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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. another great solution to the missing parts problem . likely it will be better and stronger than any original you would ever find any how .
  2. Thank You for the posting and the photo's , I hand never seen or known about such devices before !
  3. What a pity all the hard work and sweat put into making all those vehicles the trucks and bikes getting them loaded and secured ready for the voyage .
  4. IMO The accuracy of present day manufacturing be it lazer,waterjet,plasma or wire erosion could not been dreamt of back at the start of 1900 .
  5. I guess the customs man first thought might have been that you might have had a bit of surgery while out of the country?:rofl::rofl::rofl::shocked:
  6. Shocking how that front spring had almost completely collapsed ! Whoever built the hut seems to have done a very good job, and at least it did provide some protection and provided a way to help preserve a chassis that other wise would have gone to the scrape yard long ago .
  7. Welcome Durkee Atwood, to the Forum the friendliest place on the tin-ternet .
  8. Thank you for the rest of the story. I had seen the clip and thought it a poor fake.
  9. I did a google search and found this site with a number of his poems but did not locate his "Grass" yet His WW1 poems are dated 1914-1915. http://carl-sandburg.com/POEMS.htm looking at other sites , grass is dated 1918 here is a site with comments about it. http://www.cummingsstudyguides.net/Guides3/Grass.html
  10. Found this in the latest issue of Military History Magazine , reading and thinking how time changes What we see and how we interpret the world around Us. Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo Shovel them under and let me work- I am the grass;I cover all And pile them high at Gettysburg and pile them high at Ypres and Verdun. Shovel them under and let me work. Two years ten years, and passengers ask the conductor. What place is this? Where are we now? I am the grass. Let me work. by Carl Sandburg
  11. I took the photo at the portsmouth southsea D-day event in June 1989 . I have posted more photo's from that trip on a thread I think by the same title , I think others had made some comments about it . Thats all I know of it .

  12. Found this site and had to share it . if you scroll down there is a HMV connection with a tank ,It says they can even do custom art work from a photo you supply , while not cheap it would make passers by do a double take ! hehehehe http://www.tonyrogers.com/humor/garagedoors.htm
  13. Harry7134 and Adam Elsdon ,That's the kind of detail that keeps this Forum alive !! Feel free to add any other thoughts or stories as you find places to post them .
  14. It's the catacombs under Paris isn't it ? when they combined all the above ground cemeteries into the old under underground quarries.
  15. seems it would be very handy to carry along a CO2 extinguisher or water to cool the fuel lines if this happened again .
  16. Very neet and tidy. Its come quite aways , Really outstanding work !
  17. Welcome Harry7134 I have another photo of a Halftrack like your avatar photo .
  18. In the eleventh photo it would seem the crew enjoyed a very through mud bath . Great looking vehicles , especially the engineering models.
  19. You must have a few stories to tell of your time in the military . Welcome to the HVMF club house , Usual new joining members chores to do before being allowed into the bar and the combination Stalwart play lake and member swimming area
  20. Whats the lay out of the controls as in which side are they located , foot brake ? shift ? Clutch ? front brake?
  21. A good measure on tracked vehicles to see if you have the ability to keep one maintained , I think is the ratio of running time or play time to maintenance time .As in for every hour you run a tracked vehicle how much time do you need to spend working on it . Perhaps those member who own a tracked vehicle can fill in the details on the chores that they have to do to theirs such as track adjustment , greasing , track and running gear inspection .mileage of tracks and or track pads .
  22. A good looking find from what you have shown , only time will tell when you start digging into the mechanicals and find out if things there as good as the outside looks.
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