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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. good memory Timinder . I think your right
  2. Your right it is a very artistic logo , perhaps a nice framed photo of that would go on a wall of your choosing ?
  3. Thank you Safariswing , I had skipped that link earlier in the thread .
  4. interesting about the lid , I m guessing that you will be re-painting it to try and seal the moisture out of it ?
  5. OUCH! Hope the Rider is in better shape than his ride? Shame about the damage seems to have been lovingly restored , someone will have to start over .
  6. Found this clip of a farm ? in Britain with some military and non military Vehicles just waiting to be saved , Perhaps some knows who the owners are ? Something went wrong...
  7. abn deuce


    "we converted oil into black smoke and kinetic energy and buzzed off, sharpish" Sounds just like CW !!! a fine description of getting the heck out of there.
  8. I take it the levers on the side of the transfer case are to operate dog clutches to allow one to select two wheel or four wheel drive? or did they have hi-lo range ability ? Fantastic that you were able to save and preserve a piece of history .
  9. Very rainy indeed ! Almost made me want to put a towel under the monitor to catch the overflow LOL
  10. Looking forward to seeing a few photo's from your part of the world , as well as a few of your collection ,Things green .
  11. A fitting sentence for these bright brave souls would be to induct them into the Royal Marines and send them over to Afghanistan for a multiple year tour :argh::argh::argh:
  12. Hello Yorkie370 , lots of things here to read and view. Wont be long until those with the information your searching for find your inquiry and can provide an answer or suggestion . Do you have any photo's from your days in the Service ? We all enjoy see photo's like that . Pull up a seat in the Clubhouse bar and have a glass of your favorite when you get the chance
  13. Of course one of those Russian tanks is a Sherman , not sure which model exactly or of the T34/** . I m sure one of the others will fill in the details shortly. mmmm more importantly are you saying that the Soviets are planning an invasion of Switzerland or only a holiday vacation trip ? :??? :shocked: :rofl:
  14. I guess those with transport vehicles like GMC's and Ambulances etc were very popular in the rain provided they had a good canvas on them as somewhere to pass the time with suddenly made Friends.
  15. Very nice selection of photo's thanks for posting .
  16. Not sure if it was said before , that when depicting any era soldiers uniform can have any bits and pieces from earlier times and still be correct as stated above by Redcap, just not have any bits from after the time being represented. Several stories that in the US Army that soldiers in WWII were still being issued bits of WWI gear , so that on inspections those with the more complete WWII gear were positioned in the front rows while those with the most mixed gear where hidden in the rear most rows.
  17. All the suggestions have been good ones and We all do the best we can every time we take our HMV's out of the drive or garage with all their deficiencies in visibility , brakes,steering,mirrors and speed . WE know all their quirks taking great pains to plan accordingly but ,Its not how GOOD a driver you are , Its how BAD a driver they are !
  18. Beating is too good for them , better convicted and sent away for a reasonable period of time .......so the other inmates can introduce them selves properly one by one .
  19. Perhaps FerretAFV if its that rusty you would want to uncover it to keep from sealing in the moisture with all those leaky plastic tarps , best to either expose it to the drying wind or get it under a roof away from the rain entirely. If you look about the other forum threads i think you will find other vehicles that are far rustier than yours if its any consulation .
  20. Welcome to the forum , perhaps we will need to install a island in the middle of the Stalwart and DUKW slash naval regatta pond so the growing number of new members from down under will feel more at home , just kidding ...its really a very good sized lake .
  21. I was going to say was the Nitrous for CW or the Champ but Chrisg beat me to it . :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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