovely dog walking in the woods today, she asked why it was on a lead, the owner said it would just bolt, when asked why she said "It's a long story" Something went wrong...
  8. Very nice to have met you at Belters and have a pleasant chat, we didn't mean to influence your restoration schedule, (well OK we did really!) but if we have, then can that be a bad thing?....... Thanks for the info will update the index asp..
  9. Our metal work teacher (What happened to them?) taught us how to form a round eye in blacksmith lessons at school. The secret is to make a right angle bend then roll the loop towards it, I found these pliers on a stall, they help a lot, perfect for the job but easy enough to make from an ordinary pair. Far from perfect but hope this helps demystify the job.
  10. Presuming the kinked radial pipes are flexible is it a device for cleaning the rifling in a barrel?
  11. The old MO spotters have been waiting for this moment for a long time........:yay:
  12. Is it an early version of mechanical terrier racing starting traps, made before it was realized that making them all run in the same direction made for a more exciting race?
  13. This was Graham Germany's Scammell, he did it himself.....four entered the Beltring trial, four where damaged, some more than once!
  14. Looked really great too, the arena wrecker display was really busy, did anyone get a video?
  15. The Reliant 3.4:1 axle did not survive the ruggedization program, the halfshafts where too bendy, it was replaced with a Bedford Rascal/Carry one, 5:1 ratio.
  16. It's cloaking device is able to block all negative vibes..
  17. Made it's arena debut too! :-D Something went wrong...
  18. Important thread this, kids unrestrained in open vintage vehicles always worries me, as to lap belts, please don't fit them, google 'lap belt injuries' to see why. All seat belts will cause some soft tissue damage in an accident, but studies show that when lap belts only are used, fatal injuries occur throughout the entire range of speeds, as low as 12mph, with three point restraints, no deaths occurred at speeds less that 60mph. Not for the squeamish: http://radiographics.rsna.org/content/11/1/23.full.pdf
  19. About time this thread was bumped, lots of new members must have a story, meanwhile: Not so much a get you home fix, more like a get me to Beltring one....:sweat: Lot of smoke and fumes said something wrong with the battery connections. The culprit..yes, I know..:rolleyes: Bit of spark erosion had taken place..:shake: Lots of thinking came up with this plan..:idea: First cut this shape from an ally can Make a little tag to hold a bit of wire, this tag was not robust enough, second go was bigger.. Roll ally round the perfect terminal on another battery, check + or -, bind with wire and secure end.. Carefully remove mold Place over carefully cleaned damaged post, cut a notch in the post if needed to allow the lead to flow down inside the mold.. Prepare a crucible.. Use any available heat source to melt some lead, this can be obtained by melting a couple of wheel weights or similar, but I happened to have some of my dads solder sticks in the shed (circa 1965 ish) do this well away from batteries for obvious reasons!! Quickly pour into mold, blurry pic to indicate speed... Remove mold, have a looky, not bad for a first try.. cut more off post and warm it somehow next time. Cut blob off top... Fit new link bought at Beltring a couple of years ago especially to prevent this problem from occurring :red: :embarrassed:..all done in well under an hour, took longer to post this on here. Go to Beltring..:drive:
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