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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Quite the sight to see nothing but grill charging up in your rear view mirror ! shades of Dennis Weaver in "DUEL "
  2. The vehicle could be loaded that way I guess but I believe they were towed or pushed on and off as the two vehicles my friend and I had shipped were less batteries or fuel as far as i recall..it was 19 years ago . The outfit We purchased the CCKW's from arranged the shipping and documents , All we had to do was arrange for a tow truck company to pick them up from the holding area once they arrived in the USA.
  3. Great selection of vehicles in the link that Runflat posted ..........but I see the artist who has made a lot of effort to get things correct made a little boo boo on the GMC CCKW 353 .............hes put the blackout driving light on the wrong side . <I ll get my things and head for the bunker till the all clear sounds>
  4. They are all very interest vehicles . I would have commented but know nothing of them beyond the comment made earlier of Land Rover multiple times. Don't feel discouraged .While other members are busy getting ready for shows and such it sometime take a while for the knowledgeable ones to find the post and comment .
  5. No one can say you Guy's didnt give it 110 percent effort to try and get everything working properly . You ran out of time ....... You didnt cut any corners and did outstanding work on what you were able to finish !!
  6. One handed or two hang in there , We are in no rush .......heck a lot of us are using one or two fingers on the best of days . VERY releaved to know your on the mend and at home now ?
  7. Great idea Fruitbat , very comprehensive listing all the resources connected
  8. The place must be crumbling very fast indeed , if the street lights are going now what of the traffic lights and bridges ? Certainly the man hole covers are not to be trusted either . Quick get out while you can .
  9. Very Nice , Your very lucky to have found such a beauty may you keep it on the road for a long time .
  10. A great looking group , a bit of everything there and good weather to enjoy all of it .
  11. The over sea's shipping on a roll on roll of ship is based on the cost per cubic meter of volume the vehicle takes up this was how I shipped my CCKW back from the Netherlands ,in 1990 is was less than $1000.00 There is shipping by container but I don't know what the costs are currently. Bringing a foreign made HMV into the U.S. will include a bit of paperwork , perhaps one of the others knows the ins and out will be able to talk about that .
  12. Where I am the Party may get rained on as the forecasters can't say for sure which way the weather will go . If it stays dry We'll be having some fireworks both public and private at sunset .
  13. Truly well bogged down in that wet slick clay , That track hoe would never have seen the light of day again without that outside winch help !!!! Well done .
  14. Dang looks like you need Mini me to do some of the jobs down in the hull .... Or I m guessing normally the entire drivetrain would be hauled out with a crane and worked on a special stand ? Seems an old blanket and or pillow would come in handy for some of the sharp edges he's having to lay across.
  15. Welcome I m sure that CW will be very interested in talking with you all things nautical , There are a number of others with Armour who may be able to point you in the right direction for more information if they don't already have the answers them selves . As for ownership of something afraid the bug has already bitten you its just a matter of time before you discover a 1:1 scale vehicle you cant do without. Speaking of which working at 1:1 scale is much easier than any other and you can find parts and bits already made in 1:1 no need to reduce them .
  16. A thread on the WW2 Dodge forum that Ranger started about Joe Dope and the rest of the gang http://www.ww2dodge.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3419&p=16665&hilit=joe+dope#p16665
  17. Yes it a American training aid along with several others characters the names escape me at the moment .. heres a link to more "joe Dopes" http://arcweb.archives.gov/arc/action/ShowArchivalDescriptions;jsessionid=2173EFA417CB0C84C156D45BDA4AE67B?%24submitId=1&%24showFullDescriptionTabs.selectedPaneId=&%24resultsDetailPageModel.pageSize=1&%24resultsDetailPageModel.search=true&%24showArchivalDescriptionsTabs.selectedPaneId=&%24highlight=false&%24digiSummaryPageModel.targetModel=true&%24digiDetailPageModel.currentPage=0&%24resultsPartitionPageModel.search=true&%24resultsPartitionPageModel.targetModel=true&%24resultsSummaryPageModel.pageSize=10&%24resultsSummaryPageModel.targetModel=true&%24searchId=1&%24partitionIndex=0&%24sort=RELEVANCE_ASC&%24digiDetailPageModel.resultPageModel=true&%24resultsDetailPageModel.currentPage=0&jScript=true
  18. I can appreciate the desire to keep the vehicles and those with them in period uniforms in order to make for a better viewing and photographic experience , but perhaps something like a general military style coverall would be OK ? Since a number of MV owners either never served and feel uncomfortable wearing such or as said earlier feel it would not be correct as they are too senior As for those with HMV's , how will they be shielded at their vehicles against rain and sun ? since you ask that they be on hand to answer questions and speak about their vehicles ? Would they be allowed a Jerry can or ammo crate to rest themselves on ? What of the reenactors will they be allowed rain gear or do they get wet also? Lastly while a static Vehicle is ok , its really nice to be able to hear it running and even better if its able to be seen moving , a number of HMV owners dont like to go to a show simply to park it for the entire event , they like to show a bit of all the hard work they did to make a working vehicle, would they be allowed to do that at the Tankfest ?
  19. A Great site I m sure I will be getting even less sleep as Now I ll have to spend many hours searching through the Archives of this Site I previously had no idea existed !!!
  20. Thanks for your reply , the 2CV was mentioned on a different thread . If you want to add more details on your Renalt 4 I m sure others will be interested in what you have to say .
  21. Sniper is there really enough room in the back for stretchers or were the wounded kept in a seated position ? Whats the ground clearance like and whats the engine access like ?
  22. perhaps you could find it through this http://www.taxdisc.direct.gov.uk/EvlPortalApp/index.jsp
  23. Welcome to the Friendliest Forum on the net . Nice to see another GMC dump truck has been saved!!! and your other vehicles are very nice as well . I m sure the other owners of the peddle verity will be asking you for photo's of your bike very soon.
  24. Over here the armour that is posted outside American Legion and VFW halls are on loan and can not be sold . It reverts to the U.S. Government if the group disbands or closes or no longer wants it . It will be interesting to see what the original documents said and where it ended up .
  25. Hows the other front brake looking ? Good that you caught it before you ended up with them jammed on .
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