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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. We set out with Rugged Robin on my Ifor Williams trailer, from Eastbourne to Harmans Cross, Dorset, via the M27, at a steady 50 mph. I can't see the trailer at all behind our camper, as it's not wide enough. Didn't take much notice of the passing motorists laughing and pointing, they often do with the Robin, until a kind gent slowed in front of me with his flashers on telling me to pull on to the hard shoulder. As I stopped a cloud of tyre smoke wafted past and I got the message! Rear off side trailer tyre shredded and almost alight!:wow: Managed to change the tyre with an adjustable spanner and no Jack:rofl:, carried on slower, lots of rattling as the spare had a flat spot on it caused by an oval drum (fixed years ago), a bit later it got worse as another tyre started to bulge, carried on even slower. Off the motorway another motorist overtook excitedly pointing, pulled over to find rear nearside tyre also shredded.:rotfl: Only 8 miles to go now quiet road, so carried on at a crawl, had two good tyres, pulled onto rally site with one good tyre left, and one with air but developing a nice bulge!:sweat: Now all this might seem unlucky, but as we were stopping for a red light I spotted a POLICE CAR :shocked: coming up behind, they pulled alongside, but were so captivated by the Robin that they never even noticed the tyres flapping about at all! Now that's what I call LUCKY! :wave: :police: Bought four new wheels and tyres sourced locally by Butty (top man) and delivered to site next morning, had a great weekend and good run back. I regularly look at my trailer tyres and check pressures, and they looked fine, when I left, but time flies, and I hadn't really realized that it's at least 18 yrs since I bought the trailer new, and the tyres were the original ones. So... how old are the tyres on your MV? PS My trailer is a bit bigger than the one that is shown if you click the Skimword link!
  2. Amazing find Tony, that sounds like an early one, later ones where glass-fibre, with a ratchet strap to double up as a front ski! Also used when hydroplaning across the North Sea. It is thought that they changed to glass-fibre when it was noticed the surface of the aluminium wore off leaving a dark trail in the snow that could be seen from space.
  3. Yep, too right.. last I heard he's scoping out Liverpool slipways, (yeah I know Peterhead's nearer but he so likes a challenge) and looking for a fiord with gently sloping sides, squally sea conditions don't faze him though, don't it make you proud that he's British!
  4. The Reliant Robin..... a handsome little car, much loved by the thrifty working man, and the young driver just starting out. Sadly, being small of stature, light of weight, and a little short in the wheel department, they have of late, become the butt of ridicule and bullying, particularly by one Jeremy Clarkson, a public school buffoon who really should know better, the blighter. This has so annoyed one plucky little Robin that he is itching to punch that Clarksons lights out. So we called in a favour and sent him to Hereford for training and ruggedizeation, where he soon learned to do proper fighting and secret covert stuff. During this time a remarkable transformation took place, he met a lot of tough fighting machines, and he wanted to be gallant and brave, just like his new chums Rugged Robin is now a lean mean fighting machine, and has already carried out covert ops with the SAS, SBS, and the navy SEALS, he is now ready to take on comers! He has a high road speed, amazing off road and amphibious capability, and as he is air portable by Microlite, there is now no place for Clarkson to hide. So Jeremy Clarkson, be afraid, be very afraid, hell hath no fury like a Robin scorned! Something went wrong...
  5. A lot of the top hull welding has now been completed.. Ready for final finishing. Then it will all need distressing (Antiques Roadshow speak) to blend in.. Started on the floor now.. This is an interesting bit don't you think?
  6. Hear an outtake from Radio 2's special documentary for Remembrance Week. 92-year-old war veteran Victor Gregg tells his own incredible story of WW2. John Hurt narrates this moving documentary on Saturday 12th November at 9pm on BBC Radio 2. Here, Victor recounts the battle of Sidi Rezegh in November 1941. This clip includes some strong language and disturbing images. Executive Producer Andy West says: "We didn't have enough space for this stark and very moving account of Sidi Rezegh. It was probably the most difficult edit I had to make. Victor found it tough talking about the young lads who were killed in their tanks, so early in their military careers." Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00lpzcm
  7. :goodidea: :beer::thumbsup: Yep..I thought it looked a pretty good setup as well!
  8. The film Glorious 39 has a scene where the heroine is inexplicably unable to outrun a Pioneer SV2S in a sports car, had many of these been cast and got into private hands in 1939? I think not.. She pulls over to let it pass.. She comes across a checkpoint and gosh another Pioneer.. Amazingly this one is a REME SV1S, much more likely! Any one know who owns this rare beast?
  9. Nice pics Runflat, notice the broken up coupling parts beside the front wheel, it arrived on site with no rubber bits left in one of the coupling! :shake: I seem to remember the coupling being brass, and really shiny where the two brass parts where in contact.
  10. I was impressed by your very subtle clues, just allowing a tiny bit of the 'p's and 'd's showing.
  11. Is it the 'Mad as a box of frogs' :nut: method Clive? Can't think of a more fitting name..
  12. Pendulum, swung in a circular motion as when dowsing for pregnancy, when fault is touched pendulum reverses direction and stops... I have often had success with this method.......:whistle:
  13. Tapatalk was playing up earlier today as well..got a message about not recognizing the server, OK now though.
  14. Sorry for the delay folks, some progress has been made as these pix show Haven't seen the beast lately, but will post more as soon as I get another peek in the shed..:-D
  15. Does it help your head to remember Scammell prop spins the opposite way to most?
  16. Makes sense Jules, an opinion shared by quite a few Explorer owners who have run for years without a pump.
  17. Remember Steves Mack/Long Tom will be very slow on hills, (walking speed, a Cummins would help :evil:) some thought and suggestions needed about this re speed of convoy, .
  18. I agree, this would be my choice too, going into Dorchester would tend break up the party!
  19. Looking at how the paint is worn off by the oil holes it looks like a fair bit of oil flies straight back off the worm anyway.
  20. AS always, inspired thinking...can't hurt to try it, as you don't tow anything heavy and are not blessed with too much power it should be OK.......maybe :undecided:
  21. I think it's safe to say that you are the only one to have noticed that....:nut:
  22. That seems reasonable for peace of mind. Fire always worried me before I Dieselised, 74 gallon petrol tank is some bomb sitting on your drive! :shake:
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