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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. That would be great Steve, thanks a lot.
  2. Heard it was a great rally and the Explorers had a great run around the Great Orme ..:drive:
  3. Last time I tried I was told you can't just pop into your local glass merchant to get laminated glass cut for vehicles any more, due to new regs and all that annoying stuff!
  4. Ok Jack that's sorted then, think I will park in the bit of hard by the entrance, I may put a high green beacon on the roofrack at night (is this legal on private land?) to give folk something to aim at from further down the hill.
  5. Just a suggestion, but instead of a big giveaway sign, would it be helpful if I was to sit at the entrance in my camper to point the way? I'm sure most entrants will be easy for me to spot, and I have my very own HMVF flag to wave! :wave: How many folk are intending to arrive early in the week? From when would it be needed, if at all?
  6. Sorry couldn't resist it..picture saves a thousand words..
  7. Moved this from Charawacky's Crossley thread (where I first posed in a fit of excitement) to avoid a hi-jack, he posted a link to a Channel 5 film about WW1 aircraft, one shot showed the wing straining wire the turnbuckle adjusters in closeup, and I think I may well have a few WW1 aircraft parts of my very own! Many years ago an elderly neighbour now sadly deceased, gave me a box of old drill bits including some turnbuckles that look similar. His families farm was close to Polegate Airship Station, so they may even be Airship rigging parts! I have found three but I seem to remember there being more, they have stamped markings on them, mostly unreadable, apart from two which say '15 & 20 cwt' which is amazing given their size.. Has anyone here ever handled one or been close enough to an original WW1 aircraft to confirm the originality of these?
  8. Just watched this, learned a lot, and very well made and enjoyable it was too, thanks for the link.. PS. was that a rear-view of a couple of Crossley Tenders I spotted?
  9. It's lost it's original rear wheels, may as well put tracks on then....:cool2: There is a lot of sense in getting one of these or summat like it, a lot of fun can be had with them and you can put it on a trailer behind a modern motor to get to shows further afield when taking the big stuff might be too much trouble.
  10. Not seen that before either looks great, they did well with the colour coding too, Scammell, safety barrier, car, sign and window! :-D
  11. When you get round to it check the gear change linkages very carefully for wear, (seem to remember rubber bushes?) it was quite common to see these vans with mole grips in place of the lever, probably used to get home after it all fell to bits, but left in place cos they worked better!
  12. We've just been to Egypt on normal type holiday, but your trip was so much better! Fantastic thing to have done with your Jeeps, more info and pix if possible please!
  13. Thanks, yes that must be what I read somewhere, it was a very long time ago... Errm...just as well I sold my LandRover then, don't think anyone noticed it tagging along behind though..:angel:
  14. I have seen somewhere on the web a reference to towing vehicles that said if the towing vehicle is very much heavier than the towed one, (IE Landrover/Scammell) then brakes are not legally needed, I'm sure it quoted a ration too, but I can't find it again now. Anyone know anything about this?
  15. Don't think Freddy will have any problems with that, because you've got a SHED!
  16. Looking good Andy, did you use any seam sealer or such on the frame to stop rattles? I got carried away and forgot, had to run a bead round afterwards. :rolleyes:
  17. That's very nice, some hard bargaining to get it no doubt! But what's happening with the rear wheel on the wrong way round?
  18. You're not the only one Rosie! Those pics are really great and bring it all back don't they?
  19. Come on Clive, :help: just a tiny clue perhaps?
  20. Why on earth don't the council install these? http://www.streetfire.net/video/speed-bump_640930.htm
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