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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. storage for some none eatable material , that's cylindrical in shape.
  2. several other clips on this conversion of putting an aircraft/ tank radial engine in to the smallest possible car body! Something went wrong... building the transmission Something went wrong... driving the car Something went wrong...
  3. I hoped someone would post this and see you did . He was the last British WWI vet , are there any other WW1 vets in the world or was he the Last one.
  4. Yes indeed thanks for posting the link , a verity of vehicles .....M113 , Stalwart amoung others.
  5. Guess you might get a few pounds for turning in all the old copper for scrap ....no where near what the new tubes will cost you .At least the replacements are available and will not be of the one of a kind custom hand made sort.Best to get a few extras as you may find more as you rebuild the radiator
  6. Although progress may be slow at times , There will be those days off or periods of getting lots of things done . It's a hobby after all , and lots of others are in the same way ... family time ,tight money , limited hobby time Don't give up We'll be here to look over your shoulder when asked , well some will be peeking all the time to tell the truth .
  7. Yes very good to have friends with things like Wreckers around the place when you have heavy objects to maneuver about . Keep Us posted as your restorations progress.
  8. link to Military trader site : MV Glossary good general information http://www.militarytrader.com/mvglossary/#B
  9. link to more info on the GTB http://www.olive-drab.com/idphoto/id_photos_gtb.php3 another link http://www.ewarbirds.org/vehicles/1943fordburmajeep.html another link an interesting story http://www.azdrivermag.com/PDF_VehicleFeatures/AZD8-3_MJ09_NNburmajeep.pdf
  10. found a number of yrs ago on the side of the road waiting to be restored
  11. There is an outfit in Tusla Oklahoma called Khaki corps who import British armour and wheeled vehicles currently showing ferret mk2/3 , fv432 apc and (2) Stalwart's just to name a few phone is 1-918-698-1955 or www.khakicorpsimports.com
  12. I m sure she's looking better and more complete as each repaired and or repainted part is added to the puzzle . Its in better shape now than when it left the factory !
  13. Understand completely , You do what you can when you can . Many of Us are in the same position tiring to enjoy our vehicles on limited budgets while looking for limited good used parts or the increasingly rare N.O.S. ones .
  14. Very nice M54 Maverick . what are the additional row of lower fastners for I see along the lower sill of the cargo body ? What engine do you have in it , multi fuel , gas or turbo?
  15. Jim How are the rest of the road wheels doing ? the one behind the one that failed looks to be about to fail its self as corrosion seems to be lifting the rubber.
  16. :tup:: You could be right , private roads or on base and all . just makes for a bad example / impression.
  17. It seems he missed the stop sign at 6:56 . While the new tracks seem to handle the higher speeds permitted by both the lighter tacks and the bigger engines , what of all the bearings in the drive line road wheels and return rollers , how long could you drive a sherman at what spped before you would need to let it cool down or regrease things ?
  18. I ll say he seems to cut his grass extremely close , or it could just be green painted concrete?
  19. I ve wondered where the term "Burma Jeep" originated from ? And what of the odd way the passenger seat is mounted , I take it there is no leg room on that side so its turned sideways ?
  20. Thanks for posting , Dont recall ever hearing of the series , will put it on my list of things to get omce things pick up again.
  21. How many hours are needed to reach that stage and how many till its completed?
  22. An outstanding attitude to have , I m sure you will have a steady growth in your show by staying a bit flexible and open minded !
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