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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Good move, a bit of fun and work all rolled into one nice planning VULCANFREAK
  2. I make sure each Vehicle my family owns has a fire extinguisher in it and is replaced every couple of years . This was a result of having stopped to check on what turned out to be a driver who had passed out at the wheel on the side of the road with their foot smashed down on the gas peddle of a still running engine , just as we woke the driver the torchered engine caught fire , We had to flag down a couple of commercial trucks to use their extinguishers to slow the fire until a fire truck finally arrived to finish putting out the last of the flames and chop the battery cables and finish the job .
  3. One way to avoid surprises is to tray and maintain a 2 second gap between you and the vehicle in front , simply pick a landmarkon the road side and as the vehicle in front of you passes it start to count one onethousand two onethousand and repeat until you have a gap of two seconds at what ever speed your traveling , it will give you enough time to react to what the vehicle in front of you does . And if you assume the other fellow waiting to enter the traffic stream does not see you say at intersections or roundabouts you will be prepared to stop rather than having to either lock things up or meeting someone by accident . I recall reading a story of a accident that happened on this side of the pond it went something like this , One car driver on a two lane road < one lane in each direction > is following another car , the driver in front puts on their right hand turn signal , the driver behind thinks quite logically the first driver is signaling a right turn for an up coming driveway or street of which there a several on both sides of the road by the way , the oncoming lane if clear and it is a passing zone so the second driver proceeds to pass the first driver on the left at which point the first driver suddenly turns left and rams the passing car . The first car drivers excuse was they had signaled which side it was safe for the second car to pass them on !!!!!! not signaling a turn . So you see it takes all kinds.
  4. Didn'T a few people on here take their H test using a tracked mini excavator ? no second seat on those.
  5. There's something about that bridge that swallows camera's. I did the same thing with a wonderful Minolta XD11 20 years ago. had two camera a Sony video and the Minolta put it down while video taping and got back to the ferry before I realized it was missing.:argh:
  6. -.-. .-.. . ...- . .-. / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / .--. .-. --- --. .-. .- -- / --..-- / --. .-. . .- - / .-.. .. -. -.- Thanks for posting the link , just thinking who I can drive nuts with this program now ! hehehe
  7. I m hoping you will be writing a book about this incredable project ,once the Dennis is largely finished , I say finished period but I think you would say it never truly will be ,as You have quite a following you have others finding this thread on the Forum and are spreading it on the other Military Vehicles sites all with very positive comments and replies !!!
  8. Welcome to the Friendliest Forum on the WEB ! Glad you found Us lots of varied threads and information , Nice to have Veteran to add more experience to the arguments I mean discussions that happen all the time , There are a few items in the Uniforms area you might find interesting so feel free to put in your comments and stories.
  9. You can post it on youtube or photobucket and link it to here .
  10. Nice looking Vehicles , never saw any photos of either of them before .
  11. I d say you got a good bit of Vehicle for you money , a bit of pressure washing and a bit of paint will make it look pretty darn good . Of course the wood body may look better than it is ? as least its all there so you could use it as a pattern. Oh and welcome to the Friendliest Forum on the Web.
  12. Interesting vehicle, fore runner to the 101 ,right ?
  13. Great to "see" whats going on over there , The buildings look like they are being taken care of and with the period equipment it really add to the feel of the place. I hope they will be able to increase the interest in the facility and grow the interest in it. Would the flight control caravan have had a stove or would the service personal just have dressed accordingly back in the day ?
  14. one of several on youtube about them Something went wrong...
  15. Found this on the Life Magazine site of a simular style mobile canteen vehicle The Y. M. C. A. tea car outside King Zog's house is driven by his two nieces who help in the village by doing W. V. S. work. Location: United Kingdom Date taken: 1944 Photographer: David E. Scherman
  16. Thank You for the reply , I had considered they might remove the drive shaft but didn't think it was possible from the confines underneath , as for the half shafts I didn't know they had dummy replacement covers both conditions would change the operating limits.
  17. In that post #79 what would the max allowed speed be for a combination like that ? 12-20 miles per hour ? And what distance would be allowed as the Antars wheels would be turning the transmission the whole time .
  18. The same vehicle as converted into "Halfsafe" as posted on a different thread from Down Under .
  19. It would be a shame to have compromise the rebuild that way . Perhaps with the World Wide reach of the WEB you might turn up the parts still , They can't have all been used up and junked , someone must have at least a donor engine laying in a forgotten corner .....think positive thoughts !!!
  20. Thats looking great , Its come a LONG ways from where you started from , You must be counting the weeks till you can get it back on the road , you havent mentioned any suprises since the front axle dificulties or have I missed something ?
  21. Don't leave us hanging , was it a minor temporary pause or something much more serious ????
  22. Thank you for the details , I d think the only way for the water to be there is perhaps someone used a pressure washer or garden hose and sprayed the engine at some point .and flooded it in through the aircleaner, what did the oil level and condition look like in the aircleaner base ?
  23. Quite surprising how much material was able to find its way into those cylinders . What model GMC is this engine in ? Whats the condition of the rest of the vehicle like ?
  24. Sorry I had never heard of the outfit before your posting , need to check out the site and when things permit perhaps buy something then I can report on their service.
  25. Wonderful work , very crisp and so CLEAN!!! Lets see I composed a reply but the Dang forum software this said it was too short and deleted it:argh::argh::argh: seems to happen only in quick reply and not advanced , any how back to the reply at hand. The equipping of only every third vehicle would seem to be a cost cutting measure , that perhaps they felt the chances of a large number of the fleet being ever used in Arctic conditions was remote so settled for have a few units set up ,equipped so as to be operational in those conditions which in turn could be used to jump/bump start the remainder if needed ? As to the clamps , very sleek indeed , whats the smallest lots they will sell them to you in ? Perhaps if you bought them and kept what you needed you could sell/barter the rest on to others that would like the proper clamps but like you dont need a dozens of extras ?
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